Monday, March 1, 2010


Not only it it Monday, it is the first day of March.  That can only mean  it will be a rather long day, filled with much comings and goings.  Of late, new folks to the community have been moving in on the first of the each month, and March will be no exception.  Said all of the afore to make a boring introduction to the fact that MOI will be Mad as a Hatter today.

It will be close to the wire all day.  One unit still has finishing touches to apply and am wondering if the paint will still be wet.

Murray has not let down in adding to the drama of the move in day.  Carpet was to have been installed and it still needs to be finished.  Doors have to be re-hung and other bits and bobs done.

Poor Murray, he has been so put upon of late that he looks like he is about to drop.  Running round and trying to do the odd job has taken toll.  He slept over at me house.  I have a sofa that converts into a full bed.  You know the sort, it promises a good night's sleep but has that iron bar in the middle of.  How on earth do you get a good sleep with that?  Right well if you sleep sideways...

Moving right along...

The major problem I have with Murray is that he does not plan his day well.  Meeting with trades folks he makes deals, promises loads, then moves on to another task, leaving this old geezer to cobble together how it will sort self out.  Over weekend, chap showed up to do work in two units.  Had been promised that appliances would be moved and floor covering would be clean.  NOT.  Had to work magic with to keep poor chap from walking away from the job.

When I make a promise, I like to keep it.  It gets very tiring to have to keep bailing water in Murray's wake.

I start each day with a plan.  Write out .marching orders' for the troops, Murray included.  It is the only way to keep track of all that has to be attended to.  Even then, what will go wrong can and does.

One unit required a new paint job.  Simple enough.  Unless at the Linda Villa.  The unit was done with a paint gun.  The chap who did came out looking like a ghost and he left much paint in his wake.  Seems that it is an art form to use a paint gun, one that if not done proper, get almost as much paint on the floor as the walls.  The floor was white as a field of snow.  Problem being that new carpet will not glue down to this field of new paint.  Now the lovely chap will have to remove paint and that will be a chore.

Never a dull moment at the Linda Villa.  Would I have it any other way?

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