Sunday, March 20, 2011

'Sonny & Cher' Splash out at the Hostel

Dear reader, there are moments when the moniker applied just jumps out of me loaf when new guests of the hostel are met.  Mind, thinking self rather clever helps...

A few days past, two lovely folks from Escondido arrived at the hostel.  Rather special these two were as the chap had gone to high school with Scott.  Can it be that folks remember back that far?

The Southland Duo arrived with the right attitude in Hilo.  Met with Aloha, they dumped travel bags in room and proceeded to get into the spirit of the holiday.  They were on holiday and were not bloody likely to let one moment of, slip by without enjoyment.  The perfect guests for the hostel, being of the mind that there was much to do and so little time to do it all in.

The lovely lady is much like Cher, what with the dramatic hair and the colourful outfits.  The chap being like Sonny, fancied himself in control, rather than being controlled, and added to the fashion statement by parading round in leisure shorts that defied description.  Much favoured pair of shorts being the sort that is a walking advert for a baseball team, a not so clever one, and another pair of walking short, the sort best worn on the golf course to scare off the squirrels.  Or to put off the other ball whackers...

With panache, the lovely Southlanders made way to the showers each morn and got selves steeled for a brilliant cup of Kona Coffee.  Mind, there were a few trips to a local eatery for a cook up.

The vehicle was used to get round to the varied sights offered in Hilo, and they be many.  One trip was to don mask and fins to get up close and personal with the fish.

The brilliant chap fancies himself quite the 'Gordon Ramsey' and he set about in the kitchen preparing a most excellent dip made out of avocadoes.  Not the small sort found in the market back home but the massive bowling ball sized ones found in Hawaii.  Quick with the knife our guest be and he made sort work of all of the things going into the dip. Went so far as to make his own chips.  Fancy that...

Who travels with own meat?  Our very own "Sonny & Cher' do.  Packed in ice was an offering to Scott of pork.  No ordinary pork, the best parts of a home grown sow from California.  Gives a whole new meaning to packing 'light'.  I must tell true, the evening meal put together was lovely.

Holidays go by rather quickly and the sands of time are moving with speed.  In no time at all, the lovely guests will return to normal life, if raising four children can be called normal.  Rumour has it that both are returning to the challenge of new jobs.  One rather thinks that the lovely time had in Hilo will make the switch very easy.

The charm of meeting folks known to one most treasured is that it is like slicing a cake.  Each slice of the cake offers a new insight into the person held dear.  A real treat to see what sort of folks one surrounds self with. 

'Sonny & Cher' be not the real names of the newly met folks.  Jeffery(with a hard accent on the Jeffery) and Alicia be real names.  Lovely to see folks who have stayed 'together' through 'thick & thin' and are still on speaking terms.

Saturday past, it rained frogs in Hilo.  Made for the sort of day a lovely custard and brilliant cuppa would do nicely on.  The custard got turned out to be most excellent, was eyed by other guests at hostel.  Mind, there be some who do not fancy a lovely custard, but that was not the case with a lady from UK or a chap from OZ.  Do you think it be a Brit thing.   I must confess that Scott is not a member of the 'I adore Custard Club'.  That did not stop 'Sonny & Cher', MOI, Wilhelm or the lovely lady from UK from tucking into.  Such a feast, and to think the tea was passed on...

'and the beat goes on'...

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