Thursday, March 31, 2011
Dear reader, this old geezer would love to lay claim to knowing in a tick that the gentleman to be discussed was a superior person. Not having the 'gift of sight', that will have to be a mystery...
Ascending the stairs one day some weeks past, 'Andre- The Giant'(to be known hereafter as just "Andre") it was clear that someone 'larger than life' had arrived. Tall our Andre was, with a massive frame and feet so large that his trainers looked like pontoons. One was going to have to give a look at this one. Booking in for a three week stay, there would be ample time to catch the story of Andre.
For such a large chap, our Andre was a bit on quiet side. One caught him on the computer or sitting reading his electronic book, but on the whole, Andre was a wee bit like a 'fly on the wall'. You just knew he was soaking in all of the atmosphere.
Bit by bit, our Andre was drawn out, and to be true, it was lovely to discover that underneath the 'bit of rough' exterior was a very warm and most interesting fellow. Our Andre has a very unique laugh when amused and it began to be heard.
Andre was the perfect guest, and one would know this as he was in the dorm for the whole visit and not nary an unkind comment was ever passed.
Some come to Hilo to holiday, others come to escape from something or someone, our Andre came to the Big Island to start anew. Having been so many things at young age, he had cast his lot to being a part of the family of folks who make Hawaii their home. Hilo was first choice but the reality of job and more permanent housing had Kona turn out to be the place settled.
With vehicle newly arrived from mainland, it was time to say good-bye to Andre. The island of Hawaii is not so big that we will not see Andre again, it is known for folks in Kona to travel to Hilo, and one fully expects to see Andre in the future.
What was not to like about a bloke who paste a snap of self with a massive fish caught, on cover of computer, or possesses the superior taste of developing a habit of reading me blog...
Andre departed Hilo with the good wishes of all, that be Scott, Terry, Justin and the old geezer upon him and the fervent hope that the future is bright for.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I'm On My Way'
Having banged on about the bloody rain in Hilo, it came to this old geezer that a little re-enforcement was needed by way of a clever tune, as to the many varied folks who make their way here. Like the tune, many languages are spoke at the hostel in Hilo, folks who came upon the town not quite sure what wondrous things would be seen here. To some it is the possibility of see real 'hot' lava flowing, others get high looking at the stars, while there be many clever folks who like to hike, and hike and hike. Truth be told there be many things to enjoy in Hilo. Hilo is still very much HERE, as is all of Hawaii, do you not feel it calling YOU?
Dear reader, did this old geezer ever mention that it rains in Hilo, Hawaii? Rumour has it that the wet stuff comes down at the rate of 150 inches a year. What a lot of rain.
When first contemplated, Hilo seemed a poor choice given the fact of the rain. Hang on, this old geezer thought, have there not been other locales lived where the wet stuff came down in buckets? London sprang to mind and you all know how high that place is held by MOI.
The rain is - how does one put it - just there. Mostly, it will be a wet pavement in the morn, as it rains oft during the night. From time to time, it will pour and then just stop and turn into a most glorious day.
Of late, the rain has been a presence. Last two days has seen massive amounts. Perfect 'raining frogs' days.
Truth be told, it is possible that the rain was most horrid where I was and perfectly lovely just down the road.
If you come, or should I say, when you come to Hilo, you will see a most perfect 'green' place to wander in. I have yet to get rain gear, that is how of little import the rain is to me. You get right clever in dodging rain drops, and knowing where all of the awnings are...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
C'est Moi, n'est-ce pas?
Dear reader, the great event that was me birthday has passed. The day ended with the skies raining frogs down upon Hilo, a sign surely from the heavens that what the trials of year were have been washed away to make way for a more different year to come.
This old geezer is of the opinion that he is noteworthy. A gentleman of exceptional fare. 'C'est Moi'...
Are we not all capable of being a bit full of self. Should we not be. What is the game in wallowing in self pity and low self esteem?
I have survived. There were many who doubted that this old geezer would make it this far or achieve any thing of value. How very easy it would have been to given into a self fulfilling prophecy.
I did not arrive at this point in time without a little help from trusted friends. Me path of life has been lined with folks who took opportunity to champion me cause. A mentor who helped get a superior education, gifted teachers, a long time companion much loved, clever people who shared the secret of cleverness with.
There be the compassionate folks who taught the art of giving back. The fighters who instilled a bit of mettle in me backbone.
C'est Moi. I do bang on a bit. Is it not better to proclaim brilliance than to go on endlessly about tragic circumstances? I rather think that the colours picked by this old geezer to highlight self, while loud to some, do suit rather well.
Truth be told, I am all too aware of short comings. This old geezer is not the last word in IT, but am quite comfy with being in the higher numbers of...
So long as every attempt is made to surround self with brilliant folks who help to add to rather than detract from life, this old geezer will continue to thrive, of this I have no doubt. I matter, to meself and to the folks who have come to mean something to. There is an obligation to continue on.
This old geezer is of the opinion that he is noteworthy. A gentleman of exceptional fare. 'C'est Moi'...
Are we not all capable of being a bit full of self. Should we not be. What is the game in wallowing in self pity and low self esteem?
I have survived. There were many who doubted that this old geezer would make it this far or achieve any thing of value. How very easy it would have been to given into a self fulfilling prophecy.
I did not arrive at this point in time without a little help from trusted friends. Me path of life has been lined with folks who took opportunity to champion me cause. A mentor who helped get a superior education, gifted teachers, a long time companion much loved, clever people who shared the secret of cleverness with.
There be the compassionate folks who taught the art of giving back. The fighters who instilled a bit of mettle in me backbone.
C'est Moi. I do bang on a bit. Is it not better to proclaim brilliance than to go on endlessly about tragic circumstances? I rather think that the colours picked by this old geezer to highlight self, while loud to some, do suit rather well.
Truth be told, I am all too aware of short comings. This old geezer is not the last word in IT, but am quite comfy with being in the higher numbers of...
So long as every attempt is made to surround self with brilliant folks who help to add to rather than detract from life, this old geezer will continue to thrive, of this I have no doubt. I matter, to meself and to the folks who have come to mean something to. There is an obligation to continue on.
Monday, March 28, 2011
"Coffee Break"
There be some known to this old geezer who crave a hot cuppa to add a spark to the day. The Big Kahuna at the hostel being one. Mind, that seems to follow for Justin I and Terry as well. The hostel serves up a brilliant cuppa but it does not measure up to the high standards some expect of the hot beverage. It has to be a real 'jolt'... Lucky for Scott and Justin I, there be a cafe down the road that does just that. 'Skark's' be the name, the very clever outlet owned by "Sharky", the brilliant chap who has the chocolate farm I told you about. This very day, even though this old geezer is lame of leg, he will hobble down to the cafe to get a 'fix' for the chaps at the hostel. Talk about working the handicapped... I will tell true, the cuppa is quite strong, one sort of bounces the rest of the day...
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That Sunday broke on the wet side did nothing to dampen me attitude. It was the public celebration of me birth and this old geezer was going to enjoy every bit of.
Whilst sitting at the computer in hostel, I was gobsmacked to have a group approach with a lighted candle upon a cake for MOI. The Big Kahuna, his brother Dave and lovely wife Solveng, and Terry sang 'Happy Birthday'. Brilliant. This was followed by all sitting down and sharing cake and coffee.
For some time Terry had banged on abut his ability to do most excellent eggy bread. With eggs and bread, the time had come to put the boast to test. As a late morn treat, Terry did the honours with Scott serving. I will tell you true, the breakfast cook up was lovely.
Norman, a new mate to had come in from the country to help this old geezer celebrate. Having not known Norman so long, the invite to join for refreshments was just that, hidden agenda to get more gifts. I was over the moon to receive a lovely candy dish and vase from. No ordinary glass but brilliant, well made stuff, the sort one seeks out at garage sales. I am partial to bright vases, the one given being a rather bright orange/red, with the candy dish a close match. Both will have a useful life in me new suite. Mind, what with the cravings of The Big Kahuna, the candy dish will never be full...
This old geezer being so European in nature waited until the very day of gathering to do a shop. Why not, it be just a wee bit up the road and round corner.
With fresh bread and fixings in trolley, it was mission to get The Cake. What luck to find a very 'pink' cake just waiting to be got. My dear, I must tell true, the cake was veryyyyyyyy PINK. So pink that upon check out, the clerk, in full voice to whole queue said; "Some little girl is so lucky to be getting such a lovely cake." It was too early in the day to get rattled...
At the appointed hour,all was ready to serve up to invited guests. The Big Kahuna (that be Scott), Norman and this old geezer opened a bottle of finest Diet Coke and toasted me birthday. Terry had pressing business at home and had departed, but he had left a lovely card and gift. We felt his spirit and I was gladden by his lovely present. We were joined by Justin I, who was on shift but was able to slip away and have some food.
It was grand. The rain let up, almost as if to give this old geezer a perfect setting in the patio for the gathering. Who could ask for more? The only missing celebrant being Monsieur Albert. Right, he was with a guest and did not need cake.
Which brings me to the subject of the above snap.
Have you ever seen this old geezer look happier? One who knows Robert well commented on the fact that it made one feel that the old geezer was most happy. He be quite right. This old geezer is most happy and will not doubt be all smiles this day as well. I be very lucky indeed.
Happy Birthday to MOI...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My dears, do you not muse from time to time?
As I walked to me favoured place for a morning cuppa I caught meself doing just that. What with the happenings planned for this day and all. As usual, a clever tune from a film remembered sprang into me loaf. Fancy that...
As this old geezer sees it, it is the giving back, not the taking, in life that matters most. How many lovely birthdays shared do I recall. Many...
I remember celebrating John's birth, in so many different ways. He is much remembered. As is Paul.
I remember seeing the pure joy on the face of little Jimmy, two years past. He was most fortunate, being able to celebrate his birth and Christmas all in the same period. Wee little lad with so much wonder about. As I recall of his dad, James the senior. Massive chap with a kind heart. Makes one proud to know that he, James, has made good on the gifts given and is now doing good in his part of the world.
I must tell true, I am looking forward to this day and tomorrow, me 'official' birthday, with undiluted pleasure.
Stay tuned, the thoughts are not through flowing...
Faithful readers will be 'au fait' with this old geezer's blatant display of birthday mood. For the past few years, the big day has come and gone with much fanfare, mostly on me part...
Feeling somewhat regal, MOI has decided to have the official celebrations day early. Point of fact, it makes perfect sense in Hawaii, as the whole world knows we be on different time. My nearest and dearest will have it much easier to help the old geezer make note of a new year in life.
' Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.'DavidCopperfield Being a very public diarist has its rewards, one has the satisfaction of hearing back from the folks one touches with writing. If one is honest, and this old geezer like to think of self as honest, what one reveals for the diary will be a true account so far is allowed by the knowledge known to the writer. There be many things shared with the dear reader over the past years, giving a clever follower of diary all needed to check back.
I feel it is only fair to warn that this old geezer has worn copy of 'David Copperfield' opened to reference me most favoured quotes from. Charles Dickens is highly valued as authour and this old geezer has enjoyed a life long love of his books.
'My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest.'..... This year, more than others, the quote drawn from Dickens bears fuller meaning. After a bad fall from the path of life, this old geezer has pulled self up, brushed off and gone on with journey. Mind, me path has been made clearer by the good fortune of meeting up with most excellent guides. With help, what one believes to be of import has been revealed.
'Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!'
Truth be told, I have been much blessed. Blessed in always getting the very best of advice from. When it appeared that MOI had gone off his game, the shout from the remembered pages of 'Copperfield' sprang out from the encouragement of folks close to. It would seem that this old geezer is not prone to having mates who be shy in telling true what one must do. Brilliant.
Pray forgive me moments of profoundness, it seems to come upon me at times when I try to mark the passing years. It truly does not suit MOI to pontificate...
As you no doubt have discovered by listening to the filmed bit, I am at heart this day going to be a bit silly. I will no doubt eat too much food and have more than one slice of cake. What is the purpose of a diet if not to place on hold for a day... I will bask in the good cheer of the day.
Trifles make the sum of life....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
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Photo by Peter Sur - Tribune-Herald |
The other day, the GRAND OPENING of the new Safeway made the front page of the local newspaper. Mind, this being Hilo, Hawaii, is is right odd just what is of such import that our local rage does a reportage on and place it above the fold. The recent opening of a new and improved McDonald's comes to mind.
I digress...
With much fanfare the new market opened. There was even a presentation done by a local hula group, making it the first and only time one will be able to walk the shiny new floors of the market without slippers.
By the thousands, folks queued up to get into the new market and drool over all of the lovely items for sale. For the fortunate few, there were even 'free' samples of the lovely 'expensive' items available to hurl into the trolley. Fancy that...
For you who have not visited Hawaii, you be not 'au fait' with how dear' filling the trolley can be on a visit to the local market. What one takes for granted on the mainland is so very much more here in Hilo. Bread for example...
It is such a big deal, this opening of a new market that one well known to MOI had to close down her 'cash & carry' and check out the wares. Pam, sister to the Big Kahuna at the hostel, was more than happy to slap her slippers on the floor and scoop up all of the delights offered. Rumour has it that Pam also managed to get a wee bit drunk on the outing. I did not know that 'free' tastings of the hard stuff was offered as well.
Truth be told, the new market does not hold much appeal for this old geezer. Not owning a private vehicle, it is not likely that this old geezer will be pushing his trolley down the isles of, any time soon. Quite near the hostel is a "Sack & Save", or as I call it "Drool & Cry". Me trolley is always on the 'near empty' side when I go to settle up. Bare cupboards were never so easy, as is the clean icebox...
Truth be told, there be guests at the hostel who run to local 'health food' market and come back with items that are bloody dear. Honey for $11.00, eggs for $7.00 and a thin slice of 'organic' cheesecake for well over a fiver. Being on holiday and healthy is bloody expensive.
This old geezer will continue to shop the bargains at local market and continue life long habit of consuming food that will 'live forever'...
Bon Appetit...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Dear reader, allow this old geezer to tell the tale of two weddings...
Some time back the hostel received a booking from two 'Honeymooners' from Belgium. The email received went to great lengths to let the hostel know that 'they' were on 'honeymoon'. Mind, the booking failed to tell that the 'honeymooners' had celebrated the great event some 9 months prior to arrival or that the 'honeymooners' had been dining out on the great event ever since.
Last looked, the lovely couple were not royalty and not on the 'Grand Tour', more like '' or that the endless banging on about the great event was a shameless attempt to get wedding treats. Like the bottle of wine, late 2010, the couple displayed with massive plate of pasta in the kitchen. Had the cheek they did to ask for a rather smart box as a memento as departing gift upon check-out...
Our very own 'night porter', His Holiness, Justin I, is also being swept up in nuptial madness, not his but that of best mate. Seems His Holiness has been asked to be 'supporter' to his best mate's hitching. Fancy that...
His Holiness, Justin I, has lived in Hilo too long, daily costume leans to shorts, t-shirt and slippers. Simply will not do for such a grand occasion. Hence the running round in search of proper attire for big day. Mind, His Holiness is travelling on the cheap, 'standby', and has to show some fashion sense on the plane as well.
Over the spin cycle of the washing machine, this old geezer was given a look at the newly acquired sartorial splendour Justin I will step out in. Black box-toed shoes, neutral toned trousers and a rather loud stripped coloured shirt. All set off with a brilliant new belt that can be reversed...
I be gobsmacked at the cleverness of His Holiness.
What tales will we, the left behind, be regaled with upon His Holiness' return from the mainland?
I rather think that 'Jesus'would have a right good giggle on this. Mind, do not know for a fact but He was known to like a good time, remember the wedding feast and lack of wine....
Imagine you are on holiday and you drop your money clip on the pavement and are unaware of the loss. Imagine the horror of discovering the loss and racing back to the last place the lolly was snug in your trouser pocket. Imagine the gutted feeling of having your holiday go pear shaped due to lack of.
A few days back, two lovely guests of the hostel went through such an experience. The sum lost was large enough that it would have made a huge difference in how they holiday would unfold, and happened early enough that it would have been the lasting impression of the visit to Hilo.
Imagine how gobsmacked the lovely couple were to find on the pavement the note featured in the snap above.
A very lovely and honest young employee of a shop visited, found the money clip on the pavement outside the shop. Thinking that the folks who lost might come looking for, she placed the note on the pavement. The thinking being that the owners of the money clip would be looking down on the pavement and would see the note.
They did indeed...
The guests of the hostel were re-united with their 'lolly' and also got a lesson in ALOHA - Hilo Style. One I rather think will stay with for a long time. The amount lost was large enough and without name, giving the finder ever reason to place in own pocket. The lovely young lady did not see it that way and made a good effort to return. Talk about grand...
Sadly, not all losses have a happy ending. Oft, a traveller booking into the hostel will tell the tale of loss suffered while on the road. To some, the loss is enough to ruin the rest of the holiday, forcing an early return to home, as was the case with a chap from France.
Truth be told, there be travellers who tell tales of loss and that is not the case, but that is a different story.
This old geezer has come to know first hand how lovely folks in Hilo be. The lovely lady in the shop is not unique, there was also the example of the taxi driver who upon discovering a rather expensive camera left, drove round to all of his stops until he found the person who had left in the taxi. On his own time and at his expense. The guest at hostel was 'over the moon' at the return of camera.
There be loads of reasons to come to Hilo but surely it mostly has to do with discovering ALOHA. A word heard oft in Hawaii and round the world, one that means so very much more than 'hello'.
I rather think that the guests who had 'lolly' returned were much filled with ALOHA all of holiday and have taken it back with when departed.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It has been noted by a wicked mate to this old geezer that much related is by way of a Broadway tune. Fancy that...
My dears, as the tune suggest, there is no future in sitting alone in a room someplace feeling 'blue'. To quote Wilde; 'either the wallpaper goes or I go.' Mind poor Oscar was feeling like death and wanted to depart. You be 'au fait' with the feelings of this old geezer, my departure from the adventure of life is 'on hold'.
Where ever you the reader may be, it is possible to create much excitement in life. One has to but open a few windows or doors and let the music of life in.
This old geezer is most fortunate, the load music of life surrounds daily. Helped along no doubt by the extraordinary circumstances of where me hat hangs. Mind, all would be for naught if one kept to self.
So I bang on endlessly of the hostel, what of it, I rather think the cacophony of fun loving visitors is most soothing. Makes one remember the adventures of old and discover a few new ones.
Just the other day, two lovely ladies from Oregon, showed a bonnet bought. A most 'pink' bonnet. What made it so very special was that it was woven entirely of paper. I never...
I rather think that folks on holiday are no different than folks toiling away back home. How sad that some do not venture out of their comfort zone. Rather odd to travel to an island and sit in front of a computer chatting with mates on Facebook.
I must remind self of the saying inked on the arm of a guest just departed, 'Carpe Diem', even if the weather is a wee bit horrid, there are still adventures to be had.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The dawn has broke on a new day and this old geezer prepares to face this day with pluck and good cheer.
Some time back, Scott pulled MOI aside and told that it had come to in a vision what the role the old geezer was to play at the hostel. It seems that in OZ, the council hires folks to do a bit of work in buildings. Their function is to pour the tea and do a wee bit of cleaning up. "Tea & Tidy" they be known as.
You be 'au fait' with this old geezer's love of a moniker applied and it stands to reason that such should be applied to as well. Gobsmacked I be that such a clever one was found.
On any given day you will find this old geezer making sure that the kettle is on, there be plenty of coffee, loads of clean cups and massive amounts of sugar (while the guests of the hostel be quite keen on eating healthy, they do love the sweets) and me cleaning cloth and brush at the ready.
I love it...
The hostel takes pride in the cleanliness of the showers and the loos. Making sure that the rooms are sorted out and all of the beds are ready for the next wave of guests is of great import as well.
This old geezer looks forward to directing arrivals to reception and to making sure that all are made to feel right at home. Mind, that is not to detract from the brilliant welcome given by Terry or Scott. They be much put upon at times and this old geezer has the opportunity to fill in the welcome.
How fortunate I be to have such an important role to play. With so many lovely folks to look after it is a pure pleasure to climb the stairs with name plate attached to work shirt to start another eventful day.
That the hostel sparkles is the work of more than the resident 'Tea & Tidy' factotum, His Holiness Justin I is also responsible for keeping the hostel in order. Nightly, Justin I, makes sure that the kitchen and loos are sorted out before dousing the lamps at 'quiet time'.
Can you truly say that you are so keen to face your day? A little song in throat as you set off?
Some time back, Scott pulled MOI aside and told that it had come to in a vision what the role the old geezer was to play at the hostel. It seems that in OZ, the council hires folks to do a bit of work in buildings. Their function is to pour the tea and do a wee bit of cleaning up. "Tea & Tidy" they be known as.
You be 'au fait' with this old geezer's love of a moniker applied and it stands to reason that such should be applied to as well. Gobsmacked I be that such a clever one was found.
On any given day you will find this old geezer making sure that the kettle is on, there be plenty of coffee, loads of clean cups and massive amounts of sugar (while the guests of the hostel be quite keen on eating healthy, they do love the sweets) and me cleaning cloth and brush at the ready.
I love it...
The hostel takes pride in the cleanliness of the showers and the loos. Making sure that the rooms are sorted out and all of the beds are ready for the next wave of guests is of great import as well.
This old geezer looks forward to directing arrivals to reception and to making sure that all are made to feel right at home. Mind, that is not to detract from the brilliant welcome given by Terry or Scott. They be much put upon at times and this old geezer has the opportunity to fill in the welcome.
How fortunate I be to have such an important role to play. With so many lovely folks to look after it is a pure pleasure to climb the stairs with name plate attached to work shirt to start another eventful day.
That the hostel sparkles is the work of more than the resident 'Tea & Tidy' factotum, His Holiness Justin I is also responsible for keeping the hostel in order. Nightly, Justin I, makes sure that the kitchen and loos are sorted out before dousing the lamps at 'quiet time'.
Can you truly say that you are so keen to face your day? A little song in throat as you set off?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My dears, even a visit to local petrol station is fodder for me blog...
As this old geezer is want to do each morn, a trip to me local petrol station was made. Craving a lovely cup of coffee is the main reason but am fond of chatting with the lovely lady who labours there.
Bit of a rush this AM have me queue up behind a lady who was in dire need of a gasp. Shaking as she wrote a check, she waited with bated breath as the 'worthiness' of the piece of paper was checked. It was declined and the lady left the store. I, on the other hand, purchased me cuppa and headed to pavement to enjoy me own ciggies. The smokeless lady seemed to be one of Hilo's homeless, as she was cross road at the neighbourhood homeless drop-in centre. Curious I was when she re-entered the petrol station and again tried to get her packet of ciggies. This time she used a bank card. This too was declined.
Rather smugly, this old geezer went back for second cuppa and was rewarded with a coupon for a 'FREE' chocolate bar. Doubly blessed I be, having received a 'FREE' first cuppa, only to be more richly rewarded for me patronage.
Being ever so clever with me cash, I use a customer loyalty card at the petrol station and the 'FREE' items add up. I do so love to start day with a lovely gift...
As this old geezer is want to do each morn, a trip to me local petrol station was made. Craving a lovely cup of coffee is the main reason but am fond of chatting with the lovely lady who labours there.
Bit of a rush this AM have me queue up behind a lady who was in dire need of a gasp. Shaking as she wrote a check, she waited with bated breath as the 'worthiness' of the piece of paper was checked. It was declined and the lady left the store. I, on the other hand, purchased me cuppa and headed to pavement to enjoy me own ciggies. The smokeless lady seemed to be one of Hilo's homeless, as she was cross road at the neighbourhood homeless drop-in centre. Curious I was when she re-entered the petrol station and again tried to get her packet of ciggies. This time she used a bank card. This too was declined.
Rather smugly, this old geezer went back for second cuppa and was rewarded with a coupon for a 'FREE' chocolate bar. Doubly blessed I be, having received a 'FREE' first cuppa, only to be more richly rewarded for me patronage.
Being ever so clever with me cash, I use a customer loyalty card at the petrol station and the 'FREE' items add up. I do so love to start day with a lovely gift...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
It may well be that booking a stay at a hostel is not suited for all. More's the pity that, as you never know what will unfold during your stay.
Allow this old geezer to illuminate the situation for you.
Last night was most interesting, might well have had something to do with the fact that it rained frogs in Hilo during the day. The damp brought out originality...
There was the chap from Germany who was cooking up a rather large meal, with the aid of his lovely wife, in preparation for the rigours of the Hilo Marathon to take place in the wee hours of Sunday more. Our next arrival was a lovely lady from the mainland who also was going to run, mind she being a wee bit reserved. Then there were the two ladies from Japan. The guests from Japan were no fools, there were signed on but for 3.1 miles of the marathon.
Unfolding in the kitchen was another act. A lovely lady from German, what a lot of Germans there be, had a rather smart Merlot decanting on the counter, one that had a more promising bouquet than taste. She was of the mind to share her treasure and was joined by a lady of a certain age, celebrating her birthday and a few younger backpackers.
Returning from a hard day of sightseeing were a group of travellers who were booked into a room. The six adventurers were sharing one of the rooms that had bunk beds. Taking over the sitting area they spread out a large feast of crisps and dip and lovely beverages.
Not to be outdone, a lovely lady from Lichtenstein did a creep up and got invite to join in on the fun.
Whilst all of this was going on a serious student sat at the computer table plugging away with the studies, there was a most important test coming up, and there was no time for a little gaiety. Mind, I did spot a giggle or two coming from her direction.
Sonny & Cher were returned from the shop with fish and chips and a local brew, they took to the patio area.
His Holiness, Justin I, known fondly to most as the 'Night Porter', made up some burgers and even shared with this old geezer.
To be sure, there must have been more going on but this old geezer was rather transfixed by one guest. It seems that this chap has taken to placing tattoos on arms of quotes. 'Carpe Diem' being but one. My dears, how do you top that? Rather think that was what we merry makers at the hostel were doing last night.
Going on holiday is one thing but to return from and boast of 'adventure'.....
With so much fun going on 'upstairs', is it any wonder why this old geezer does not go down? Who needs telly when there is so much drama being played out...
Allow this old geezer to illuminate the situation for you.
Last night was most interesting, might well have had something to do with the fact that it rained frogs in Hilo during the day. The damp brought out originality...
There was the chap from Germany who was cooking up a rather large meal, with the aid of his lovely wife, in preparation for the rigours of the Hilo Marathon to take place in the wee hours of Sunday more. Our next arrival was a lovely lady from the mainland who also was going to run, mind she being a wee bit reserved. Then there were the two ladies from Japan. The guests from Japan were no fools, there were signed on but for 3.1 miles of the marathon.
Unfolding in the kitchen was another act. A lovely lady from German, what a lot of Germans there be, had a rather smart Merlot decanting on the counter, one that had a more promising bouquet than taste. She was of the mind to share her treasure and was joined by a lady of a certain age, celebrating her birthday and a few younger backpackers.
Returning from a hard day of sightseeing were a group of travellers who were booked into a room. The six adventurers were sharing one of the rooms that had bunk beds. Taking over the sitting area they spread out a large feast of crisps and dip and lovely beverages.
Not to be outdone, a lovely lady from Lichtenstein did a creep up and got invite to join in on the fun.
Whilst all of this was going on a serious student sat at the computer table plugging away with the studies, there was a most important test coming up, and there was no time for a little gaiety. Mind, I did spot a giggle or two coming from her direction.
Sonny & Cher were returned from the shop with fish and chips and a local brew, they took to the patio area.
His Holiness, Justin I, known fondly to most as the 'Night Porter', made up some burgers and even shared with this old geezer.
To be sure, there must have been more going on but this old geezer was rather transfixed by one guest. It seems that this chap has taken to placing tattoos on arms of quotes. 'Carpe Diem' being but one. My dears, how do you top that? Rather think that was what we merry makers at the hostel were doing last night.
Going on holiday is one thing but to return from and boast of 'adventure'.....
With so much fun going on 'upstairs', is it any wonder why this old geezer does not go down? Who needs telly when there is so much drama being played out...
'Sonny & Cher' Splash out at the Hostel
Dear reader, there are moments when the moniker applied just jumps out of me loaf when new guests of the hostel are met. Mind, thinking self rather clever helps...
A few days past, two lovely folks from Escondido arrived at the hostel. Rather special these two were as the chap had gone to high school with Scott. Can it be that folks remember back that far?
The Southland Duo arrived with the right attitude in Hilo. Met with Aloha, they dumped travel bags in room and proceeded to get into the spirit of the holiday. They were on holiday and were not bloody likely to let one moment of, slip by without enjoyment. The perfect guests for the hostel, being of the mind that there was much to do and so little time to do it all in.
The lovely lady is much like Cher, what with the dramatic hair and the colourful outfits. The chap being like Sonny, fancied himself in control, rather than being controlled, and added to the fashion statement by parading round in leisure shorts that defied description. Much favoured pair of shorts being the sort that is a walking advert for a baseball team, a not so clever one, and another pair of walking short, the sort best worn on the golf course to scare off the squirrels. Or to put off the other ball whackers...
With panache, the lovely Southlanders made way to the showers each morn and got selves steeled for a brilliant cup of Kona Coffee. Mind, there were a few trips to a local eatery for a cook up.
The vehicle was used to get round to the varied sights offered in Hilo, and they be many. One trip was to don mask and fins to get up close and personal with the fish.
The brilliant chap fancies himself quite the 'Gordon Ramsey' and he set about in the kitchen preparing a most excellent dip made out of avocadoes. Not the small sort found in the market back home but the massive bowling ball sized ones found in Hawaii. Quick with the knife our guest be and he made sort work of all of the things going into the dip. Went so far as to make his own chips. Fancy that...
Who travels with own meat? Our very own "Sonny & Cher' do. Packed in ice was an offering to Scott of pork. No ordinary pork, the best parts of a home grown sow from California. Gives a whole new meaning to packing 'light'. I must tell true, the evening meal put together was lovely.
Holidays go by rather quickly and the sands of time are moving with speed. In no time at all, the lovely guests will return to normal life, if raising four children can be called normal. Rumour has it that both are returning to the challenge of new jobs. One rather thinks that the lovely time had in Hilo will make the switch very easy.
The charm of meeting folks known to one most treasured is that it is like slicing a cake. Each slice of the cake offers a new insight into the person held dear. A real treat to see what sort of folks one surrounds self with.
'Sonny & Cher' be not the real names of the newly met folks. Jeffery(with a hard accent on the Jeffery) and Alicia be real names. Lovely to see folks who have stayed 'together' through 'thick & thin' and are still on speaking terms.
Saturday past, it rained frogs in Hilo. Made for the sort of day a lovely custard and brilliant cuppa would do nicely on. The custard got turned out to be most excellent, was eyed by other guests at hostel. Mind, there be some who do not fancy a lovely custard, but that was not the case with a lady from UK or a chap from OZ. Do you think it be a Brit thing. I must confess that Scott is not a member of the 'I adore Custard Club'. That did not stop 'Sonny & Cher', MOI, Wilhelm or the lovely lady from UK from tucking into. Such a feast, and to think the tea was passed on...
'and the beat goes on'...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Less one think the cheeky chooky dancers did not have staying power, all this old geezer to enlighten you.
This is a very clever group...
Friday, March 18, 2011
G&T Fueled Memories in Hilo
Last night, after a lovely meal at the waterfront, me small band of mates gathered in the patio at the hostel for a brilliant G&T.
The subject of films remembered came up and game was afoot to try and come up with most enjoyed films. As all gathered were a bit long in the tooth, the memories were many. All, this old geezer included had a different take on what was a 'popcorn moment in life'...
This old geezer is of the opinion that it is rather wicked to use a brilliant mobile to jog memories, a bit like using a dictionary whilst playing Scrabble...
With pen flying on paper and queueing up films on Netflix with aid of smart mobile, list was drawn up for future reference by two at gathering. I want to save my intro to the dear reader of the two for a later post, am a bit loathe to give up moniker for them at this point, so will only tell that they be guests of Scott. Scott being one of the mates enjoying a G&T with.
Truth be told, Hilo has a small theatre just a block down the road from the hostel. What makes the theatre so bloody brilliant is that it cost but a $1.50 to see a film there. Films that have played at main theatre before landing in the bargain theatre. Bit of a wait for some films but who is complaining.
With thumbs up and down, the G&T film critics ignored a light rain that fell. It was a most satisfying end to a most enjoyable day in Hawaii...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
'Away Day' at the hostel is always bittersweet. For you you not be 'au fait' with the term 'away day', it is a travel day, going from one place to another. Guests at hostel oft travel from Hilo to another lovely spot on their quest to have a brilliant holiday.
Phyllis, EV & Robert, accent in French on the 'Robert', booked into the hostel for a few days before going on to another stop on the island. Being ever so clever, the two lovely ladies were in the private room and the poor chap in the men's dorm. Odd how that sorted self out, the chap had found the hostel, mentioned it to the ladies, and before you could say 'Aloha', the ladies had booked the last room available. Fancy that.
The lovely ladies had the best room in hostel, the only one with 'private bath', how grand is that...
Meeting over coffee in the morn, this old geezer had a lovely chat with Robert. That is how one meets at hostel, you linger at the table near the kettle and strike up a chat. Turns out that the three guests were visiting from Oregon, the ladies from a fair sized city and Robert a small berg on the coast.
Robert told MOI that the string that tied the three together was love of dance. Seems EV owns a dance studio, specializing in Tango. So strong were the bonds of friendship that the Tango Trio had become Travel Companions. Phyllis seemed to be the 'deal finder', EV the co-pilot and Robert the poor suffering chap in the shadow of two effervescent ladies. Mind, Robert did not seem to be suffering too much, all three got on like a house on fire.
Brilliant guests, they hired a vehicle and spent loads of time checking out the local scene. They were going to soak in as much as possible of the local flavour.
EV never missed an opportunity to chat up her powers as a dance instructor. Both of her travel companions attested to that. Truth be told, one rather guessed that she covered the floor well just by seeing the glow of her face as she talked up the wonder of dance. Have no doubt she get them queued up in Oregon.
The rug was never rolled back at the hostel, had it been, there be no doubt that the old building would have swayed from the beat of the dance...
However sad departure is at the hostel, one is comforted by the knowledge that the spirit left behind by the lovely Tango Trio will linger for some time. There is always next year, they may well return...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dear reader, you are rewarded for your faith in me with another filmed bit. A much improved filmed bit. I can just see the addition of a golden statue on me mantle...
Tell true, you be gobsmacked at the posh view of a private room at the Hilo Bay Hostel. I rather think it shows grand. Mind, the added extra treats on table were for a special booking, but all of the rest is the norm for the room shown.
Now that I have sorted out me camera, there will no doubt be more filmed bits of the goings on at the hostel. There is so much more to share and I have it on good authority that a long term resident of the hostel, a certain Senor Chichi, will be sharing his bird's eye view of the hostel.
This old geezer is determined to dispel any notions that hostels, point of fact, The Hilo Bay Hostel, are on the seedy side. Who would have thought a few quid could get so much comfort...
Pavement View of Hostel
My dears, along with placing words upon page, this old geezer has resumed his filmed bits on YOUTUBE. How grand is that? Truth be told, this latest filmed bit will not win any awards, seems me knack is off a bit. You be very aware that that will improved.
Right, so this old geezer spent massive amount of film time focused on a shop below the hostel. From my point of view, at the time of filming, it all looked perfectly normal. Factually, it proves the point that the hostel occupies the upper floor of the building. Pushing the view of ocean and high ground here...
Let there be no mistake that the hostel is located in Downtown Hilo, one can hear the vehicles driving by, as no doubt can be heard from windows of hostel. Am told that road noise can be right soothing. If there be a problem with, one can always place ear plugs in. I have no problem at all with noise, but then I am hearing impaired...
Give us a kiss for effort, you will be rewarded with more filmed bits that will have no place but up to go in quality. I am playing the audience for a little 'tea & sympathy', truth be told, when I downloaded the film bit, I deleted the original and rubbish or no, had to run with bit left. Problem sorted out and will not get put out in future.
Hilo is still here and the hostel is quite ready to book guests. That being me point...
Right, so this old geezer spent massive amount of film time focused on a shop below the hostel. From my point of view, at the time of filming, it all looked perfectly normal. Factually, it proves the point that the hostel occupies the upper floor of the building. Pushing the view of ocean and high ground here...
Let there be no mistake that the hostel is located in Downtown Hilo, one can hear the vehicles driving by, as no doubt can be heard from windows of hostel. Am told that road noise can be right soothing. If there be a problem with, one can always place ear plugs in. I have no problem at all with noise, but then I am hearing impaired...
Give us a kiss for effort, you will be rewarded with more filmed bits that will have no place but up to go in quality. I am playing the audience for a little 'tea & sympathy', truth be told, when I downloaded the film bit, I deleted the original and rubbish or no, had to run with bit left. Problem sorted out and will not get put out in future.
Hilo is still here and the hostel is quite ready to book guests. That being me point...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I Am What I Am
My dears, I am having a heel clicking moment, right giddy I am at the moment and one and all will just have to get over it. Will be coasting on fumes of much good cheer all this day...
'Til Him'
My dears, call it cheap sentimentality or an over active desire to be dramatic with the Broadway show tunes, I just had to share a little heart pull with you today.
I returned home last night to find that the Birthday Fairy had delivered an early present. Me birthday is not until the 28Th of the month, but who is counting? Actually, I am...
In front of me door was a most brilliantly wrapped package, with a card with. Taking it in, I first went to the card. Say what you will about email, texting and twitter or even Facebook, nothing but nothing s ever going to replace the thrill of holding in hand a card that someone has expressed self on. I can see all of the eyes roll up at that comment, the old geezer is having a 'Hallmark' moment. I am...
With me heart in me throat, Gently pulled off the wrapping paper of gift. I was a most excellent gift, something very thoughtful and sure to bring endless hours if not years of pure pleasure to. A gift that will bring to mind the giver for many a moon to come. I am over the moon at the gift and the gift giver.
For you who be 'Au Fiat' with the style of this old geezer, the use of the above tune will need no explanation, to newbies none will be given. At my age, it is too late to view the world any differently than the way presently comfy with. It may well be that I like being a throwback to a gentler time.
Avid readers of me blog will be clever enough to know that the giver and the gift will not be revealed. That is just the way of it...
No doubt a trip to a shop is required this day, one has to have a little help with the card. Dearly wish I was clever enough to make one, have mates who are but...
I am going to have a lovely day due in no small measure to my appreciation for my good fortune at having such a brilliant friend.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I Love to Travel
My dears, it would seems that there be many who share this old geezer's love of travel. Day after day a steady stream of travellers arrive at the Hilo Bay Hostel. As noted before, one never knows what sort of traveller will arrive.
There are the backpackers, to be sure, but there be so many others as well. Forget what you think you know of who would stay at a hostel, so varied are the guests.
Over the past few months there have been doctors, lawyers, retired folks, military and the brave newcomers to the island as permanent residents. They be young and old. Male and female.
What stories one hears. Many of the guests from Europe have been everywhere. Mind, Hawaii is not 'everywhere' and it is rather nice to see folks so into having a grand holiday. Where else can you see a volcano up close and whales and kissing turtles. Not to mention the abundance of lush greenery.
From time to time a guest will comment on there not being much to Hilo. One wonders what rock they are under or why they bothered to come on holiday in the first place.
Travel is good for the soul. How oft have I seen folks arrive and begin to open up as the days pass. A hike to the water falls, a stroll round the lovely park next door, window shopping on the main road facing the ocean. A night time visit to the observatory to gaze at the stars. Viewing lava up close.
Not to forget the new friends met. If one has been some place, they share the adventure. Before long there are endless stories being told of the best places to stay, eat or grab a hot deal on something to take home.
I rather think that the guests who stay at the hostel leave as much behind as they take with from their travel to Hilo.
So much of times remembered are tied to Broadway Show tunes by this old geezer. Fancy that...
One of the tunes from a show much loved has stayed in me loaf for many a year. That be the tune featured with this post. If you click on the link and listen as you read, you just might get a better sense of how this old geezer relates events of life lived.
Tragic events of recent, had this old geezer much knackered. Was clueless as to how to proceed. The path of life seemed not so inviting and was not sure if the will to continue was strong. Right, a right good cry at the pity pole, but being MOI, I just knew if I hanged on a little longer, things would sort selves out, or so I desperately hoped.
I threw open windows and banged open a few doors, even would have set self on fire, if an old bundle of sticks would burn.
One never knows what next may come, and this old geezer has been blessed with great good fortune. Come to think on, while there have been dark periods in past, the periods of brilliant sunshine are most remembered and of more meaning.
I sort of think that what is meant by this post is one has to have the courage to try and re-invent self. What might have worked in the past, may well not be what is called for in the present. With open heart and a little pluck, the future has to be faced.
My life has been filled with adventure, so much adventure, there was a time that it was felt that my share of had run out. Seems adventure does not stop if one is open to it. People, places and things all contribute to the forward journey. Mind, I will be first to tell that what works for this old geezer may not for others.
I will not always meet lovely folks, there will be a cad or two am sure and not all met will be remembered with undiluted pleasure. I will stumble from time to time. It is hoped that I will continue to pick self up and carry on.
Of late, my life has been so very full of adventure. So much so that it seems I will never run out of things to comment on.
Robert's World came about when had run its course. Both of which were started to share the daily happenings of me life with the whole world. Going from a community activist to what I am now is not so much of a stretch. I observe life. Not so much the down trodden of late, but still people, people who appear to be going about the art of living. From all walks of life and from all over the world. In many ways a much more interesting take on life.
Lucky for this old geezer that life at the hostel presents so rich a view of life. One never knows what or who will come up the grand staircase. What will come in the days ahead is not a running advert for the hostel. It is a slice of life in Hawaii as seen by this old geezer at the placed lived.
Some time back I referred to the hostel as me bolthole. I was wrong. It is me home. I rather think I have pulled into the safe harbour I have been searching for for some time. I am surrounded by much ALOHA. I am needed and wanted. Truth be told, who could dare ask for more?
My dears, I do so hope that you will continue to give a look in from time to time. That you will enjoy the adventures shared with. And in short order get a giggle or two from the filmed bits that will be put up on me channel on YOUTUBE.
Now where is that new window to open...
One of the tunes from a show much loved has stayed in me loaf for many a year. That be the tune featured with this post. If you click on the link and listen as you read, you just might get a better sense of how this old geezer relates events of life lived.
Tragic events of recent, had this old geezer much knackered. Was clueless as to how to proceed. The path of life seemed not so inviting and was not sure if the will to continue was strong. Right, a right good cry at the pity pole, but being MOI, I just knew if I hanged on a little longer, things would sort selves out, or so I desperately hoped.
I threw open windows and banged open a few doors, even would have set self on fire, if an old bundle of sticks would burn.
One never knows what next may come, and this old geezer has been blessed with great good fortune. Come to think on, while there have been dark periods in past, the periods of brilliant sunshine are most remembered and of more meaning.
I sort of think that what is meant by this post is one has to have the courage to try and re-invent self. What might have worked in the past, may well not be what is called for in the present. With open heart and a little pluck, the future has to be faced.
My life has been filled with adventure, so much adventure, there was a time that it was felt that my share of had run out. Seems adventure does not stop if one is open to it. People, places and things all contribute to the forward journey. Mind, I will be first to tell that what works for this old geezer may not for others.
I will not always meet lovely folks, there will be a cad or two am sure and not all met will be remembered with undiluted pleasure. I will stumble from time to time. It is hoped that I will continue to pick self up and carry on.
Of late, my life has been so very full of adventure. So much so that it seems I will never run out of things to comment on.
Robert's World came about when had run its course. Both of which were started to share the daily happenings of me life with the whole world. Going from a community activist to what I am now is not so much of a stretch. I observe life. Not so much the down trodden of late, but still people, people who appear to be going about the art of living. From all walks of life and from all over the world. In many ways a much more interesting take on life.
Lucky for this old geezer that life at the hostel presents so rich a view of life. One never knows what or who will come up the grand staircase. What will come in the days ahead is not a running advert for the hostel. It is a slice of life in Hawaii as seen by this old geezer at the placed lived.
Some time back I referred to the hostel as me bolthole. I was wrong. It is me home. I rather think I have pulled into the safe harbour I have been searching for for some time. I am surrounded by much ALOHA. I am needed and wanted. Truth be told, who could dare ask for more?
My dears, I do so hope that you will continue to give a look in from time to time. That you will enjoy the adventures shared with. And in short order get a giggle or two from the filmed bits that will be put up on me channel on YOUTUBE.
Now where is that new window to open...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Just so you lot who follow me life on this blog do not think am running a constant advert for the Hilo Bay Hostel, I offer up this brilliant tune for your enjoyment.
Mind, this old geezer does think that Scott & Terry DO make most excellent innkeepers...
Mind, this old geezer does think that Scott & Terry DO make most excellent innkeepers...
After a good night's sleep and one good ear no longer ringing from the blaring of the tsunami warning horn, this old geezer is in a better position to give a telling of the events of yesterday morn.
One never knows how folks are going to re-act to having spent the night huddled together in the cold. Some of the hostel guests tried to wile away the hours in hired vehicles and others were at the shelter. There were a few brave souls who kept watch on the road, to be witness to the wall of water that might appear.
With a kettle full of hot water for tea and a lovely pot of fresh brewed coffee, Scott and this old geezer, waited with bated breath to field the anger that might spew forth as guests returned.
Rather quickly, guests knew that it was safe to return and they climbed the stairs to resume their lives on holiday. Some were due to check out and to a person, not a one asked if there was to be a refund for the loss of sleep. Most were of the opinion that it was an adventure and it was good fortune that left one and all well and dry. Guests staying on were more thrilled to find that hot beverages and a hot shower were waiting for them. Taking the refreshing pause, they got quickly sorted out and headed out for aventure.
As always, there were some surprises...
One cheeky bugger had returned to the hostel before the 'all clear' and being ever so slim, was able to squeeze through the narrow opening provided by chain on gate and climb into bed. Bit of a shocker to find a chap 'sawing logs' in a room that was meant to be empty. When wakened, the cheeky bugger told that 'having paid $27.00 for a dorm bed, he bloody well was going to use it, tsunami or no.' He did and at the appointed hour, his departure was requested. Can you imagine?
Remember the fellow refugee in the 'motorhome'? It seems that the thought of being swept away was too much to bear. There has to be a medical word for 'fear of water', mind it seems odd that one would come to an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean if one were afraid of being swept away. I digress...
No sooner was the chap back at hostel, then the luggage was packed and a taxi engaged to get to airport. Seems that fingers were busy on mobile during the night and a ticket leaving Hilo to the eastern coast of the mainland was waiting. Can you imagine how dear it must be to purchase a ticket at the last moment?
The events of Thursday/Friday were an Act of God. This old geezer had no control over and while not wanting to depart so soon, if it was to be, there was not much that could have been done to prevent. I am reminded of a line from a Broadway play much loved; 'Life is a banquet and most poor SOB's are starving...'
I had an adventure. I also learned a wee bit more about human nature. Truth be told, it got me closer to the folks I have the good fortune to have surrounded self with. Life goes on...
To the many faithful readers who emailed this old geezer with concern for safety - 'I'd love to kiss ya, but I just washed me hair' - what little remains...
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shortly after 9pm on Thursday, Scott gave this old geezer the news that a massive earthquake had hit Japan and there were fears of a tsunami hitting Hilo. My dears, the folks of Hilo take the threat of tsunamis very seriously, they well remember 1946 and 1960. In short order, the Tsunami Warning was heard, and this warning would continue to be heard throughout the night.
With almost a full house at the hostel, Scott began alerting folks of what was to come in way of possible evacuation of the hostel. While the Hilo Bay Hostel is located in the old Burns Hotel Building, a building that has been standing in downtown Hilo since 1911, one can never be prepared enough for a possible deadly tsunami. Better safe than sorry is the motto...
Round midnight, Scott had been told that it was necessary to ask all of the guest to head to higher ground. The Tsunami Evacuation Area is just blocks up the road. All guest were told of the shelters opened and a steady stream of guests could be seen leaving the hostel in twos and threes. Some had all of belongings and were going to get in hired vehicle and wait out the tsunami on higher ground. This old geezer noted several headed to the Hilo Public Library, located not far from the hostel and on safe ground.
Scott, aided by Justin, went round to each room and checked to make sure that all guests had departed. A small placard was placed on door of each room to indicate that it was 'empty'. With nearly all guests departed, the last act of Scott was to place a massive chain round the gate to hotel, and to tell one guest that he, Scott, was not going to lock until all were safely from the hostel. A good captain does not leave his ship until last...
Scott invited this old geezer to spend the hours of the night waiting in his 'motorhome'...
Mind, that is if you call a rather small vehicle a motorhome. It did get us up the road and it was comfy, for a refugee camp. Light refreshments were not served and there was no 'onboard' film.
Scott is always good company and the time seemed to fly past. Attempts to get a little sleep did not go well, as the bloody tsunami warning system would blare oft. We two brave souls had to content selves with watching the growing crowd of police gathering to deal with the possible damage. There were massive numbers of folks out to make sure that folks were safe if the worst were to come. At one point, the coppers told us that we might want to get to even higher ground as the time approached from the tsunami to hit Hilo. That must have been round 3am. We did, and they did.
I can tell you true that Scott and I had but the clothes on our backs. OK, perhaps a torch or two and a few bits and bobs in a bag, but not much else. There was no food or beverage.
Round time we headed to higher point, we notice a fellow refugee from the hostel. Eric is a young guest, hearing impaired, who is staying in one of the suites downstairs. Even on his best days, Eric looks like a lost soul and late Thursday/early Friday morn, the poor bugger looked as if he was LOST...
Scott pulled over and another soul was made room for in the 'motorhome'. Eric wasted no time reminding us that he was hungry. How lovely, Scott and I were just beginning to wonder about a little light refreshment. Eric had a large packet of 'tic-tacs' which he made no effort to share. So much for passing round the goodies.
As luck would have it a chap showed up who had a large cup of coffee. 'Ask him where he got it'; Scott got me to do. Turns out there was a cash & carry further up the road. That was all needed to get us going. With a large cuppa and a 'small' biscuit in hand, we three denizens of the 'motorhome' were prepared to face the remains of the night.
Did I mention how small the vehicle was? Or the fact that between the blasting of the tsunami warning and the endless clicking away of the mobile keys by Eric, there was little hope of sleep.
Round daybreak, a local eatery opened for breakfast. Like so many others, we ate and listened to comments of the coppers as to when we might be able to return home. Latest word, that was going to be 8am.
Actually, it was more like 9am, before we were able to return to the hostel and get ready to welcome the returning guests. First order of business was to make sure that the kettle was on and there would be plenty of fresh coffee and tea.
All of the guests had spent the long night in different states of refuge and seemed more or less in the same state of 'lack of sleep' Scott and this old geezer found selves. It was an adventure.
This old geezer came away from the experience with two truths. Tsunamis are no joking matter and the officials of Hilo took it dead serious and could not have been more professional in dealing with the situation.
The main truth of the long night is that if this old geezer has to run for it in the future, Scott is a most excellent fellow traveller to be caught up with. The sort of chap you can imagine sang hymns and held hands on the deck of the Titanic...
With almost a full house at the hostel, Scott began alerting folks of what was to come in way of possible evacuation of the hostel. While the Hilo Bay Hostel is located in the old Burns Hotel Building, a building that has been standing in downtown Hilo since 1911, one can never be prepared enough for a possible deadly tsunami. Better safe than sorry is the motto...
Round midnight, Scott had been told that it was necessary to ask all of the guest to head to higher ground. The Tsunami Evacuation Area is just blocks up the road. All guest were told of the shelters opened and a steady stream of guests could be seen leaving the hostel in twos and threes. Some had all of belongings and were going to get in hired vehicle and wait out the tsunami on higher ground. This old geezer noted several headed to the Hilo Public Library, located not far from the hostel and on safe ground.
Scott, aided by Justin, went round to each room and checked to make sure that all guests had departed. A small placard was placed on door of each room to indicate that it was 'empty'. With nearly all guests departed, the last act of Scott was to place a massive chain round the gate to hotel, and to tell one guest that he, Scott, was not going to lock until all were safely from the hostel. A good captain does not leave his ship until last...
Scott invited this old geezer to spend the hours of the night waiting in his 'motorhome'...
Mind, that is if you call a rather small vehicle a motorhome. It did get us up the road and it was comfy, for a refugee camp. Light refreshments were not served and there was no 'onboard' film.
Scott is always good company and the time seemed to fly past. Attempts to get a little sleep did not go well, as the bloody tsunami warning system would blare oft. We two brave souls had to content selves with watching the growing crowd of police gathering to deal with the possible damage. There were massive numbers of folks out to make sure that folks were safe if the worst were to come. At one point, the coppers told us that we might want to get to even higher ground as the time approached from the tsunami to hit Hilo. That must have been round 3am. We did, and they did.
I can tell you true that Scott and I had but the clothes on our backs. OK, perhaps a torch or two and a few bits and bobs in a bag, but not much else. There was no food or beverage.
Round time we headed to higher point, we notice a fellow refugee from the hostel. Eric is a young guest, hearing impaired, who is staying in one of the suites downstairs. Even on his best days, Eric looks like a lost soul and late Thursday/early Friday morn, the poor bugger looked as if he was LOST...
Scott pulled over and another soul was made room for in the 'motorhome'. Eric wasted no time reminding us that he was hungry. How lovely, Scott and I were just beginning to wonder about a little light refreshment. Eric had a large packet of 'tic-tacs' which he made no effort to share. So much for passing round the goodies.
As luck would have it a chap showed up who had a large cup of coffee. 'Ask him where he got it'; Scott got me to do. Turns out there was a cash & carry further up the road. That was all needed to get us going. With a large cuppa and a 'small' biscuit in hand, we three denizens of the 'motorhome' were prepared to face the remains of the night.
Did I mention how small the vehicle was? Or the fact that between the blasting of the tsunami warning and the endless clicking away of the mobile keys by Eric, there was little hope of sleep.
Round daybreak, a local eatery opened for breakfast. Like so many others, we ate and listened to comments of the coppers as to when we might be able to return home. Latest word, that was going to be 8am.
Actually, it was more like 9am, before we were able to return to the hostel and get ready to welcome the returning guests. First order of business was to make sure that the kettle was on and there would be plenty of fresh coffee and tea.
All of the guests had spent the long night in different states of refuge and seemed more or less in the same state of 'lack of sleep' Scott and this old geezer found selves. It was an adventure.
This old geezer came away from the experience with two truths. Tsunamis are no joking matter and the officials of Hilo took it dead serious and could not have been more professional in dealing with the situation.
The main truth of the long night is that if this old geezer has to run for it in the future, Scott is a most excellent fellow traveller to be caught up with. The sort of chap you can imagine sang hymns and held hands on the deck of the Titanic...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
You be 'au fait' with the fact that the volcano in Hilo, Hawaii, is putting on quite a show these days.
Two lucky guests at the Hilo Bay Hostel had booked their holiday some 4 months ago and had scheduled a helicopter tour of the volcano. It is always a bloody brilliant experience to fly over the volcano area but imagine how bloody brilliant it is to find out that you have arrived just as the volcano is doing its best to splash out with a special show. Kilauea is very active and the show, while not readily available to walk to, is most available on a helicopter.
Imagine if you had seats on a tour that is sold out for days ahead, a tour with the doors open and flying over what has to be one of nature's most brilliant shows. Imagine how you will dine out on the telling of the experience in the months ahead. Talk about having a hot time in Hilo...
The young couple from Canada were over the moon at discovering their good fortune. The cheeky bugger that this old geezer be, asked the chap if he would sell his seats to anyone offering buckets of cash. 'Not bloody likely', the chap tole MOI. I rather think a most excellent adventure awaited the couple.
See what you missed by not being in Hilo?
Two lucky guests at the Hilo Bay Hostel had booked their holiday some 4 months ago and had scheduled a helicopter tour of the volcano. It is always a bloody brilliant experience to fly over the volcano area but imagine how bloody brilliant it is to find out that you have arrived just as the volcano is doing its best to splash out with a special show. Kilauea is very active and the show, while not readily available to walk to, is most available on a helicopter.
Imagine if you had seats on a tour that is sold out for days ahead, a tour with the doors open and flying over what has to be one of nature's most brilliant shows. Imagine how you will dine out on the telling of the experience in the months ahead. Talk about having a hot time in Hilo...
The young couple from Canada were over the moon at discovering their good fortune. The cheeky bugger that this old geezer be, asked the chap if he would sell his seats to anyone offering buckets of cash. 'Not bloody likely', the chap tole MOI. I rather think a most excellent adventure awaited the couple.
See what you missed by not being in Hilo?
My dears, if you have the great good fortune to book accommodations at the Hilo Bay Hostel, the stairs shown in this snap are but the first step to experiencing a true ALOHA welcome to Hilo and all of Hawaii.
It may not be the grand staircase of the Titanic, but then the Hilo Bay Hostel is far from a sinking experience...
As you climb the 100 year old stairs, taking in all of the lovingly restored wood, you begin to feel that there is something special awaiting you at the top. Chances are that you will be greeted by Terry or Pam or if lucky, Scott, the owner himself. Beautiful wood floors, singing birds and the many interesting pictures on the wall will surely draw you in, making you want to drop luggage and just absorb all of the comfort that awaits you.
The hostel has private rooms, as well as the ubiquitous bunk beds in the dorm. There is ever a premier private room with private shower and loo. Fancy that...
Fresh coffee and tea is always available and complimentary. There is a rather smart kitchen area, where guests can place things in the icebox and cupboard to use for a light snack after touring or to make up one of the many brilliant smart dinner parties guests prepare among selves. Truth be told, there is many a day that the smell of wondrous meals being prepared waif through the hostel.
You never know who will ascend the staircase, what friendships will develop or the adventures that will be planned or shared with others staying in the hostel.
This old geezer likes to think that the Hilo Bay Hostel is the 'Ritz Carlton' of hostels and most assuredly the only hotel in Hilo that envelopes all of its guests with the true spirit of ALOHA. Rather like to think that Scott, Terry & Pam daily make each and every guest feel the 'ohana' of the Hilo Bay Hostel.
It may not be the grand staircase of the Titanic, but then the Hilo Bay Hostel is far from a sinking experience...
As you climb the 100 year old stairs, taking in all of the lovingly restored wood, you begin to feel that there is something special awaiting you at the top. Chances are that you will be greeted by Terry or Pam or if lucky, Scott, the owner himself. Beautiful wood floors, singing birds and the many interesting pictures on the wall will surely draw you in, making you want to drop luggage and just absorb all of the comfort that awaits you.
The hostel has private rooms, as well as the ubiquitous bunk beds in the dorm. There is ever a premier private room with private shower and loo. Fancy that...
Fresh coffee and tea is always available and complimentary. There is a rather smart kitchen area, where guests can place things in the icebox and cupboard to use for a light snack after touring or to make up one of the many brilliant smart dinner parties guests prepare among selves. Truth be told, there is many a day that the smell of wondrous meals being prepared waif through the hostel.
You never know who will ascend the staircase, what friendships will develop or the adventures that will be planned or shared with others staying in the hostel.
This old geezer likes to think that the Hilo Bay Hostel is the 'Ritz Carlton' of hostels and most assuredly the only hotel in Hilo that envelopes all of its guests with the true spirit of ALOHA. Rather like to think that Scott, Terry & Pam daily make each and every guest feel the 'ohana' of the Hilo Bay Hostel.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
My dears, you be 'au fait' with this old geezer's love of tea. Wonder of wonders, today Scott got me a tea pot. A lovely white pot that will hold a goodly amount of the special brew craved.
Truth be told, the Hilo Bay Hostel offers complimentary tea and coffee to guest. The sort that come in a bag... The kettle is always on, allowing all who crave a truly smart beverage a cuppa, any time of day.
What make the tea pot so special is that it will be in me own private suite, allowing this old geezer to kick off slippers and cosy up to a brilliant cuppa whenever the mood strikes. There is something warm and lovely about having a fresh pot at the ready as one curls up to a good read or a bit of telly. Mind, all the more smart if there be a tin of biscuits to go with.
I will have to get me tea towels, the ones celebrating the royal wedding and perhaps a tea cosy.
It has been raining frogs all day in Hilo and it will be rather nice to make a pot this evening, bringing back memories of many a rainy day spent in London. Not such a bad thing as am quite fond of London and am growing more fond of Hilo daily.
My dears, this old geezer is way ahead of you cheeky lot who are avid readers. Knowing that this post will sound like a 'for the birds' story, have used a snap of me taken last year. Let us see if you like this tale...
The M&M Girls are really two lovely ladies of a certain age. I wanted to use their names but they decided that it would be best if I used the afore used moniker. It comes from them and they were right cheeky in giving it.
The pair are quite different in personality, one is more the tour guide and the other is the willing follower on adventures planned. Am told that the ladies met through a church group both belonged to and hit it off like a house on fire from step one.
The tour guide is most interesting. This lady had travelled round the world. Backpacked through Africa, when it was a different sort of place than now, and landed in one hot spot after another, only to have folks keep from getting in harm's way. Staying at hostels is no new experience for this lady. She tells of being quite young and staying in a hostel in Europa that was but a large room with everyone sleeping on the floor. Mind, she also slept in numerous places that this old geezer would not have, even when he was younger.
The M&M Girls shared digs at a hostel as a team for the first time in Dublin. The lovely lady who was new to this sort of accommodations was won over and the pair of them travelled round Ireland doing the hostel bit.
When the M&M Girls planned their adventure to Hawaii, the tour guide worked hard at finding the right hostels for them to visit. Hilo was on list of places to visit and they were booked into the Hilo Bay Hostel.
Prior to landing in Hilo, the lovely ladies had spent some time on another island and stayed at a hostel there. The point of this post is not to trash another hostel so it will not be named, needless to say, it was not a great experience and one of the M&M Girls was not in good spirits. Food stolen, a bad fall and lack of interest on part of hostel keepers to needs of guests had left a bad taste.
"The minute I climbed the stairs and say the public space of the Hilo Bay Hostel, I knew that all was going to be right in my world and I had nothing to fear"; said one of the lovely ladies to me. "Everything about our stay was perfect. The room and all of the warmth of the place as well as the other folks met, not to mention the staff". Fancy that...
Dear reader, would it be acceptable to say that the lovely lady gushed as she spoke of her stay at the hostel. Mind, one of the lovely ladies proclaimed MOI as her new best friend. Had I known that providing a bin bag for rain cover and a warm bit of bread had that effect on folks would have taken to offering both ages ago. Truth be told, the Hilo Bay Hostel prides self on trying to make all who spend the night feel like a part of the family. Truly.
The M&M Girls told this old geezer that the reception received by them at the hostel, re-ignited their love for Hawaii. They were leaving with buckets of ALOHA to remember Hilo by.
As if the lovely things told by the M&M Girls was not enough, this old geezer had another encounter with a guest on the pavement. The chap was travelling with girl friend, two young spirits from France on an extended holiday. Being ever so young and full of adventure, they too felt that time spent at the Hilo Bay Hostel was a most excellent adventure. WOW...
There you have it, two different takes on the hostel from folks quite different. Mind, Scott has worked right hard to make sure that one and all who climb the stairs to the hostel are most welcome. Besides, when did having a most excellent adventure have an age requirement?
If you will note, I am wearing a white shirt in the above snap. There is no poo. No wellies on feet...
The M&M Girls are really two lovely ladies of a certain age. I wanted to use their names but they decided that it would be best if I used the afore used moniker. It comes from them and they were right cheeky in giving it.
The pair are quite different in personality, one is more the tour guide and the other is the willing follower on adventures planned. Am told that the ladies met through a church group both belonged to and hit it off like a house on fire from step one.
The tour guide is most interesting. This lady had travelled round the world. Backpacked through Africa, when it was a different sort of place than now, and landed in one hot spot after another, only to have folks keep from getting in harm's way. Staying at hostels is no new experience for this lady. She tells of being quite young and staying in a hostel in Europa that was but a large room with everyone sleeping on the floor. Mind, she also slept in numerous places that this old geezer would not have, even when he was younger.
The M&M Girls shared digs at a hostel as a team for the first time in Dublin. The lovely lady who was new to this sort of accommodations was won over and the pair of them travelled round Ireland doing the hostel bit.
When the M&M Girls planned their adventure to Hawaii, the tour guide worked hard at finding the right hostels for them to visit. Hilo was on list of places to visit and they were booked into the Hilo Bay Hostel.
Prior to landing in Hilo, the lovely ladies had spent some time on another island and stayed at a hostel there. The point of this post is not to trash another hostel so it will not be named, needless to say, it was not a great experience and one of the M&M Girls was not in good spirits. Food stolen, a bad fall and lack of interest on part of hostel keepers to needs of guests had left a bad taste.
"The minute I climbed the stairs and say the public space of the Hilo Bay Hostel, I knew that all was going to be right in my world and I had nothing to fear"; said one of the lovely ladies to me. "Everything about our stay was perfect. The room and all of the warmth of the place as well as the other folks met, not to mention the staff". Fancy that...
Dear reader, would it be acceptable to say that the lovely lady gushed as she spoke of her stay at the hostel. Mind, one of the lovely ladies proclaimed MOI as her new best friend. Had I known that providing a bin bag for rain cover and a warm bit of bread had that effect on folks would have taken to offering both ages ago. Truth be told, the Hilo Bay Hostel prides self on trying to make all who spend the night feel like a part of the family. Truly.
The M&M Girls told this old geezer that the reception received by them at the hostel, re-ignited their love for Hawaii. They were leaving with buckets of ALOHA to remember Hilo by.
As if the lovely things told by the M&M Girls was not enough, this old geezer had another encounter with a guest on the pavement. The chap was travelling with girl friend, two young spirits from France on an extended holiday. Being ever so young and full of adventure, they too felt that time spent at the Hilo Bay Hostel was a most excellent adventure. WOW...
There you have it, two different takes on the hostel from folks quite different. Mind, Scott has worked right hard to make sure that one and all who climb the stairs to the hostel are most welcome. Besides, when did having a most excellent adventure have an age requirement?
If you will note, I am wearing a white shirt in the above snap. There is no poo. No wellies on feet...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Dear reader, I must let you in on one of my wicked habits. I confess to giving most liked a moniker. It helps to remember the lovely folks met on the path of life. You, who are 'au fait' with MOI know that there be many met who become treasured memories.
Recently, I had the great good fortune to meet a lovely man who was on holiday with his two young sons, aged 7 and 14. The lovely chap is a lawyer. Fancy that. I told him that I would more than like call him 'Rumpole', at least in private.
The hostel was booked up and Rumpole and his two sons had to share digs with this old geezer. Was a bit of learning on the part of all. Mind, the boys were well mannered and the legal chap was no party animal, it was going to be early nights and early departures. A perfect fit.
My dears, not all who check into the hostel are short of cash backpackers. There be many who want a holiday filled with adventure. I rather think that Rumpole wanted to give his two sons a real adventure.
Days were filled with taking in the sights, as were some of the nights, by visiting the world famous observatory located on the island.
Rumpole also was game enough to take his sons to local, and I do mean 'local', eateries. They loved it. As well as all of the local fruit that could be got at the local farmer's market.
Rumpole made an impression, as did his well mannered sons. A lovely family.
As these things go, one never knows if paths will cross again. This old geezer got lucky. Rumpole took a snap of and emailed to. This gave email address and was able to forward a story to from this blog. Gobsmacked I was to read a comment left by Rumpole. How grand is that?
My dears, it is that simple. Reach out and touch and you get touched back. Life to too short to brush off the stories waiting to be heard from lovely folks met. One has to do it.
I have no doubt that Rumpole will return to Hawaii. When is not known but in the meantime, I have met another lovely person and got one more reader to me blog....
Friday, March 4, 2011
My dears, it is absolutely wicked of this old geezer to use this tune for this post. Mind, I required something to lighten me mood as I tell you, dear reader, of the latest mis-step in trusting someone not well known.
Some time back, there crossed me path a chap who was down on luck. So down on luck that he was at point where nothing mattered any more. Staying in a homeless shelter, one that only allowed a few hours of sleep before casting out the homeless to wander the road all day, it was a very mean time for the poor chap.
The tale told of his misfortune rang true and an effort was made to see if some relief might be available. This old geezer knows brilliant folks and there was one lovely man who felt there was something that could be done to brighten the homeless chap's day.
Not having any cash and little in the way of personal effects, the chap was given a bed to sleep in and a place to hang out until his situation improved. There was a social security check to come in the beginning of the month and with it, the possibility of righted his condition.
The homeless chap was personable and my friend and I help provide food and ciggies and some light entertainment to wile away the days.
With the arrival of the new month, cash was available and it appeared that the former homeless chap was going to set self up on a new path. It was not called for that kindness shown needed to be repaid but it was lovely to see him make an effort to return the favour, in small ways.
What was not so lovely was to see much alcohol and 'weed' bought and used, so much so that what little monies were available were gone through rather quickly. There was nothing close to moderation at all. This old geezer is not fond of folks who drink to excess and even less fond of folks who use massive amounts of 'weed' to get through the day. Trouble was coming...
Feeling sorry for the chap and knowing that part of his cash had been used to secure a place to live and to cover the period extended on credit, I allowed meself to 'buy' into a story. I was asked to loan cash to 'tide over' and it would be returned when next check came. I was under the impression that the cash was going to be used to cover food, laundry and the like and was gobsmacked to see it used to buy drugs and alcohol. In a few days, it was gone and was approached to cover more needs.
Fooled once, it did not happen that any more cash was made available.
The chap turned out to be right clever and found a way to get into a situation that allowed him recover from his depression brought on by lack of cash and too much drugs and alcohol. Not a word was heard from for a week.
With but a day to go before check day, the clever bugger returned and collected his things. With not a word to MOI or much kindness to show the folks who had be ever so kind, the bugger departed. Fancy that...
Why do folks who borrow tend to make the lender feel guilty? One should have felt the heat from the look given when the cheeky bugger departed. I knew in a tick that no cash was going to be returned.
Lovely folks much appreciated in life tell MOI that one has to let it go and not allow the actions of one to cause faith to be lost in future dealing with some who might require a little kindness. Spot on that.
No one likes to be played and am of the opinion that is exactly what happened. How very sad that a few dollars caused one to break faith with good people. More's the pity that the value of friendship was so low to the clever bugger who has departed.
Truth be told, me life is filled with more who were true, than the few who felt the need to tell a story.
Some time back, there crossed me path a chap who was down on luck. So down on luck that he was at point where nothing mattered any more. Staying in a homeless shelter, one that only allowed a few hours of sleep before casting out the homeless to wander the road all day, it was a very mean time for the poor chap.
The tale told of his misfortune rang true and an effort was made to see if some relief might be available. This old geezer knows brilliant folks and there was one lovely man who felt there was something that could be done to brighten the homeless chap's day.
Not having any cash and little in the way of personal effects, the chap was given a bed to sleep in and a place to hang out until his situation improved. There was a social security check to come in the beginning of the month and with it, the possibility of righted his condition.
The homeless chap was personable and my friend and I help provide food and ciggies and some light entertainment to wile away the days.
With the arrival of the new month, cash was available and it appeared that the former homeless chap was going to set self up on a new path. It was not called for that kindness shown needed to be repaid but it was lovely to see him make an effort to return the favour, in small ways.
What was not so lovely was to see much alcohol and 'weed' bought and used, so much so that what little monies were available were gone through rather quickly. There was nothing close to moderation at all. This old geezer is not fond of folks who drink to excess and even less fond of folks who use massive amounts of 'weed' to get through the day. Trouble was coming...
Feeling sorry for the chap and knowing that part of his cash had been used to secure a place to live and to cover the period extended on credit, I allowed meself to 'buy' into a story. I was asked to loan cash to 'tide over' and it would be returned when next check came. I was under the impression that the cash was going to be used to cover food, laundry and the like and was gobsmacked to see it used to buy drugs and alcohol. In a few days, it was gone and was approached to cover more needs.
Fooled once, it did not happen that any more cash was made available.
The chap turned out to be right clever and found a way to get into a situation that allowed him recover from his depression brought on by lack of cash and too much drugs and alcohol. Not a word was heard from for a week.
With but a day to go before check day, the clever bugger returned and collected his things. With not a word to MOI or much kindness to show the folks who had be ever so kind, the bugger departed. Fancy that...
Why do folks who borrow tend to make the lender feel guilty? One should have felt the heat from the look given when the cheeky bugger departed. I knew in a tick that no cash was going to be returned.
Lovely folks much appreciated in life tell MOI that one has to let it go and not allow the actions of one to cause faith to be lost in future dealing with some who might require a little kindness. Spot on that.
No one likes to be played and am of the opinion that is exactly what happened. How very sad that a few dollars caused one to break faith with good people. More's the pity that the value of friendship was so low to the clever bugger who has departed.
Truth be told, me life is filled with more who were true, than the few who felt the need to tell a story.
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