There is nothing glam about it. NOTHING.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
"Drugs" make you look Beautiful...
What a shame that the folks doing drugs do not see themselves clearly. More's the pity that too many 'overlook' the signs of it.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hot Hot Hot by Buster
What a lovely idea if locals were to take to the roads local and march on Silly Hall and let them know how they feel about the actions there. Might be fun to have some humour along with the heated feelings...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”
"Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story that is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of to see"C.S.Lewis
The miracle in Marysville being that the Appeal Democrat will 'float' a story of the horrid condition at Ellis Lake and not have it come off as horrid.
The miracle in Marysville being that the City of Marysvillle has a responsibility to maintain public parks, they even spell it out in the budget, and are clever enough to fob off that responsibility by declaring that there be 'no coin'.
The goal, as stated in the budget, of the City Services is;
Continue efforts to improve maintenance at Ellis Lake
Continue to investigate and implement improved measures to reduce algae growth and aquatic wee growth in Ellis and East Lakes.
Fancy that. All the while providing no monies to do so.
Mind, a denizen of Silly Hall is quoted in the newspaper as feeling sorry about the conditions to be found at Ellis Lake and went extra mile to assure reporter that ducks will somehow find way back to the lake;
"They like the free food better than out in nature." "They'll be back."
The question begs to be asked. Will the good people of area return to a run down park?
Alog with the neglect of the lake, there is the total neglect of all things in Ellis Lake. Is a wonder that the reporter doing the story did not look up at the lamps round park and see the horrid condition of them as well. Mind, what better way to not shed light on a horrid condition...
The filmed bit may well come from Copenhagen, Denmark. The point being that it happens much that responsible officials fail to see the hurt they do to the city when green spaces are allowed to be ruined.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Silly Hall Speak...
What luck, found a perfect example of "Silly Hall Speak". It is a foreign language there, designed to be understood by them and their friends alone. Fancy that...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Marysville, Ca needs some 'swingers'
WOW. Marysville, Ohio youths rock! How grand to see youth shine.
Wonder if Marysville knows how to sing with full throat, or is is just capable of a weak whine?
Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Death + Decay on Ellis Lake, Marysville, Ca.
The City Manager, Stephen Casey, tells the whole world that there be no coin in the public purse. Depends on what is still being paid for. The City of Marysville may be poor but the horrid conditions at Ellis Lake should not be allowed under any condition.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It did not take "Freedom of Information" requests to learn how to help neighbours feel good about selves. This old geezer did not have to plead with the coppers to help make neighbourhood a more brillint place.
More's the pity that Chief of Police in Marysville directs all to only deal with this old geezer in a formal manner. Even requests to help do something for Neighbourhood Watch have to be done via 'freedom of information' requests.
How very sad...
"My name is Rob DeFrees, and I am here to recruit you."
"Transformational activism is the idea that people need to transform on the inside as well on the outside in order to create any meaningful change in the world.
Another example is encouraging choices to live in racially diverse communities. Such communities may literally "transform" communities by opening the minds of residents to new ideas, new cultures, new historical perspectives, and a broader view of life that ultimately can benefit social relations.
Another example of transformational activism is transformational economics. This is the idea that you can change the way resources flow in a society by doing inner work. People examine their emotional reactions to what their needs are. This may allow them to see that things they felt they needed are not really needed. This then alters the flow of goods in a society because of the underlying change in needs.
Tranformational politics is the field of guiding people to look inwardly what they feel is true power. They may discover that real power is seeing the deep connection of everyone with each other and of being able to tap that place. In this case power is not power over someone, but rather power to unleash collective creativity in creating a new society.
Tranformational activism is about looking for the common values underneath, and then working from there so that both parties are able to get what they want. In the process one or both parties may find their inner landscape and paradigms changing.
Transformational open-sourced activism is the idea that you can tap into the power of mass collaboration and collective creativity in a way that transforms the people involved into more loving, peaceful, compassionate states."
MOI believes that the small patch of earth lived on, is the single most important place to start with activism. That be road lived on and community a part of.
On Monday, this old geezer watched the film 'MILK', the one with Sean Penn. It brought back a flood of memories of a time that MOI had pushed into the dark corners of memories held. It was not an uplifting film for MOI to watch. Sad really.
Many in Marysville have asked if MOI knew Harvey Milk, and what was his take on the film. Before Monday, there was no answer to give.
MOI met Harvey Milk a handful of times. That is to say, was in a setting where one could hold a on-on-one conversation with. Harvey Milk and MOI were very different. Mr. Milk was hellbent on making sure that the label on the tin read 'gay' before all else. He went out of way to make sure that all knew. It defined Harvey Milk.
MOI was not a fan of then, and is not one of the many who feel that Harvey Milk is a saint in the homosexual community. Harvey Milk was no saint, he was just a man, a man who got things done. Say what you will about Harvey Milk, if nothing else, his sense of drama got folks to act and did get things to change. When elected to San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Milk went out and got the media to make him its darling. Staged a press conference to call attention to the dog poo problem in the city and got the media to film his stepping right into a hot pile of poo. Clever.
30 years ago, Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were killed at city hall by a former supervisor, Dan White. MOI was just block from city hall.
Will remember seeing 30,000 march down Market Street that night. Remember always, seeing an ocean of lighted candles filling the road and the plaza in front of city hall.
Will remember the day the verdict was read in the trial of Dan White, and the riots that took place. MOI had a building blocks from City hall and had to get employees standing with in front of building pleading with the crowd to not set fire to building. Remembers seeing the angry mob trash the doors at city hall, break windows and set fire to tens of patrol vehicles. Remember that no one was ever charged with a crime due to this act of anger. Remember the hate filled eyes on one of the leaders of the riot.
Apple and oranges. That was then and this is now.
MOI has a knack for being on the right road at the wrong time. So it was in San Francisco and so it is in Marysville. MOI lives on a road that is quite near 'Silly Hall' in Marysville. So near, that if wind blows right you could hit 'Silly Hall' with spit.
In these troubled times a 'call to arms' is needed.
Harvey Milk loved to shock folks. He had a sense of theatre. Mr. Milk used to address crowds with the following; "My name is Harvey Milk, and I am here to recruit you." Not to buggery, but to social change.
Hate is very much alive in Marysville. It is still a city that is 'A Tale of Two Cities'. The city of the favoured few, and the not so favoured, locked out of Silly Hall.
'Silly Hall' ignores MOI, point of fact, Silly Hall ignores many. Lovely folks still cluck tongues about what they think of MOI and his well known sexual proclivity, even if this old geezer is a celibate homosexual. The label on the tin they view is always going to contain in large letters 'GAY' giving them the opportunity to discount. More's the pity.
There is hope. There are brilliant folks in Marysville who do not care a tick about the label applied, they try to get pass that and open the tin to see what is really inside. Some brilliant elected officials and many public employees and coppers. Ordinary folks who have made known selves to MOI, they really care about their neighbours.
Folks can get things done if they care enough. If they push 'Silly Hall' to remember who they work for. To question and to call to task the elected officials placed there. It is OUR city, OUR government, OUR future.
"My name is Rob DeFrees, and I am here to recruit YOU!"
"Tomorrow Belongs to Me " and YOU
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs
And as silently steal away.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done
When did it fall out of fashion to be demonstrative in our public display of love of country? Save for a few times a year, many seem to shy away from letting the whole world know how proud they be to live in this country.
I fly the emblem of our country at home 365 days a year and will freely admit that I like to hear patriotic music played at home oft.
What do I know, I am but an old geezer who gets wet of eye when I hear a group of school children recite the "Pledge of Allegiance".
Monday, July 19, 2010
Marysville Peach Festival has come and gone. Sadly, the lovely lady featured in this filmed bit will still have to deal with the down side of not being able to service her customers.
I must be thick as a brick, do not see why some consideration could not have been shown to the almost 100 year old lady. Not as if the demands of her being brought in would have caused the set up of the road.
The lovely lady featured in this filmed bit is not alone in her feeling that city did not take the needs of businesses located in area too serious. Many shops closed and there be some who did almost no business due to the closure of the road and vendors blocking the front of shops.
Makes one wonder as the whole idea of the Marysville Peach Festival was to promote the Downtown Merchants and their shops.
I will tell you true, I attended the Marysville Peach Festival both days. I went out of way to support the local merchants who do business on "High Street" 365 days a year. I also wanted my cash to stay in Marysville, not travel in the pocket of a vendor to another community.
With the purchase of food, drink, water, candy, gift items and an order for new shoes, I spent close to $200.00. The entire amount was spent with LOCAL MERCHANTS. How brilliant it would be if every person who attended the festival from Marysville did the same.
The numbers have not come out of yet, as to how many went to the festival. While it was not 50,000, it had to have been thousands. How many took the time to support the merchants on "High Street"?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
My dears. apologies to Donny Osmond, this old geezer would NEVER wear a loin cloth. Mind, the tune is what is important...
Friday afternoon, while walking round the Marysville Peach Festival, this old geezer spied a Marysville Councilperson, seeking re-electing, walking about in a brilliant white shirt with the Marysville logo. Fancy that.
Not wanting to be out done, this old geezer came home and made up his own T-Shirt. This old geezer was going to have a T-Shirt for Saturday.
DISCLAIMER: T-Shirt was a item of personal clothing and words applied were done with a magic marker already owned and used for everyday purposes. NO monies were spent of a campaign nature.
The walking advert is a bit crude, but it worked. It got noticed to the point that folks asked to take a snap of.
More important, it got folks to chat with MOI and more important, to add signatures to nomination papers..
I can tell the whole world that as of Saturday, I had far more signatures than required for nomination papers.
Truth be told, the lovely folks who signed me papers did not do so with purpose of voting for. That comes later. They signed the papers knowing that it is time for city council members in Marysville to stop getting a FREE ride. Yuba County Board of Supervisor. John Nicoletti, signed my papers as well as the sitting council person's papers. He did so without supporting this old geezer. Mr. Nicoletti only wanted to level the playing field.
The snaps of T-Shirt 'to be' are much more clever. As is the ball cap. Mind, while the items are queued up ready to be ordered, they have not. I have not spent one dime on my bid for office so far. But I will.
T-Shirts, ball caps, placards and other campaign items will be paid for out of me own pocket. I will accept no campaign contributions from anyone. By August 6th, I will know if I will have to click the button and pay $1,800.00 for T-Shirts, $874.00 for ball caps, $1,000.00 for placards.
I wonder if 'pot holders' would be a nice touch.....
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My dears, Silly Hall may be difficult to deal with.
There be denizens of Silly Hall who feel that if the door is closed oft enough, this old geezer will just slink off and find a place to die.
Many local have told that they fear offending the denizens of Silly Hall. They are desperate to 'stay off the radar'. I am old fashioned enough to believe that Silly Hall is there to 'listen' to resident and voter of the city. Not just the 'in crowd' but they folks who they may not like.
I am in no fear of a fancy title, or a collar with many stars upon. This be my city as much as theirs. More so, as many of the denizens of Silly Hall do not live or vote in the City of Marysville.
When the reception at Silly Hall is COLD, I will just hum this tune...
The chap in the snap is David Watson. Mr. Watson is the owner of a new business that is trying to ready his shop and is located on "D" Street. The shop is "Dave's Gunsmithing" and due to Dave's efforts, another empty store front on "High Street" has been fixed up and added to the businesses willing to draw more folks to a business district in much need of new blood.
The whole world knows that this coming Friday & Saturday will see the "Marysville Peach Festival" take place on "D" Street, thousands of locals will walk the road to get peach related items AND to peek into shops of businesses located on the road.
The Appeal Democrat, our local rag, wrote of the 'hugeness' of this event in the newspaper.
This old geezer was walking the road on Wednesday. I do daily. Seeing that Mr. Watson's shop was open, it was as good a time as any to introduce self and welcome to the neighbourhood.
My cheery "and a gracious good morning" was met with a look of much stress. Mr. Watson is working long hours to put finishing touches on shop and get all things in order for the big days ahead. Like all local, Mr. Watson is very aware of the enormous business opportunity to be got from the thousands who will attend the festival. Unfortunately, Silly Hall is not being very co-operative.
My dears, I did not 'rubber hose' or 'third degree grill' Mr. Watson into giving up all of the information that follows. It was given in the hopes that someone, anyone, would know how his plights could be corrected.
I made it very clear to Mr. Watson that I was a community activist, who was running for public office. I also told Mr. Watson that if he felt put upon by MOI, I could simply walk away.
Are you following this dear reader? Shall I continue?
It would appear that Mr. Watson is clear to open his business, save for the permit from the local police department. Mr. Watson has made multiple visits to Silly Hall, to the office of Shannon Jacobsen, who along with being 'events coordinator' is personage in charge of doing the paperwork for the needed permit.
Mr. Watson has gone in person to office, during the hours that Ms. Jacobsen is said to be in office for the purpose of doing the permit paper work. Mr. Watson has even rung up Ms. Jacobsen multiple times.
Mr. Watson told me that his last effort to get the permit was met with a declaration from Ms. Jacobsen that she be too busy doing duties with the peach festival and would have to get back to him at another time. Mind, she did go so far at to remind Mr. Watson that without the permit he seeks, he can not do business.
Using the telephone in shop and with permission of Mr. Watson, I rang up Ms. Jacobsen.
I told Ms. Jacobsen who I be and the nature of my call. Never being rude and using "Silly Hall" correctness, Ms. Jacobsen told this old geezer that the matter of the permit was a private matter and she was not at liberty to talk about it. I reminded Ms. Jacobsen that I was making the telephone call on behalf of Mr. Watson and that as a resident of Marysville was well within me rights to ask a 'public employee' questions with regard to treatment of another member of the community.
I asked Ms. Jacobsen if it were true that Mr. Watson was told by her that she was too busy doing festival business and his business would just have to wait. I asked Ms. Jacobsen if she cared that Mr. Watson would be 'locked' out of the biggest party on "D" street.
I had wondered who Ms. Jacobsen worked for, what department that is. It would seem that she be under the direction of the police department.
With "Silly Hall" correctness, Ms. Jacobsen directed MOI to contact the Chief of Police if not satisfied with her answers or problems with the permit for Dave's Gunsmithing. Never being rude, Ms. Jacobsen made it quite clear to this old geezer, as am sure she did to poor Mr. Watson, that she was 'far too busy' to deal with the on-going business of Marysville.
Being the 'attention seeking busybody' (so some in Marysville believe), I rang up the Appeal Democart with a HOT news tip. Even chatted with Mr. Vodden.
Just when you thought the story could not get better, it does...
Never once did this old geezer lie to Dave Watson about his willingness to tell interested parties of his plight. Never once did Mr. Watson tell this old geezer to stop.
Dave Watson has put out much coin to ready his shop for business. Silly Hall was more than willing to capture his permit cash AND to tack on the BID extra. Dave is retired military, might explain his fear of rocking the boat at Silly Hall. Dave had been warned about opening a business in Marysville, how unfriendly the folks at Silly Hall could be.
The latest actions of Ms. Jacobsen could push Mr. Watson to cut his losses and move out of the City of Marysville. Got to Yuba City. Dave told MOI that the added stress and being denied the right to do business during the festival, could see him take the loss and just get away from all of the unpleasantness. His loss would be considerable, the loss to "High Street" would add to the already blighted look of shuttered shops.
With Mr. Watson's permission, I went to Silly Hall to see if I could chat with the Chief of Police.
As I was standing at window of 'police information', Chief Fullerton cam down hall and asked if I had been helped.
I told Chief Fullerton that it was he that I wished to speak to. No sooner did I get the words 'dave's gunsmithing' out, that Chief Fullerton informed MOI that he had listened in on a conversation had between Ms. Jacobsen and Mr. Watson and heard Mr. Watson 'apologize profusedly' for my ringing up about his permit problem. With a coldness matching the chill of cooled air in hall, Chief Fullerton cut off any questions and reminded MOI the he, the Chief of Police, did not have to answer questions. Entering the office of Ms. Jacobsen, he closed the door. Fancy that.
My dears, I would remind Chief Fullerton of the following 'Peel' principle;
"To seek and preserve public ready offering of individual service and friendship to ALL members of the public without regard to wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour....."
Unlike many in Marysville, I fear no denizen of Silly Hall.
I marched up hall to the office of City Clerk.
I asked how hard it would be to get to have a chat with the City Manager. While Ms. Fangman was checking the City Manager's diary, who should show up but the Chief of Police. Not wanting anyone to depend on rumour, I told Ms. Fangman that the nature of my chat with City Manager would be about the Chief of Police. The City Manager is Chief Fullerton's boss.
After all of the drama at Silly Hall, I returned to Dave's Gunsmithing Shop. I told Mr. Watson what I had been told by the Chief of Police. Mr. Watson told MOI and others present that Chief Fullerton lied to me. That no 'profusedly apologizing' telephone call had been placed by him to Ms. Jacobsen.
All things considered, the Appeal Democrat may see no value in this story.
Silly Hall is not business friendly and the Marysville Police Department leadership is not citizen friendly. That is a problem.
My dears, all of the above came about due to belief on part of this old geezer that one person can make a difference. Knocking on doors, chatting with voters is what one has to do if one wants to get elected. It is also what one does if one is concerned about one's neighbourhood. Downtown is my neighbourhood. Even if a run for public office does not pan out, I will still be a concerned citizen and good neighbour.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The only film bit to be found on the INTERNET with regard to "Marysville Peach Festival" is the one above. Filmed last year. Bit of a shocker to see that what was of interest to festival goer was the ShamWow booth.
If you search, and this old geezer searched, you discover that "Peach Festivals" are ubiquitous this time of year. You can attend a "Peach Festival", cross this great land, and there be many to be found in California. After all, California provides 65% of peaches to be found domestic.
The peach is a species of Prunus whose origin is not entirely clear.
A medium peach (75 grams), has about 30 calories, seven grams of carbohydrates (six grams of sugar and one gram of fibre), one gram of protein, 140 miligrams of potassium, and 8% of the Dietary Reference Intake for vitamin C. Fancy that.
Allow MOI to be the stone (always thought they were called pits) in the mix about the coming of the festival this Friday & Saturday.
Locals have told this old geezer that the very best "Peach Festival" was the first. A professional had been hired to promote the event. Tour Buses from as far away as San Jose, brought festival goers. Many local businesses stayed open on "High Street" to take advantage of the increase in business brought by the many visitors to Marysville. By all accounts, it was a smashing event, so much so, that it has been around for past 11 years. Is it still a smashing event?
Due to the lack of parking, many merchants on or near event will not be open to the festival. Mind, there will loads of vendors, there always are at festivals.
A bottle of water will set you back $2.00 and many of the 'peach' items for sale will be a bit dear. Pancake breakfast at local eatery will cost $5.00 per person.
It will be HOT. Many wonder why the festival has to be held at hottest time of the year local.
Then there is the cost to the City of Marysville.
Shannon Jacobsen, events coordinator for the city. This is a full time position in the City of Marysville? How much is that pay packet? Beside the "Peach Festival", what other events in city could possible require the services of a full time cordinator? What department is she with?
Police Chief Wally Fullerton. How lovely to see that the great man has the situation 'under control'. Mind, with a brilliant pay packet of $99,408.00 AND a city provided vehicle, one must take into account that his is a cost that is with us 24/7, 365 days a year, not just the day and half of the festival.
How much overtime will the coppers cost the city?
Truth be told, the "Peach Festival" is a lovely thing. Have never thought of peaches as sexy or to be overly excited about.
About the only thing looked forward to is the 'peach licorce' to be got at "Candy Box", now that is unique.
For all who wonder about such things. The title of this post comes from the sort of fruit that peaches be. Clever.
As to the sort of stone I be - that is easy - Clingstone, meaning the stone is well attached to the flesh, and cannot easily be removed from it. Clingstone varieties of fruits in the genus Prunus are preferred as table fruit and for jams, because the flesh of clingstone fruits tends to be more tender and juicy throughout. Well, I never...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"The basic idea which runs right through modern history and modern liberalism is that the public has got to be marginalized. The general public are viewed as no more than ignorant and meddlesome outsiders, a bewildered herd."NChomsky
My Dears, too oft has this old geezer been told that the denizens of Silly Hall do not care if the residents of Marysville are actively engaged in local government. Many have said that council meetings are not attended due in large to the belief that Silly Hall does not want to hear what the public has to say.
Truth be told, when 'contract' public employees and 'elected' officials can tell a member of the public that 'they' do not have to answer questions or even talk to, one they do not like, there is a real problem with belief that government is 'open'.
I may well not have lived local since they planted dirt here. I may well not have all of the facts. I have been known to be wrong. When last looked, that does not deny me the right to take part in the process of 'open government'
Much has been said in blogs on the Appeal Democrat, of the need for change at Silly Hall. Many seem to feel that a change in council members would be a good start.
Yesterday was the first day to file papers to seek election to office in Marysville.
The council seats currently held by Ben Wirtschafter and Michael Selvidge are open for contest. Neither has filed papers to seek re-election, as of yesterday. Rumour has it that one if not both, may not. They have until August 6th, and may well be sitting back to see if anyone will dare challenge them.
Qualifications for city council are but two. Registered voter within City of Marysville & 18 years of age or older at time of filing. Note that there be no fixed time as resident required.
I have lived local for over one year. While my postcode was Marysville, I lived in Linda. That changed in June of this year, when I moved and registered to vote in Marysville proper.
Hinting at a possible run for city council, I asked a local lady, with a fancy title, what she thought of the idea. "Run, as long as you do not make a mockery of office", she said. Mind, this be a lovely lady who feels that whole intent of anything done by this old geezer is negative.
Dear reader, Marysville is in trouble. There is no coin in the 'public purse'. Silly Hall blames the voters of Marysville, voters blame the denizens. I should think it be a combination of the two.
Residents of Marysville do not come to Silly Hall to attend city council meetings. For that matter, residents of Marysville do not come oft to Silly Hall to ask question or get information from. Elected officials and 'contract' public employees seem to have a 'us against them' relationship with the residents of Marysville.
Staff at Silly Hall prepare a budget and lay blame on lack of coin on voter and the members of city council pass said budget with little public comment.
Were I to get elected to City Council, things would change.
I would not accept any pay packet. NONE. I would work 40 hours or more dealing with problems facing the City of Marysville. I would be at Silly Hall daily to ask questions of City Manager and department heads. My personal email address and telephone number would be available to ALL residents of Marysville.
All of this may be for naught, as one has to have 20 'registered' voters on nomination papers. The City Clerk reminds that is best to collect 30. MOI knows loads of folks local, they just do not live in Marysville. The ones known that do live in Marysville, are not registered to vote. Fancy that.
Rumour has it that a former council member may throw his hat into the race. Given that this former council member was right colourful and much known to voters of Marysville, there might be a place for this old geezer in this race.
I am not perfect. I do not have all of the answers. Marysville voters may well not be ready for such a colourful and 'fey' personage that MOI be. What I do know, deep inside my soul, is that one must be actively engage in change if change is to come about. Marysville is in deep trouble and any who value living here should do all possible to protect.
DE FREES IS FREE. Clever campaign slogan? Costing the voters nothing in pay packet and willing to work endless hours to make Marysville more perfect.
Now, where do I find 'registered' voters...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jim Sullivan - Sullivan' s Saddlery |
How true.
I was desperate to do a filmed bit on Jim Sullivan, but being limited by time restraints of YOUTUBE, felt that the telling of this story would not be done justice. I had always planned to do a 'hard' story, but the more I gave a think on, the more I was sure that no filmed bit could possibly cover all of the 'gold' found on my visit to this local shop.
My plan is to place a filmed bit on YOUTUBE 'suggesting' that folks give their eyes a real treat and read for a change. I do so hope that one and all will pick up on the blatant effort on me part to get more folks to discover what I have.
Horseshoes planted in pavement |
Jim Sullivan be a real live American Cowboy. No cardboard cutout, no dimestore variety, no rhinestone version. Jim Sullivan be the real deal.
At 63, Jim is the father of 5, husband to a lovely lady for 31 years and the proud owner of his own saddle making business.
Jim has been doing business in Downtown Marysville for over two decades. During that time, he has watched the fortunes of "High Street" ebb and flow with the economic tide. Being a concerned business owner, Jim has served as a leader of the Downtown Merchants Association and given freely of his time and lucre to promote Marysville, business, youth organizations and other worthwhile causes in the community.
Old Bench Saved |
You may well say that Jim Sullivan is part of the Dream that be America. A product of what Small Town America does best. Providing a good and decent man who believes in his country, his community and never loses faith in either.
If you were to be in Downtown Marysville any given morn, you would see Jim drive up and open his shop. The very first thing he does is to place a flag on the pavement in front of his shop. Some days it is the emblem of our country, holidays for sure, but most times it is the flag that pays tribute to the men and women who give service to our country.
Mural to Beautify Downtown |
Jim is responsible for the rather colourful mural on side of his shop.
He also placed a 'Time Capsule' in the pavement in front of shop some time back. Local newspaper, a few coins, business cards.
Jim is all about merchants helping one another and this old geezer has seen him do that. He has no fear in getting to know who his neighbours be.
Past Glory Honours Future Faith in Downtown |
It is on the pavement that I have had many chats with, never failing to come away more the wiser and richer for the chat.
Craftsmanship to be Found in Leather |
Some years back, Jim received a call from a 13 year old boy. The boy was in the market for a new saddle. He wanted the best hand made saddle to be found local. He thought of Sullivan's Saddlery and wanted to know how much such a saddle would cost.
Jim told the boy that it would be $3000.00, requiring a deposit of $500.00 to start the work. The young lad thanked Jim for his time and rang off.
A few days later, the young lad rang back and asked if it would be OK if he paid the deposit in cash. Jim said it would. The young man showed up at the shop with a brown bag containing the $500.00 in a combination of small bills. His chore money earned.
Jim set about making the saddle.
Some weeks past and Jim received another telephone. This time, from the parents of the young boy. They told Jim that the rest of the money owed was had, but that if Jim did not mind, they, the parents, would put into bank and write a check.
Years pass, Jim receives a call from the young boy, now 17 years of age. He is in the market for another excellent saddle and wants Jim to make him an even finer saddle.
Fine craftsmanship appreciated, satisfied customer and a local business still ready and willing to deliver another hand-made product. Please tell me, dear reader, that you see the magic in this story.
Jim Sullivan has a website, You will note that his product has been much appreciated by some very famous personages. I have no doubt that the young chap I told you of, would be the highest compliment to be had.
Times are hard, there be many merchants on "High Street" in Marysville who may not survive. Sullivan's Saddlery will. In part, because Jim and his employees never tire of what they do. In larger measure, due to Jim being the perfect shop keeper. He loves what he does and it shows. More's the pity that more merchants on "High Street' do not see being in shop as a pleasure and not a prison sentence. One has to go out and get the customers.
A visit to Sullivan's Saddlery is always an adventure. One is greeted warmly by clerks, and the nose is over-whelmed by the intoxicating smell of leather. Be it from the belts, boots or saddles, there is no doubt that you have entered an establishment that uses the finest materials to create real works of art for the local cowboy or cowgirl.
There is something for everybody. From the collectables to repair of hats to the 'sales' to be found, it is clear that Jim and his staff want one to 'find' whatever tickles the fancy.
Just inside the front door be a coffin. On ordinary coffin, but one that was used on the set of the long running telly programme "Gunsmoke". Am told that many foreign visitors bed to have picture taken in front of.
I started this post drawing attention to the fact that Jim Sullivan is an American Cowboy. I am reminded of a favoured quote about cowboys;
"Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time."
I have no doubt that Jim Sullivan had indeed lived an honourable life. In so many ways.
You who be 'au fait' with old geezer know that I am not the sort to need a saddle (mind, I do ride), or favour jeans and cowboy shirts in wardrobe. Were I to put on a cowboy hat, one would never think this old geezer a vision of 'cowboy', more 'gay caballero' would be the thought of most who saw. It is OK, I know who I be and how I come across.
I got the feeling in chatting with Jim Sullivan, that nothing gets past him. He is a keen observer of life and have no doubt there is not much he has missed. This old geezer did nothing but act as usual in chatting with Jim. From word "Hello", I knew that Jim was open to meeting another neighbour in Marysville and had not allowed his opinion to be clouded.
My dears, there will be some who will find these comments a bit out of place. Truth be told, I think it be a true measure of Jim. One so oft hears how 'small minded' small town folks be. Rubbish. If you live life with an open heart, you have no need to treat folks met on the road of life with grief. What I may be, and I be much, Jim took at face value and allowed self to share his love of Marysville. Were that all met local could be so big of heart.
One day, Jim Sullivan reached into a drawer and came out with a ball cap, one with the name of his shop upon it. He gifted MOI with it. Jim Sullivan, a most honourable man, honoured me in a very quiet way.
There's an old saying, that Cowboys live poor and die rich. I am more inclined to think it's the Cowboy's definition of wealth that makes him what he is. I am the richer for having met Jim Sullivan, Marysville would be the poorer without. Truth be told, I doubt Jim Sullivan has ever done anything 'poorly'.
There be two horseshoes planted in the pavement in front of Sullivan's Saddlery. I am not a big believer in luck, feeling that one is architect of own luck. Mind, crossing the pavement and entering Jim Sullivan's shop might well be the beginning of the luckiest shopping experience to be had in Downtown Marysville.
Downtown Landmark for Decades |
Famous Telly Coffin |
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Aujourd'hui, j'écris en français.
Il nombreux sont ceux qui s'interrogent sur la valeur de l'effort de continuer à me mettre, Quand les oreilles des auditeurs être fermé au message.
C'est ce que l'on ne si l'on croit vraiment en "gouvernement ouvert', à ne pas faire serait de permettre à la mairie pour "faire ce qu'il veut" et non pas la "volonté du peuple".
Quelle que soit la relation passée entre les résidents et l'hôtel de ville, il ne s'ensuit pas que le passé doit être répété encore et encore. Bon gouvernement est seulement aussi bon que l'intérêt de la régie dans les actions de ceux qui gouvernent. Il n'est pas facile de se faire entendre, en parlant une voix de "un". Lorsque rejoint par une autre voix et un autre, le chœur des voix, il est plus difficile pour l'hôtel de ville de l'ignorer. C'est alors que le changement se produit. Je suis un passionné dans ma conviction que l'effort pour parvenir à l'oreille de l'Hôtel de Ville en vaut la peine et va continuer de le faire. Il ya le risque d'être qualifié de fou. Je risque d'être appelé un fou pour essayer, à un idiot pour ne pas.
Que sais-je? Je ne suis qu'un vieil homme qui veut seulement faire où il habite un endroit plus parfait pour vivre. Je pourrais aussi bien parler français pour dire que, l'anglais ne semble pas être compris.
LOCAL SCRIBE GETS IT is link to story told in Appeal Democrat today.
"History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future."
Robert Penn Warren
Our local newspaper in Marysville may not always be best read to be had. What makes the effor to continue reading, are the few nuggets of pure gold to be found from time to time.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
My dears, I had done a filmed reportage at "Keep the Light On" event, kicking off the campaign to keep street lamps burning in Marysville.
Sadly, the loud country music being played by CountryFM 103.1 drowned out me voice and made is useless.
Being ever so clever, the above WW11 ditty was found and feeling it apropos to the post have offered it up for you listening pleasure as you read me take on the event.
A bit of background is required...
Having had the great good fortune to have chatted with many Londoners who were in the "Blitz" and can tell you true that however horrid the lack of 'illumination' of road by streetlamps may be, one manages to overcome and survive. Between 5 September 1940 - 10 May 1941, London went dark as many bombs fell on it. At the end of that period, over 23,000 Londoners were dead and over 1,000,000 buildings lay in ruins. With pluck, Londoners carried on, knowing, as the ditty goes, that the lamps would one day come back on.
Local, the war being waged is to keep as many coins in the 'public purse' as possible. The battle being waged is a mean one, hard and mean choices are to be made. One 'bright' idea is to snuff out 50% of the streetlamps in the City of Marysville, in order to save much needed cash. Dark times facing Marysville seem to required dark roads. One could hardly accuse Mr. Lamon of arriving at this plan of action without much consideration.
If we are to believe the good folks who put on the event to 'keep lights on', theirs is a noble and 'grass roots' movement.
Dear reader, pray read on and you be the judge of the nobility of the campaign...
"The campaign is a joint project of Gold Country Bank, the Marysville Business Improvement District and the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce to raise funds to keep the city's streetlights on." So tells the Appeal Democrat story.
This old geezer attended the event, stayed the whole time and saw and heard much. Fancy that.
Entry to the carpark of Gold Country Bank(where event was held) had a CountryFM 103.1 van, loudling playing music to entice folks to come over or in and join the fun. There were two chaps hosting the LIVE broadcast, Dave & Briggs. They be the same duo who host a show daily. Regular pair of tinkers they be. Briggs is right cheeky, was not sure if his image was available to be in a filmed bit, his agent might want payment for use of. Dave on the other hand was a real live wire, he even told that he read me blog(got to love meeting readers) and had no problem with his ample visage being filmed.
What be more 'folksy' than playing country music at an event that wants desperately to come off as 'grass roots' and 'community based'?
Making a 'beeline' to the Gold County Bank 'community booth', this old geezer got to chat with Crystal Bullard, Marketing Officer, of said bank who filled MOI in on why her bank was doing the cook up(the bank was offering FREE food and drink).
Ms. Bullard told that as of 11:15, some $1,000 had been collected to save lamps from being switched off in Marysville. Mind, most of the cash had come from her bank and another local bank. Ms. Bullard was right proud in mentioning that Gold Country Bank wanted one and all to know that they be a 'community based and supporting bank' in Marysville.
Across from and right at entry to carpark was the booth set up by Marysville Business Improvement District. They be the lovely folks who were having a 'bake sale' to raise monies for the campaign to keep lamps switched on in Marysville. Truth be told, the 'baked goods' offered were 'fresh' from a store and still encased in plastic container.
When one of the lovely ladies manning the booth was queried about the bake goods, this old geezer was told that no one had the time to 'bake' these days and besides; "You are so negative, I have nothing to do with you".
So much for 'folksy' and 'grass roots' and it got this old geezer to look more closely at the event.
Earlier reports on Appeal Democrat about this event changed multiple times(almost as if the local newspaper was trying to get the right hook to capture readers attention). The crowd was reported to be over 200. In truth, 100 more like, and the effort of the participants to be 'community based' never got off the ground.
Most of the attendees were from someplace other than Marysville proper, and had been lured into attending by the loud music and FREE food (the 'baked goods' at BID booth were NOT free, even if they were 'donated).
I did get to chat with Gordon Rowntree(not Marysville resident), General Manager for radio station that provided the music. Gordon reminds one of an actor who is best known for his 'warm' aura but the name of that actor escapes MOI. Gordon told that his station was going to sponsor a lamp, which one has not been decided on.
I also got to chat with Laura Nicholson, Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce(not a resident of Marysville). Lovely lady and very much interested in showing support for local effort.
I even got to chat with Stephany Jordon and her lovely husband. They be in the advert business and very clever in promoting the local area.(neither are residents of Marysville). Mind, Stephany was once with TOWER RECORDS and if any person knows how to place a 'folksy' spin on the campaign, it be her.
My dears, many tried to tell this old geezer that a break-in at local furniture shop on "High Street" night before, was perfect example of the evils to come if lamps are snuffed out in Marysville. What a lot of tosh. In truth, the lamps were lighted when the break-in happened and more than like would have happened regardless of on or off. The clucking tongues want all to be in fear of the coming darkness.
Were all things right in the world, having many streetlamps lighted would be most excellent. Things are not right in Marysville and folks have to face up to a different approach to budget crisis.
Truth be told, residents have the ability to keep lamps on porches lighted at night. I do, front and back of cottage. Cost almost nothing to do.
However 'grass roots' the campaign to 'keep lights on' appears, is smacks this old geezer as rather elitist. Case of the 'haves' getting their lamps and the 'have nots' doing without. While the City of Marysville has not told exactly where the lamps that will be switched off are, the general location is known.
Good intentions on the part of some local businesses do not make for a perfect solution to the problem faced by local residents. However well meaning the campaign to 'keep the lights on' be, it will serve the interest of the few, rather than the many.
Marysville Business Improvement District is not 'grass roots' community effort. The leadership of the BID wants to keep as many lamps switched on on "High Street" as possible. Mind, most of the businesses close long before total darkness and do not bother to illuminate windows of shops when closed.
My dears, dark days are here. There is no coin in 'public purse'. Of all the causes to champion, why is this more important than others? It is not.
Like the ditty tells, the lamps will come back on, and all will be right in the world again...
Friday, July 9, 2010
My dears, the filmed bit is what it is. Were more folks to take a more active interest in making "Ellis Lake" more brilliant, the recent reports of the horror to be found there would not have come to pass.
The poo splattered pavement is nasty, the tossed takeaway containers an eyesore, the empty beer bottles shameful and the neglect blatant all round.
"Ellis Lake" is 'quality of life' issue, for locals and visitors.
Visit with Mr. Lamon, Director of City Services, makes it very clear that there are multiple layers to the problem and no easy answers. Mind, not all who live local see the shameful state of "Ellis Lake" as a #1 problem facing the city.
Makes one wonder...
Mr. Lamon speaks, I listen
Later, when I had returned to me cottage, the quote used above, floated cross me loaf as I pondered what was said at meeting had with Mr. David B. Lamon, Director of City Services for Marysville, pictured to the left.
Unscheduled visit was after doing a filmed bit at "Ellis Lake" and the aforementioned visit going far better than thought it would. Truth be told, had been prepared to be shown the door in quick order and have nothing to show for me visit to Silly Hall.
It was just past 9am in the morn, the area where one might find the great man was occupied by two lovely ladies and a building inspector, none of whom were in a position to offer much assistance. Was told that Mr. Lamon had not arrived of yet, but one could schedule an appointment for later in the day.
As luck would have it, the door opened and Mr. Lamon appeared, allowing this old geezer to chat with a most important denizen of Silly Hall.
Mr. Lamon is a rather tall chap, MOI is on the short side, making a conversation with, requiring a lot of 'looking up'. Prepared for a bad reception, this old geezer went right to work seeing just how 'open' this visit to Silly Hall would be.
I asked Mr. Lamon if he would mind my doing a filmed bit that would land on YOUTUBE. Mr. Lamon did not refuse the request, just wanted to know what sort of questions would be asked of. I mentioned the article about the dead ducks found at Ellis Lake and wanting to share his views on controlling the 'botulism' to be causing so many ducks to die. Mr. Lamon was quick to point out that his opinion on that was limited and an interview with another more qualified might be in order.
Using a different line, I asked another question and again Mr. Lamon rightly pointed out that it would be unfair for him to pass judgment on a topic that was not within his sphere of influence.
My dears, it be right off-putting to have an old geezer point a camera in face and dare one to be clever to clever. Seeing no real reason to 'sandbag' Mr. Lamon, I abandoned my request to do a filmed bit. From the first word of conversation, Mr. Lamon went out of his way to be open with MOI. Perhaps this was not the appropriate time to do a filmed bit and asking questions and getting information was.
The reasons for the shameful state of "Ellis Lake" are multiple. Mr. Lamon is expert in his knowledge. There be no doubt that what is happening at "Ellis Lake", Mr. Lamon be 'au fait' with.
The lake is shallow, over population of wild life, water replacement factors have changed over the years, coin in the public purse in short supply and "friends" of "Ellis Lake" have yet to offer a sound plan to address the needs. These be some of the thoughts shared by Mr. Lamon yesterday.
"Who is to say that "Ellis Lake" condition is most important issue facing the City of Marysville?"
Not once during my long conversation with Mr. Lamon did I get the feeling that he was trying to evade questions, on the contrary, the man had well thought out answers to all questions asked of. Not the 'answer that answers nothing' type but the replies of a department head who had done his homework and knew his subject well and was well prepared to share his knowledge with interested members of the public.
Mr. Lamon has limited funds available to deal with many problems. Knowing that "Ellis Lake" has issues does not allow him to take "eggs from one basket and place in the other". To some in Marysville, what is happening at "Ellis Lake" is not the most important problem to address. Street Lamps being turned off are their concern, or more police patrol. In Marysville, there be many groups who have own agendas as to what must to done at all cost, regardless of cost to the public purse.
Mr. Lamon would like to have more use of free labour from the county jail. That labour is limited and one does not always have ability to tap into without adding to cost for supervision or scheduling. Mr. Lamon would like to find funding, untapped grant or community based effort. You get the feeling that Mr. Lamon is open to any 'white knight' walking into office with a gift of monies for the City of Marysville.
This old geezer is of the opinion that "Ellis Lake" be the crown jewel of Marysville. Mind, having not lived here local since dirt was planted, what do I know. I know that in reading articles about Marysville, "Ellis Lake" is right at the top of list of things that make Marysville 'special'. In me travels, have visited many places that hold dear a special place that defines their town. Paris has Eiffel Tower, Honolulu has Waikiki Beach, New York has Central Park, you get the drift...
Mr. Lamon will grant you that "Ellis Lake" is a big part of what makes Marysville special. He, like others local, is just not sold on the economic and social importance of. That be the paradox of "Ellis Lake".
This old geezer will tell you true. I assumed (we all know how wrong it be to assume), that Mr. Lamon would be obtuse and show me the door. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Mr. Lamon treated this old geezer with respect and courtesy. He was open and honest, shared knowledge and genuinely appeared interested in dealing with a member of the 'interested' public. I was so taken aback by his manner, that I felt compelled to admit my hubris and shake his hand in parting.
Not all encounters with denizens of Silly Hall end so well. I have in the past been told to 'bugger off", in so many words.
Yesterday proved that one can be proved wrong and wonders never cease to happen in visits to Silly Hall...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The choice of this filmed bit was deliberate. While it may not contain all of the points to qualify, for MOI it works, and makes one think 'film noir'. Have no clue who the film maker be or even still local, but found on YOUTUBE and even added to me list. Pray watch the film and read on.
Ellis Lake, located in Marysville, Ca., has been much in the news of late. I thought it be a good time to show some of the things found out about this man-made lake. Wikipedia has this to report on Ellis Lake;
Located in Marysville, California, Ellis Lake has been the most memorable centerpeice of in the City of Marysville since the 1930s. It is a sparkling man-made lake surrounded by lush greenery and sidewalks with flocks of geese and a variety of other birds. Feeding the geese has been a recreational activity enjoyed by the Yuba Sutter Area at the lake for years as well as pedal boating and fishing. The lake is bounded by 9th street to the South, B Street to the East, 14th Street to the North and D Street to the West.
Ellis Lake was once an unsightly swamp. It wasn't until 1924 that the Women's Improvement Club of Marysville commissioned Robbie McLaren, famed designer of the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, to turn the swamp into a beautiful lake. The project was completed in 1939. The lake, named for Marysville citizen W.T. Ellis, Jr. offers a pleasant walk, picnic areas, fishing and pedal boats.
On October 20, 2002 a car was found at the bottom of the lake, in seven feet of water. Inside the car was the skeletal body of Mary Jane Gooding. It is believed by police that Mary Jane Gooding, accidentally drove her husband's car into the lake on October 10, 1981. It is believed by her children that she was a victim of foul play.
For decades, Ellis Lake hosted a 4th of July celebration every year, an event that is composed throughout the day of power boat and cardboard boat races (youths build boats out of cardboard and duct tape, trying to cross the lake without sinking). An annual fireworks display was cancelled in 2004 after a young girl lost part of her leg due to a rogue firework shot from the island in the center of the lake into the gathered crowd. That year they had twice as many fireworks than usual, which made shooting the fireworks more difficult and dangerous. The lawsuit finally closed 11 months later when the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection released a report stating that mortar shells burst low into the crowd onto the other side of the lake from Gazebo Island.
Like so much in life, the above entry does not tell the whole story. What was once 'golden' be not so 'golden' of late. Lake Ellis has fallen on hard time, hard times being blamed on the lack of coin in the public purse. I am getting ahead of self. Allow some comments found on the INTERNET to colour the rosey picture painted by the Wikipedia entry.
"Ellis lake is always dirty and stinks. It seems as though the birds have taken over the lake, from the lawns, to the pathways and side walks there is bird crap everywhere. The water looks discusting and dirty. Every once in a while you will come across a dead smelly fish on the sidewalk that someone decided not the throw back. Overall this could be a nice place to relax if there wasn't crap everywhere."
"Dirty and dangerous, geese wise by day and vagrants by nights. 'YOU'RE IN SCARYSVILLE!!!', said a vagrant man who recently chased me out of the ellis lake vicinity.
Dirty meaning a car containing the dead body of a woman who went missing was recently found in only seven feet of water...after TWENTY YEARS."
"Ellis Lake is one of those places that could be really peaceful and relaxing, but people trash it. The amount of trash there is obscene. That said, I still go for early morning jogs around the lake from time to time and the other exercisers are really friendly. I see parents taking their children there to feed the birds and a lot of people fishing. It would be great if we could get a local cleanup going -- the lake needs it!"
"If Marysville has a trademark location, Ellis Lake is pretty much it.
The lake is tranquil and inviting by day, although roving bands of geese have been known to attack.
The water is filthy, and the shores are loaded with slippery rock walls, so you won't want to get in the lake.
Avoid Ellis Lake at night. It's a magnet for transients, drug users and shifty people."
Whatever Ellis Lake once was, it has fallen on mean times. Much of the former glory of this attraction has been reduced. DEAD BIRDS and horrid water do not make for a pleasant experience. Local officials at Silly Hall place much of the blame on lack of cash.
It would seem to me, that allowing the lake to revert to the horrid thing it once was is stupid. Keeping Ellis Lake clean and safe is duty of local government. This be one of the things not allowed to suffer.
More's the pity that Silly Hall in Marysville does not grasp what is truly important to maintain....
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Do you hear the people sing??
Denizens of Marysville Silly Hall, do you hear the people sing for real change? Will you join the crusade or hide behind the barricades you've placed at Silly Hall?
The small cottage I live in does not have facilities for washing clothes.
Being Marysville, and not having a vehicle or a washeteria close, this means that setting aside a time to go to the washeteria, is one of the small adventures I have to look forward to.
I found a lovely one, "Launderland", located just shy of a mile from my cottage. It is clean and located near a market and store, so as to allow one to do a bit of shopping along with doing the dirty clothes gathered over the past week.
My dears, MOI was "GREEN" long before it was fashionable. I do not drive, never have, never will. Have never allowed the lack of a vehicle dictate where to live, there is always round a few short-comings.
Loading up me "OAP" cart, I set out with me flatmate in tow to see what wonders will be encountered this day. Truth be told, there are always things that pop up that make the trip worth while.
Setting out just past 6am, one wants to be first in, the morn is cool and road almost devoid of traffic. The route chosen to go has good repair and makes pushing the cart easy. Like a good neighbour, the "Launderland" is open before time and one just pushes right in.
MOI is quite fond of the massive machines that can handle multiple loads. This washeteria has one that will take 4 loads at a time. The price is but $4.75 and it does a brilliant job cleaning the soiled items brought. The shop also has a machine in working order that makes change so coin is always available for the job.
I am not the type to stand and stare at clothes tumble about in the machine. It is not telly and oft wondered at folks who do just that. Are they expecting the clothes to disappear?
I love to 'people watch' and a trip to the washeteria affords many glimpses into the lives of others doing wash.
There was a young chap who pulled up in a truck loaded with 3 massive dogs. St. Bernard's they be. Massive, and not too keen to be in car park while the chap placed dirty clothes in machines. I asked if it were dear to feed the dogs and he went on to tell that it was over $100.00 per month to feed. Mind, he seemed a bit vexed to be asked questions by a stranger and told so. When I explained that it was just my way of being neighbourly, he got less vexed and fessed up to being on guard with folks at washeteria, not always knowing who one might meet there. Seems some 'uncovered' do come round looking to get cash for washing or worse, to steal others clothes. Fancy that.
The young chap did not seem too worried as he drove off to get coffee and left his clothes unattended.
Leaving Paul to stand guard, I wandered off to the market. Breakfast had not been had and was hungry.
I found that 'fresh' rolls had just been put out and greedily purchased 4 to take back for our morning treat. Standing in the car park, munching the lovely 'fresh' rolls, enjoying the early morn air, mmmmmmmmmm, what a treat.
While stuffing cake hole, another punter arrived at washeteria. A lovely lady of a certain age. She was very business like. She had her basket, her soap and had even brought own coin from home. Along with the washing materials, she also carried into the shop cleaning supplies.
Before she placed any item in the washer, she made sure to do a complete cleaning of it. I mean a total wipe down. This love of 'clean' extended to machines on both sides of ones she was using. Germs spread?
Round the same time as dryer was being used by MOI, the lovely lady picked out several machine she would use. With towels and spray bottle filled with cleaner, she went about getting them ready for her items.
I always assumed that the extreme 'high heat' from dryers would kill any germs, but what do I know.
In rather short order, washing was done and it was time to pack up the cart and return home.
Is there a point to this post? Odd you should ask, there is.
Rather than buy into how negative living in Downtown Marysville be, I see the bright side.
I have another excuse to get out and walk off some of the tonnage gained by over-eating in the past. The trip to and back from the washeteria is good exercise. Does wonders for me legs and shrinking waistline. I get to enjoy the early morn air and look about at things on path. Meet new folks. Learn a bit more of local history. Love looking at mansion on path that belongs to local tycoon whose fortune goes back to lumber days.
Point being, this old geezer has heard oft how horrid living Downtown be. Rubbish. There are loads of shops ready to serve your needs. Plus eateries. What if one has to walk a bit to get to? I do not understand what folks are looking for when they turn down lovely flats in Downtown. Surely not all drive. Parking seems to be plentiful. It is very quiet.
Truth be told, I look forward to visits to washeteria. Some visits are action packed. Thursday is $1.00 wash day and brings out large numbers of folks. Packed the place be. If life be an adventure, this be one that be of on-going interest.
Now if I could just find the mate to one of the socks...