Saturday, February 27, 2010


The new business cards for the Linda Villa say it all.  Advert for self promotion and the fact that bloody brilliant things are happening at the old place.  Nothing screams change more than a brilliant little card that folks can tuck away in wallet to remind of the best deal in town.

The little card also lets folks email MOI with thoughts and quiries about flats.  It also tells the whole world that what matters most is making folks feel welcome and cared for as neighbours.

Making over a part of the community is a collaboration of management and tenants, working close with local coppers and elected officials.  Civic Pride and Moral Responsibility is returning to Linda with a bang.

Lovely new tenants are moving in and more are soon to.  How grand is that?

The price of renewal is forcing some tenants to seek flats elsewhere, they no longer fit in here.  Unhappy tenants that have no desire to follow rules are being made very aware that they will or be asked to leave.

The culture of looking the other way when bad folks bring drugs and drama into the community are over.

A lovely lady who had been put upon at last flat is being monitored so that she does not have bad flatmates of the past move in here and play the same mean game on. 

A young chap who has problems identifying bad sort is being helped to keep 'friends' from taking advantage of.

There be some who feel that this old geezer is over-reaching in his role as management.  I think not.  The deal made with new tenants is that the Linda Villa will continue to be a drug and crime free zone.  That that role very serious I do.  What would be the point of all of the hard work and cash spent by Kay Properties if the very things that destroyed 'quality of life' were to continue.

Folks are made to pick up after self.  The hurling of rubbish about the car park is slowing down.  Cast off ciggies are being picked up and placed in proper container.  Effort is made to stop the constant spitting about the place.

My dears, by the time the LINDA DRUG OUT BLOCK PARTY HAPPENS ON MAY 8TH, 2010, it is hoped that all of the horrid folks will be long gone.  Why on earth would any want to lurk about when so many brillint folks will be celebrating the removal of the very things that they find comfy.  If the exodus includes past management, poor pet owners and benefits cheats, so be it.  Never let it be said that Kay Properties begs horrid creatures to remain.  So hard up are not the times.

Truth be told, all of the hard work is paying off.  The complex is looking lovely.  Folks in community are noticing the changer in grounds, lighting and less traffic to the complex.  So noticed are the changes that there be but 1 unit available to move into and that is with application pending.

Some time back, evil creatures told MOI that what with asking so many to vacate, there would soon be but the evil old geezer, MOI, at the Linda Villa.  What a laugh.


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