Thursday, February 25, 2010


Truth be told, I loathe cats.  Always have, always will.

Having made so bold a statement, will go on to say that my personal feelings about cats ends with personal ownership of the horrid creatures.  Were other folks to own cats is of no problem to MOI, so long as there is a distance kept.  Been known to even visit homes of feline lovers for short periods to be a true equal opportunity 'friend'.

Have you ever wondered how folks who own cats are oblivious to the flaws in their feline ownership?  Like the ruination of furniture by clawing.  Or that nasty little box kept about to use as a toilet.

Folks who own cats swear that they do not smell.  The little creature may not, but that horrid little box does.  Folks place the nasty litter box in rather bizarre places.  The kitchen, the laundry room floor or my personal favourite, the bath.

Imagine you are a guest and stay the night.  You stumble into the bath, half awake, and feet feel all of the sand about.  Worse can be the smell from a full litter box.  Whole new meaning to bathroom odor.

The snap above is from the toss of a full litter box.  It came from a flat that has 4 cats.  1 over the limit of pets allowed, but with 2 dogs as well, who is counting.  The litter box is right nasty, more so as it is just feet away from the front door of lady lived and not far from the rubbish bin.  How hard would it have been to bag and hurl in the proper place?

Not wanting to offend, there can barely be seen the large lumps of 'poo'.  Sand upon sand was added to the littler box till there was no room for more sand or 'poo'.

My dears, the lady in question tears up at the suggestion that the feline population in her flat must be lowered.  "She so loves her cats"  Bell or no, the next round up will see some go into the cages.  What with the toss of litter, one also has to contend to the dog 'poo'.  Talk about getting the feeling you are being dumped on...

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