Monday, March 7, 2011


My dears, this old geezer is way ahead of you cheeky lot who are avid readers.  Knowing that this post will sound like a 'for the birds' story, have used a snap of me taken last year.  Let us see if you like this tale...

The M&M Girls are really two lovely ladies of a certain age.  I wanted to use their names but they decided that it would be best if I used the afore used moniker.  It comes from them and they were right cheeky in giving it.

The pair are quite different in personality, one is more the tour guide and the other is the willing follower on adventures planned.  Am told that the ladies met through a church group both belonged to and hit it off like a house on fire from step one.

The tour guide is most interesting.  This lady had travelled round the world.  Backpacked through Africa, when it was a different sort of place than now, and landed in one hot spot after another, only to have folks keep from getting in harm's way.  Staying at hostels is no new experience for this lady.  She tells of being quite young and staying in a hostel in Europa that was but a large room with everyone sleeping on the floor.  Mind, she also slept in numerous places that this old geezer would not have, even when he was younger.

The M&M Girls shared digs at a hostel as a team for the first time in Dublin.  The lovely lady who was new to this sort of accommodations was won over and the pair of them travelled round Ireland doing the hostel bit.

When the M&M Girls planned their adventure to Hawaii, the tour guide worked hard at finding the right hostels for them to visit.  Hilo was on list of places to visit and they were booked into the Hilo Bay Hostel.

Prior to landing in Hilo, the lovely ladies had spent some time on another island and stayed at a hostel there.  The point of this post is not to trash another hostel so it will not be named, needless to say, it was not a great experience and one of the M&M Girls was not in good spirits.  Food stolen, a bad fall and lack of interest on part of hostel keepers to needs of guests had left a bad taste.

"The minute I climbed the stairs and say the public space of the Hilo Bay Hostel, I knew that all was going to be right in my world and I had nothing to fear"; said one of the lovely ladies to me.  "Everything about our stay was perfect.  The room and all of the warmth of the place as well as the other folks met, not to mention the staff".  Fancy that...

Dear reader, would it be acceptable to say that the lovely lady gushed as she spoke of her stay at the hostel.  Mind, one of the lovely ladies proclaimed MOI as her new best friend.  Had I known that providing a bin bag for rain cover and a warm bit of bread had that effect on folks would have taken to offering both ages ago.  Truth be told,  the Hilo Bay Hostel prides self on trying to make all who spend the night feel like a part of the family.  Truly.

The M&M Girls told this old geezer that the reception received by them at the hostel, re-ignited their love for Hawaii.  They were leaving with buckets of ALOHA to remember Hilo by.

As if the lovely things told by the M&M Girls was not enough, this old geezer had another encounter with a guest on the pavement.  The chap was travelling with girl friend, two young spirits from France on an extended holiday.  Being ever so young and full of adventure, they too felt that time spent at the Hilo Bay Hostel was a most excellent adventure.  WOW...

There you have it, two different takes on the hostel from folks quite different.  Mind, Scott has worked right hard to make sure that one and all who climb the stairs to the hostel are most welcome.  Besides, when did having a most excellent adventure have an age requirement?

If you will note, I am wearing a white shirt in the above snap.  There is no poo.  No wellies on feet...

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