Thursday, July 29, 2010

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”

"Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story that is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of to see"C.S.Lewis

The miracle in Marysville being that the Appeal Democrat will 'float' a story of the horrid condition at Ellis Lake and not have it come off as horrid.

The miracle in Marysville being that the City of Marysvillle has a responsibility to maintain public parks, they even spell it out in the budget, and are clever enough to fob off that responsibility by declaring that there be 'no coin'.

The goal, as stated in the budget, of the City Services is;

Continue efforts to improve maintenance at Ellis Lake

Continue to investigate and implement improved measures to reduce algae growth and aquatic wee growth in Ellis and East Lakes.

Fancy that. All the while providing no monies to do so.

Mind, a denizen of Silly Hall is quoted in the newspaper as feeling sorry about the conditions to be found at Ellis Lake and went extra mile to assure reporter that ducks will somehow find way back to the lake;

"They like the free food better than out in nature." "They'll be back."

The question begs to be asked. Will the good people of area return to a run down park?

Alog with the neglect of the lake, there is the total neglect of all things in Ellis Lake. Is a wonder that the reporter doing the story did not look up at the lamps round park and see the horrid condition of them as well. Mind, what better way to not shed light on a horrid condition...

The filmed bit may well come from Copenhagen, Denmark. The point being that it happens much that responsible officials fail to see the hurt they do to the city when green spaces are allowed to be ruined.

1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to tell you Rob....
    The bitter truth is the City Of Marysville has no regard for ANY OF THEIR PARKS... Period!
    Oh, except when they can turn them over to a developer to exploit them for the empty promise of sales tax revenue.
