Sunday, February 28, 2010
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi pater: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et te Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum Nostrum.
My dears, being a true diarist, I have sinned most grieviously toward you the dear reader. I omitted something of self that was considered most private and did not share in these pages. Was of the belief that it was known to folks who mattered most, me mates, life long mates, and was of no import to any others.
Events yesterday have made MOI realize that it matters a great deal to others and will not allow taunts to be hurled at and go unanswered. Pray forgive if it be too much information to share but am going to lay bare my darkest secret.
I am 'Bi-Polar', there I said it loud and clear for one and all to hear.
Bipolar disorder or manic–depressive disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood. These moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time.
Data from the United States on lifetime prevalence varies, but indicates a rate of around 1% for Bipolar I, 0.5–1% for Bipolar II. The onset of full symptoms generally occurs in late adolescence or young adulthood. Diagnosis is based on the person's self-reported experiences, as well as observed behavior. Episodes of abnormality are associated with distress and disruption, and an elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive episodes. In some cases it can be a devastating long-lasting disorder; in others it has also been associated with creativity, goal striving and positive achievements; there is significant evidence to suggest that many people with creative talents have also suffered from some form of bipolar disorder.
Genetic factors contribute substantially to the likelihood of developing bipolar disorder, and environmental factors are also implicated. Bipolar disorder is often treated with mood stabilizer medications, and sometimes other psychiatric drugs. Psychotherapy also has a role, often when there has been some recovery of stability. In serious cases in which there is a risk of harm to oneself or others involuntary commitment may be used; these cases generally involve severe manic episodes with dangerous behavior or depressive episodes with suicidal ideation. There are widespread problems with social stigma, stereotypes and prejudice against individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder exhibiting psychotic symptoms can sometimes be misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia, another serious mental illness.
Sharing company with MOI in living with the illness, or having lived with the illness are; Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Patty Duke, Bethoven, Ted Turner, Buzz Aldrin, Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt and Mark Twain. Very good company indeed.
In the car park at the complex lived, it was hurled at MOI that it was the reason behaviour was not liked by many folks on road, in the community and complex lived at. It was the reason that a petition was passed round, to force me business partner to run out of community on a rail.
The person making all of the comments about illness had received that information from a person once trusted. A person thought of as a 'friend'. Past management who had been told of the secret to try and show that any one can overcome tragic things in life, even this old geezer.
They say that if you truly are going to be mates with another, one has to give that person the tools to destroy you, that is how true 'friendship' works, allowing the person trusted to see with warts and all. There are times that that trust is mis-placed, and this would seem to be one of thoes times. How very sad.
A HOMOSEXUAL BI-POLAR NUTTER! Call the folks with the wagon to collect and lock away from the world. It is far too dangerous to allow this old geezer to live among benefits cheats, lazy layabout scroungers, druggies, conmen and wife beaters.
It must be manic behaviour that forces MOI to toil away many hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, to create a garden paradise in Linda. To raise the bar of Civic Pride and Moral Responsibility. To see wrong and try to right it. To show folks with low self esteem that they can be brilliant.
It must be a depression-like coma that allows MOI to reach out to folks in need of a helping hand. To provide a safe harbour to a young lad suffering from a most serious mental illness. Make a home possible for a young mother trying to care for wee lad in wheelchair. A safe place for so many children to live and grow up to be responsible future citizens of the community.
Leaving troubles behind, this old geezer tries to find time for the things that truly matter in life.
Like bucking up the spirits of a partner in business who also suffers from Bi-Polar, tries to re-light the fire of his vision to create a better place to live for less fortunate folks. All the while trying to provide a good home for minor child dealing with tragic events coming out of a broken marriage.
It must explain having a flatmate who suffers from an illness that will kill at too young an age. Or try to help flatmate deal with schizophrenia.
I can not apologize for what God had seen fit to give me to carry as crosses in life. While well aware of all of the blessings received from the Lord, there are the not so wanted challenges given that one must deal with as part of the package.
My not so loved birth mum, gave me things that marked me for life. Loss of a family life, the life long battle with mental illness and the challenge of rising above the wicked things done to in orphanages raised.
That is the way of it my dears, what is one to do? Crawl into a hole and die? I think not.
Each and every morn, when I rise from me cot, I go to the bath and look into the mirror. I repeat a phrase learned; "I GIVE MY SELF PERMISSION TO HAVE A GOOD DAY, TODAY." I like to think that me actions serve as proof that the battle to do just that is won more oft than not.
To the not so kind person who wanted me to feel horrid that it was known that I had troubles, I can only say to that person and any other wanting a reason to not credit with more than a mental illness;
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...
Right proud am I to be in the company of folks who overcame the stigma of being Bi-Polar. It did not stop one from being awarded the Noble Peace Prize, being President of the United States, becoming an astronaut, giving the world beautiful music to last the ages, make the worl laugh, become the largrest landowner in America, build an empire, save the world during WWII, or give some of the finest words ever written.
Mind, what does this old bent bi-polar geezer know?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The new business cards for the Linda Villa say it all. Advert for self promotion and the fact that bloody brilliant things are happening at the old place. Nothing screams change more than a brilliant little card that folks can tuck away in wallet to remind of the best deal in town.
The little card also lets folks email MOI with thoughts and quiries about flats. It also tells the whole world that what matters most is making folks feel welcome and cared for as neighbours.
Making over a part of the community is a collaboration of management and tenants, working close with local coppers and elected officials. Civic Pride and Moral Responsibility is returning to Linda with a bang.
Lovely new tenants are moving in and more are soon to. How grand is that?
The price of renewal is forcing some tenants to seek flats elsewhere, they no longer fit in here. Unhappy tenants that have no desire to follow rules are being made very aware that they will or be asked to leave.
The culture of looking the other way when bad folks bring drugs and drama into the community are over.
A lovely lady who had been put upon at last flat is being monitored so that she does not have bad flatmates of the past move in here and play the same mean game on.
A young chap who has problems identifying bad sort is being helped to keep 'friends' from taking advantage of.
There be some who feel that this old geezer is over-reaching in his role as management. I think not. The deal made with new tenants is that the Linda Villa will continue to be a drug and crime free zone. That that role very serious I do. What would be the point of all of the hard work and cash spent by Kay Properties if the very things that destroyed 'quality of life' were to continue.
Folks are made to pick up after self. The hurling of rubbish about the car park is slowing down. Cast off ciggies are being picked up and placed in proper container. Effort is made to stop the constant spitting about the place.
My dears, by the time the LINDA DRUG OUT BLOCK PARTY HAPPENS ON MAY 8TH, 2010, it is hoped that all of the horrid folks will be long gone. Why on earth would any want to lurk about when so many brillint folks will be celebrating the removal of the very things that they find comfy. If the exodus includes past management, poor pet owners and benefits cheats, so be it. Never let it be said that Kay Properties begs horrid creatures to remain. So hard up are not the times.
Truth be told, all of the hard work is paying off. The complex is looking lovely. Folks in community are noticing the changer in grounds, lighting and less traffic to the complex. So noticed are the changes that there be but 1 unit available to move into and that is with application pending.
Some time back, evil creatures told MOI that what with asking so many to vacate, there would soon be but the evil old geezer, MOI, at the Linda Villa. What a laugh.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Truth be told, I loathe cats. Always have, always will.
Having made so bold a statement, will go on to say that my personal feelings about cats ends with personal ownership of the horrid creatures. Were other folks to own cats is of no problem to MOI, so long as there is a distance kept. Been known to even visit homes of feline lovers for short periods to be a true equal opportunity 'friend'.
Have you ever wondered how folks who own cats are oblivious to the flaws in their feline ownership? Like the ruination of furniture by clawing. Or that nasty little box kept about to use as a toilet.
Folks who own cats swear that they do not smell. The little creature may not, but that horrid little box does. Folks place the nasty litter box in rather bizarre places. The kitchen, the laundry room floor or my personal favourite, the bath.
Imagine you are a guest and stay the night. You stumble into the bath, half awake, and feet feel all of the sand about. Worse can be the smell from a full litter box. Whole new meaning to bathroom odor.
The snap above is from the toss of a full litter box. It came from a flat that has 4 cats. 1 over the limit of pets allowed, but with 2 dogs as well, who is counting. The litter box is right nasty, more so as it is just feet away from the front door of lady lived and not far from the rubbish bin. How hard would it have been to bag and hurl in the proper place?
Not wanting to offend, there can barely be seen the large lumps of 'poo'. Sand upon sand was added to the littler box till there was no room for more sand or 'poo'.
My dears, the lady in question tears up at the suggestion that the feline population in her flat must be lowered. "She so loves her cats" Bell or no, the next round up will see some go into the cages. What with the toss of litter, one also has to contend to the dog 'poo'. Talk about getting the feeling you are being dumped on...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Neighborhood Takes Back Their Streets
Posted: May 10, 2008 10:38 PM PDT
By: Nicole Garcia and Kyra Jenkins
One man is leading the way to take back his downtown Fresno Street from gang members and drug dealers. On Saturday, neighbors living on Calaveras Street reclaimed their street for their families and kids.
It's something residents and kids in this part of Fresno aren't used to; a block party celebrating their neighborhood.
A single man has been working for the past year to change that mind-set, by re-teaching kids that they can make better choices and have better lives.
"I must be thick as a brick because I don't understand how you can live peacefully and co-exist next to someone selling poison," said resident Rob DeFrees.
DeFrees has led the campaign to instill civic pride in the area around his Calaveras Street home for nearly a year now.
"We live in a country where we believe one person can't make a difference, but one person gives the courage to another person to stand next to him, then another person," said DeFrees.
Now DeFrees sees many of his neighbors standing by his side in the crusade to take their street back.
"I've been optimistic for a while, seen a lot of changes in this neighborhood, a lot of good things here," said neighbor Steve Skibbie.
One of the dozens of children there says he stands for a drug-free, gang-free lifestyle. Little Joe Perez says he's staying away from that bad example and believes in a better life, at the age of 9-years-old.
Kids and their parents celebrated the re-birth of their road with clowns, balloons, face painting, music, marching bands, and camaraderie.
And for the future leader of this street, it's a message they don't usually hear.
"I want them to know that they're brilliant. If people tell you your whole life that you're nothing, then you believe it. If you hear you are brilliant, maybe you start to think that you are," said DeFrees.
DeFrees moved to Fresno from London one year ago, and plans to keep pushing his civic pride campaign for as long as he's here.
Posted: May 10, 2008 10:38 PM PDT
By: Nicole Garcia and Kyra Jenkins
One man is leading the way to take back his downtown Fresno Street from gang members and drug dealers. On Saturday, neighbors living on Calaveras Street reclaimed their street for their families and kids.
It's something residents and kids in this part of Fresno aren't used to; a block party celebrating their neighborhood.
A single man has been working for the past year to change that mind-set, by re-teaching kids that they can make better choices and have better lives.
"I must be thick as a brick because I don't understand how you can live peacefully and co-exist next to someone selling poison," said resident Rob DeFrees.
DeFrees has led the campaign to instill civic pride in the area around his Calaveras Street home for nearly a year now.
"We live in a country where we believe one person can't make a difference, but one person gives the courage to another person to stand next to him, then another person," said DeFrees.
Now DeFrees sees many of his neighbors standing by his side in the crusade to take their street back.
"I've been optimistic for a while, seen a lot of changes in this neighborhood, a lot of good things here," said neighbor Steve Skibbie.
One of the dozens of children there says he stands for a drug-free, gang-free lifestyle. Little Joe Perez says he's staying away from that bad example and believes in a better life, at the age of 9-years-old.
Kids and their parents celebrated the re-birth of their road with clowns, balloons, face painting, music, marching bands, and camaraderie.
And for the future leader of this street, it's a message they don't usually hear.
"I want them to know that they're brilliant. If people tell you your whole life that you're nothing, then you believe it. If you hear you are brilliant, maybe you start to think that you are," said DeFrees.
DeFrees moved to Fresno from London one year ago, and plans to keep pushing his civic pride campaign for as long as he's here.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The dispatcher sounds weary
as she sends a call my way,
sounds like another fatal-
Lord, help me make it through another day
Some drunk has wrecked his motor
"Just had one pint", he lies.
and I try to maintain control
as his missus and the wee ones cry.
People say I am cold hearted
as the tears never flow.
Lord, can not they understand-
I can not allow me motions to show.
Lord, if they only knew
of the bad dreams and sleepless nights,
filled with thoughts of troubled souls
and the crying wee ones at domestic battles.
There are times I just want to chuck it
as mangled bodies fill me day
Lord, why am I a copper?
As it surely can not be for the pay packet.
Another call, a house on fire-
cries of grief, folks milling about.
With great relief I find
neighbours have got folks out.
As I watch helplessly,
so knackered, I can hardly stand-
I feel a touch at me side,
a tug at me right hand.
A wee lad of six or so,
his eyes big and blue.
"Oi", he says, "When I grow up,
I want to be a copper, just like you."
Lord, now I know why I am a copper."
My dears, how oft have you given thought to the coppers who 'serve and protect'?
Through me journey down the path of life, have met many a brilliant copper. Take the time I do to mark all met. Have been raised to feel that the coppers are me friends. There to keep order and help make the community lived in a better place. Never feared them.
Local, have had the great good fortune to meet some rather legend coppers. First would be Captain Mike Wilson of the Marysville Police Department. Such a lovely chap. Took me to riverbed to see up close and in person, the plight of the folks living there. Took the time to fill me in on the problems faced with crime and drugs in the community. So grand a copper that title makes him supervisor, not stopping him from giving chase on foot when a wicked fellow tried to rob a local store. So brilliant that he spent many an hour of personal time righting many wrongs in the riverbed, even hauling rubbish away.
Then there be Lucy Merrill, lovely lady with Marysville department who tries to get folks sorted out about the tickets got for running the cameras. What tales she must listen to. Lucy saw the value of this old geezer eary on and supported in efforts to begin fight to help right the community.
Officer Neil Houston, a copper who has been bloody brilliant in showing support for efforts to right the Linda Villa and community round. Taking active interest in neighbours, Neil does more than 'patrol', he takes the lead and tries to help many of the folks he meets. Were it not for his support, Christmas past would have been less brilliant for many. Mind, Neil likes to remind that he be just the 'front copper', there be so many other brilliant coppers in the shadows not met.
Lastly, there be the great man, Sheriff Steve Durfor, who promised at the Ice Cream Social that he would provide all of the support to chase the wicked ones away. Brilliance from the top flows down to light up all of the coppers under his command. What did Linda do to deserve such a chap?
I am unabashed in support of the coppers. If any find that too gooey for personal tastes, bugger off. That be just the way of it.
Monday, February 22, 2010
When first laid eyes on Michael McKenney, it was late afternoon, he had caught my interest as his vehicle had pulled into car park and just sat there as if he was clueless as who he was to visit. In a manner of speaking he was, and that adds to how wrong I got the whole purpose of his visit.
Michael works for Comcast, the local cable company. When first saw Michael out of vehicle it was to note that he wore a polo shirt that proclaimed that he worked for Comcast, and he was headed to rear of the building looking for the cable box.
One could hardly not notice that Michael was a bit challenged, one of his arms hung by side and his gait was off as well. Thinking that Comcast was bit unkind in expecting a man with challenges to perform the task of an 'install' was nevertheless impressed that Comcast had given Michael a job.
Catching Michael coming from the unit visited for install, this old geezer had the nerve to stop and tell how impressed he was to see a handicapped person working as cableman. Told Michael that it was a bit of a shocker to see one such as him try to get about to do the install. When so far as to all but tell the chap that I felt so very sorry for. Talk about hubris on me part.
Turns out that Michael has a cyst removed from his back that caused his arm to droop and the other conditions noted in his appearance. Had thought it to be a stroke, as he had all of the signs of.
On closer inspection, it would seem that much of what was thought of 'poor' Michael was so off mark. Michael was named "Salesman of 2009" for Comcast. Has lived and worked in Yuba County whole of life. Father of 5. Michael is past president of American Cancer Society, past president of Little League. Michael is member of Lions International.
Michael also drives a bloody brilliant motor, wears a rolex and says that his pay packet is brilliant. I have no doubt.
How horrid it was for MOI to judge Michael based on how he looked. Mind, who can say that they do not do that? Fess up, this old geezer is not the only one to have sinned.
Were I not so tight with a quid, Michael McKinney would be getting some business form. As it is there is already a cable wire into home and the office is already wred for phone, cable and internet, COMCAST of course. Be there any round who find self in need of help, Michael McKinney is more that willing to help.
The handout that Michael gives out says it best. WHY ME? Answer; "A person you can meet face to face."
That you can...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hospice is a type of care and a philosophy of care which focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill patient's symptoms. These symptoms can be physical, emotional, spiritual or social in nature. The concept of hospice has been evolving since the 11th century. Then, and for centuries thereafter, hospices were places of hospitality for the sick, wounded, or dying, as well as those for travelers and pilgrims. The modern concept of hospice includes palliative care for the incurably ill given in such institutions as hospitals or nursing homes, but also care provided to those who would rather die in their own homes. It began to emerge in the 17th century, but many of the foundational principles by which modern hospice services operate were pioneered in the 1950s by Dame Cicely Saunders.
My dears, having a close neighbour coming home to die and using the services of Hospice has brought back a flood of memories of past experience with Hospice.
My life's companion had a terminal illness, many who are 'au fait' with the story of me life know that, what many do not know is that his passing was made easier by being able to die at home.
I remember well the conversation John and I had about that. He had been in and out of hospital multiple times and came to dread each stay. No matter how lovely the hospital, it is a very cold impersonal place, filled with many strangers and odd comings and goings at all hours of day and night. It is a wonder that any get a good rest while there. When is was quite clear that John was not going to get much better, in point of fact, much worse, and die, choices had to be made as to how the end would be dealt with.
John wanted to die at home, in his own bed, with his favourite dog by side and loved music playing. All very easy for John, all he had to do was lie there and die, this old bugger would have to do the hard part, care for him. The doctors asked if I knew what I was getting into. There would be medicines to give, tubes to clear and all sort of other things to handle, 24/7. Being ever so clever, I told I did, and set into motion the plan.
No matter how much you love someone, nothing prepares you for the task of performing tasks for 24/7. Illness is hard on both the ill and the care giver. After months of trying to do all things, I fell apart, it was too much. I rang up local Hospice and asked if there was a chance for getting some help. There was indeed and all that was required was a certificate stating that John was soon to die.
Hospice came round to home and told what was needed to make the task of John being comfy in home best. The bed was all wrong, and a new one was got. Extra things to aide in the care for were got. More important, I was given the opportunity to vent with someone who understood how hard all of this was on. It also gave me the chance to get out a bit and keep life going. Helped John meet and chat with caring folks who made him comfy while I was about.
As John got worse, Hospice was there to make sure that all that was needed was available. Most important was the support and love. Pain was kept at minimum. Hospice never crowded the home, one was always able to have private time with John. John felt special at all of the personal attention given to.
When John died, Hospice came round and took care of many of the small details that were very hard to deal with. The doctor was called to make sure that death was noted. The furneral home was rung up to collect John. John was prepared for his final outing. Hospice sat with MOI and held hand, while a good cry was had. Helped put to bed and sat with until the next morn. In short, Hospice kept this old geezer focused on the present and not what had happened. There were many things to do and it was important to go on with life.
Had it not been for Hospice, John might not have died at home. Having the opportunity to make John comfy made that happen. Not cash, but the helping and caring folks of Hospice. I never forgot that, and now get to see another person known, have the opportunity to die with dignity at home.
Yesterday, as the reserved parking place was made ready for Hospice, all of me thoughts of past experiences floated by my eyes. I do not fear death, and have no desire to pretend that what is happening has to be hidden. This is 2010, we are not living in the dark ages.
My dears, having a close neighbour coming home to die and using the services of Hospice has brought back a flood of memories of past experience with Hospice.
My life's companion had a terminal illness, many who are 'au fait' with the story of me life know that, what many do not know is that his passing was made easier by being able to die at home.
I remember well the conversation John and I had about that. He had been in and out of hospital multiple times and came to dread each stay. No matter how lovely the hospital, it is a very cold impersonal place, filled with many strangers and odd comings and goings at all hours of day and night. It is a wonder that any get a good rest while there. When is was quite clear that John was not going to get much better, in point of fact, much worse, and die, choices had to be made as to how the end would be dealt with.
John wanted to die at home, in his own bed, with his favourite dog by side and loved music playing. All very easy for John, all he had to do was lie there and die, this old bugger would have to do the hard part, care for him. The doctors asked if I knew what I was getting into. There would be medicines to give, tubes to clear and all sort of other things to handle, 24/7. Being ever so clever, I told I did, and set into motion the plan.
No matter how much you love someone, nothing prepares you for the task of performing tasks for 24/7. Illness is hard on both the ill and the care giver. After months of trying to do all things, I fell apart, it was too much. I rang up local Hospice and asked if there was a chance for getting some help. There was indeed and all that was required was a certificate stating that John was soon to die.
Hospice came round to home and told what was needed to make the task of John being comfy in home best. The bed was all wrong, and a new one was got. Extra things to aide in the care for were got. More important, I was given the opportunity to vent with someone who understood how hard all of this was on. It also gave me the chance to get out a bit and keep life going. Helped John meet and chat with caring folks who made him comfy while I was about.
As John got worse, Hospice was there to make sure that all that was needed was available. Most important was the support and love. Pain was kept at minimum. Hospice never crowded the home, one was always able to have private time with John. John felt special at all of the personal attention given to.
When John died, Hospice came round and took care of many of the small details that were very hard to deal with. The doctor was called to make sure that death was noted. The furneral home was rung up to collect John. John was prepared for his final outing. Hospice sat with MOI and held hand, while a good cry was had. Helped put to bed and sat with until the next morn. In short, Hospice kept this old geezer focused on the present and not what had happened. There were many things to do and it was important to go on with life.
Had it not been for Hospice, John might not have died at home. Having the opportunity to make John comfy made that happen. Not cash, but the helping and caring folks of Hospice. I never forgot that, and now get to see another person known, have the opportunity to die with dignity at home.
Yesterday, as the reserved parking place was made ready for Hospice, all of me thoughts of past experiences floated by my eyes. I do not fear death, and have no desire to pretend that what is happening has to be hidden. This is 2010, we are not living in the dark ages.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"We are mothers and fathers. And sons and daughters. Who every day go about our lives with duty, honor and pride. And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds. Ever." Lifted from advert for USPS used after September 11.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent agency of the United States government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. Within the United States, it is commonly referred to as the "Post Office", "Postal Service", or "U.S. Mail".
Though postal services have existed on American territory before the United States' establishment, the USPS's first incarnation was established by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 1775 by decree of the Second Continental Congress. The Post Office Department was created from this in 1792 as part of the United States Cabinet, its current form in 1983 under the Postal Reorganization Act.
Since its reorganization into an independent organization, the USPS has become self-sufficient and has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s. The decline of mail volume due to increased usage of e-mail has forced the postal service to look to other sources of revenue while cutting costs to maintain this financial balance.
Employing 656,000 workers and 260,000 vehicles, it is the second-largest civilian employer in the United States (after Wal-Mart) and the operator of the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world. The USPS is obligated to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality. Conversely, it has exclusive access to U.S. mail boxes and non-urgent letters. It receives competition from email and package delivery services.
Duplicity might spring to mind of the reader with the use of the 'creed' and facts about the USPS used in the opening of this post. My dears, you being 'au fait' with MOI will know that there be a hidden meaning behind the delivery...
Mind, will fess up that the post box featured as battered does no reside on Park Avenue, but bear with, and all will be revealed.
Gone are the days when the posty actually walked a route in Linda, the arrival of the post is by van. The posty pulls up or into complex and srts out the bits of mail into the boxes and drives off. Save for rare meetings it is common for folks to not even know who the post be. Not exactly big on 'customer relations' they be.
A lovely new tenant moved into the Park complex, sister property to Linda Villa, was given a key for the post box and found that it did not open the box assigned to. Turned out to open quite a different box, but that is a whole different tale to tell at a different time. Bringing to my attention, made it clear that the post box on the road was controlled by USPS and they would have to provide a key to.
The lovely lady journed to the Post Office ad was told that in order for her to get a working key, it would require a payment of $35.00. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS, YOU WILL PAY OR NOT HAVE A POST BOX. So told was the lovely lady.
The lovely lady gets by on a social security check, takes care of her minor child with it and pays rent and all of the bills with. It is no much to begin with and finding an extra $35.00 can be rather hard.
Supervisor Andy Vasquez, known to be a champion of the USPS, he leads the fight local to save the sorting station, and is great pals with the local posties. Who better to ring up and query as to what to do. Since the post box is the property of USPS can not take a drill to and change out the lock, do not want to wind up in the nick.
Supervisor Vasquez came up with a novel solution to the problem. "Rather than make a mountain out of a molehill, let us just sort out the problem quickly for the dear lady." Springing into action, "Andy" sped over to the Linda Villa and taking a $20.00 from own pocket, added to sum from Kay Properties, to make sure that the lovely lady got her lock sorted out. My dears, post is very important to get, and the lovely lady was beside self with worry about.
Right, there be shaking of heads and tongues clucking round now. Careful, this old geezer writes as he sees it from view in front of. It is my blog and do as I please. Too oft, we fail to note the small kindnesses done by elected officials for community. This old geezer be not one to do so. What was done to solve the problem for the lovely lady was quite grand. Andy Vasquez did not need to do that and he will be quite mad with for my having told the whole world of. He will get over it. Along with giving elected officials much of my mind about horrid thing, it is only fair to note what brilliant things are done by.
The real villain of this post be the folks at USPS. They do not treat all equal. Know for a fact that another tenant went about post box and he got box sorted out without charge. Someone at the USPS must be having a 'bad hair' day. Regardless, the box should have been sorted out as the lady in question is a new tenant and not responsible for the box being without a key.
As for the snap of the wicked post box on road.... A bit of theatre on my part to draw attention to fact that without a proper key, it may as well be without proper door, the posty will not make post available for lady.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My dears, there comes but a few times in life that it seems impossible the story known could possibly get any more wicked. Hold tight to cuppa, have I got a tale for you this morn.
There once came to the Linda Villa a wicked fellow, masking self as a gentleman. In tow, he brought the missus, a step-daughter and small child. Hat in hand, the wicked fellow charmed all as to his deserving help as he was a reformed person who had cast off the wicked ways of the past and now saw the light. HE HAD FOUND JESUS.
No more would he find pleasure with a needle stuck in arm, or take property that belonged to others. Not wanting to be a lazy layabout scrounger, he would throw off the dole and WORK for what life had to offer.
Being a right wicked fellow, he knew how to con one and all. He went to a social programme and got them to pay his way into the Linda Villa. Sat in front of management in place and charmed the knickers off. In short order, the keys to flat were his and the real nasty part of the con began to take shape.
Moving in, the wicked fellow did not place order to transfer electric into his name. He was going to get for FREE, leave out of his name and hope it would never come to light. Being a fan of the telly, he set about getting that for FREE as well. Drilled holes through walls and closet to get connected with neighbours.
Having charmed the locals so well, he went so far as to ring up other wicked folks and tell of the naive folks at the Linda Villa, primed to be picked clean. In short order, horrid urban trash from another area showed up and filled more flats. They too did not pay for electric, or many other bills, come to think of.
With so much got for FREE and the number of local social services available to con gone through, it was no surprise that the wicked fellow stopped paying rent. Mind, he did keep charming the knickers off management to keep reports flowing to Murray Kay that there was a slim chance that past rent would be paid.
Thousands of dollars later in lost rents, and the added cost of court, the wicked fellow was forced out of the flat with a court order of eviction. That had to wait until the sheriff came and posted the door as it was returned to Kay Properties. The wicked fellow had fixed the door so that it required being broke down to reclaim flat.
My dears, do not leave yet, the story takes a very strange twist...
When electric had been reported as stolen, the company came out and locked the meter. So well were the locks used that the wicked fellow could not break into. He tried. So hard did he try that it required multiple trip out to correct and at end of day it still had not been sorted out.
A telephone call came into the office. "Rent-A-Center" said Caller ID. Was gobsmacked to hear that the wicked fellow had gone to this business to get furniture and electronics for new flat. The lovely lady was calling to get verification of his being a tenant in 'good standing', asked for former management she did. Fancy that.
Given that the most wicked fellow is scheduled to be in the nick on March 1, am most curious as to why furniture and electronic would be needed. How would they be paid for, or where to be found?
Much of the drama that played out at the Linda Villa can be placed at the door of the wicked fellow's flat. He had folks conned or very afraid. He was able to do as he pleased and got others to do his bidding as well. Save, one or two flats, all that were friendly with the wicked fellow are departed. Hard lessons have been learned and trust in folks has been lost.
A most wicked fellow still walks among us. He uses drugs in most horrid manner. He steals. He lies at every opportunity. He is a benefits cheat. In short, he is the very model of a lazy layabout scrounger. So gifted a con man is this wicked fellow that he still walks the road doing harm.
Any bets on the odds of his turning self in March 1 to go to the nick??
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The term "Mardi Gras" in English, refers to events of the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after the Epiphany and ending on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", referring to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which started on Ash Wednesday. Related popular practices were associated with celebrations before the fasting and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of Lent. Popular practices included wearing masks and costumes, overturning social conventions, dancing, sports competitions, parades, etc.
Being the good Catholic that I am, today will be one of much celebration, as there will much to do confession for to get in proper state for Lent. Will have to fess up to the buffets coveited, the fruit machine jackpots dearmed of, the lusting after a lovely foreign film on the telly. What, you thought this old geezer had much sin to fess up to?
Mind, I have to allow for the moments that I allow evil folks to get under skin. I should feel compassion for scroungers and their condition. Show pity on the drug addled. Make concessions for poor folks who want to wallow in filth. Bless me father, I have sinned and will again in these views help.
With any luck, some of the folks known to will see that giving something up for Lent can be a benefit to. Like passing up on that takeaway, or not smoking while with child. Walking to the rubbish bin and not driving to. Stop being a gossip. Try to be thankful for gifts received.
Well rested from me bank holiday, am ready to open the office and do battle with who may come. Might even toss a few beads at...
Being the good Catholic that I am, today will be one of much celebration, as there will much to do confession for to get in proper state for Lent. Will have to fess up to the buffets coveited, the fruit machine jackpots dearmed of, the lusting after a lovely foreign film on the telly. What, you thought this old geezer had much sin to fess up to?
Mind, I have to allow for the moments that I allow evil folks to get under skin. I should feel compassion for scroungers and their condition. Show pity on the drug addled. Make concessions for poor folks who want to wallow in filth. Bless me father, I have sinned and will again in these views help.
With any luck, some of the folks known to will see that giving something up for Lent can be a benefit to. Like passing up on that takeaway, or not smoking while with child. Walking to the rubbish bin and not driving to. Stop being a gossip. Try to be thankful for gifts received.
Well rested from me bank holiday, am ready to open the office and do battle with who may come. Might even toss a few beads at...
Monday, February 15, 2010
“Every man dies - Not every man really lives.”
Death is the termination of the biological functions that define a living organism. It refers both to a particular event and to the condition that results thereby. The true nature of the latter has, for millennia, been a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry. Belief in some kind of afterlife or rebirth is a central aspect of many religious traditions.
“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?” Chuck Palahnuik
“You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want:smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
David Harkins
My neighbour, Robert has come home to die. Yes, I did indeed say die.
On last visit to hospital, he was checked out and told that it would be the last trip he will make in a van to hospital. From now on the world of medicine will come to him. Robert has been placed on Hospice.
It comes as no surprise to Robert, he has been fighting cancer for some time and has outlived the time doctors orginally gave him by many months. His lovely wife, Victoria, has been noble in her care of him but it has reached a point when there is need for more help to make Robert right comfy.
The rest of Robert's days will be in the care of Victoria, surrounded by his memories and the comfort of his trusted companion, Smudgee, the most clever of dogs.
You be 'au fait' with Robert, have told you of before. What a joy it is to meet such a lovely chap. Nary is the day that his full throated laugh makes me feel right good, and there be days am in dire need of a buck up. Robert enjoys a gasp and is always asking if I will join in on one. Or have a cuppa or sit a spell.
So pleased Robert was that Murray brought flowers to hospital, on both our behalf. Truth be told, Kay Properties has made the decision to ensure that fresh flowers are placed in a vase next to his bed for the remainder. What joy is got by allowing a spash of colour to brighten Robert's world.
Robert told me the other day that there be some who have known him longer resent that I have told the whole world of his 'end of days'. Bit hard the truth that is known to all. Perhaps the real reason lies in the fact that many are so very afraid of death. Want to treat it as horrid little secret that must be hidden from view.
What is there to fear when you are facing the end of life with grace and pluck?
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”
Truth be told, what with the stories told to by Robert and Victoria, have no doubt that life lived has been chock-full. What a ride, packed with adventure and personal growth. The raising of children and the on-going love match that will be by side till the end. In good and not so good times, Robert has never given up.
Sadly, there be some who cling to the rails of the bed who can make no such claim. Want to treat him as object of pity. Rubbish. I admire Robert and his dealing with his life in a manner that bucks up all round him. At his daily effort to make sure that his lovely wife has many lovely memories to cling to when he has to leave her. Robert shames all round at his dignity in the face of a very hard battle over pain.
All of me life have taken note of personages that have lasting effect upon. Robert be such a person.
“I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”Winston Churchill
Have no doubt that the laughter of Robert will rock the halls of heaven on the day he shows up.
The calendar says that today is President's Day, but it feels like a bank holiday. You know, one of the silly holidays that enable folks to take advantage of a three day holiday. Mind, most of the folks who get this holiday are usually well paid folks, the ordinary get to work and not even with extra pay.
To the many families on the road, this day has meant that the children get to stay home another day. Can guess that there will much relief when the school bus pulls up in the morn.
After many days of toil, the office at the Linda Villa will remain shuttered today. A well earned rest is in order for one and all. There is nothing pressing that can not wait until tomorrow.
To answer the concern of me readers, will tell true that recent events have not shaken the belief that what is being done on road live and community a part of is the right thing. What few unhappy souls there be will have to either get used to change or vote with feet and move. When last looked, this is America, folks have an opinion and the right to voice that opinion. When all is said and done, the only ones that will be left out on the pavement will be the ones who thought to catch a free ride of sorts.
My dears, however shrill some of the not so lovely ladies at the complex or on the road get, it will not keep me from going about spreading good cheer.
And you can take that to the bank...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Billet-doux on Valentine's
Some days back, a lovely lady known to this old geezer sent email that suggested MOI was too busy to read emails and just might miss some of her efforts. What a lot of tosh, always open mail received from this lady as it is always most interesting.
Contained in her email were snaps of lovelies, like the one featured abouve. Inger is rather brilliant when it comes to expressing self, she is quite the artist. Mind, she is a welder by trade and probably could fire up most folks in that. What is know for sure is that she be a regular 'blow torch' when it comes to her passion for the community lived in.
Contrary to belief held by some on road lived, this old geezer is not without LOVE this Valentine's Day. Have received a few cards I have. Still waiting on the chocolates but the flowers arrived yesterday...
Of late there has been much LOVE at the Linda Villa. To be true, not all are me best mates, just yesterday the former manager and disgrunted tenant were seen in the car park plotting on how to rid this old geezer from their lives. You just can not please all. Will have to wait with bated breath for the 'billet-doux' they are preparing to present to 'lawyers' to force the removal of this old geezer.
In the past, tenants who did not wish to be part of change have done just like the few disgrunted folks at the Linda Villa. Since no laws have been broke, there is not much that will come of a petition. It is a ploy to buy time and not pay rents owed. In the end, it will be this old geezer waving good-bye to them not other way round. How very sad. The ring leaders of the revolt have must to lose. Neither can afford an eviction or the cost of a nasty legal battle. Finding a new place to hang hat will become more difficult.
It is Valentine's Day and there is no room for hate in me heart. Folks will do what they do, that is the way of it. Life is too short to let hate rule feelings. Will let the love flow over as continued efforts are made to reach out and touch the few who need all of the love they can get.
Friday, February 12, 2010

My dears, events this past week have made this old geezer thankful for so much. Another flat got rented to another lovely family. What with all of the new children moving in, this summer promises to see many of the wee ones jumping through the sprinkler heads to be placed out. How lovely.
There are still a few tenants who do not get the message. Obtuse they be. Rules that are in place to make it lovely for all, seem to not apply to them. Now that most at the Linda Villa and Park are making a go of it, the few left are so blatant. Kicking and screaming they be, and it seems that no effort on the part of this chap is going to change that.
All who move into the world that the Linda Villa be are being told what is expected of them. There is every effort made to make sure that it is quite clear what the rules of acceptable behaviour are. That there are no exceptions.
There be a lady at the complex who continues to feel that she is a 'special case'. Seems to think that she has a 'special pass' due to past association with Murray Kay. Fancy that, the road to ruin at the Linda Villa and Park was paved by folks like her.
Gossip and rumour added to not wanting to comply with rules, makes for a touchy situation. What ever happen to folks having the good grace to bow out when they are no longer wanted? Why does one always have to hear the age old threat; "I am going to see a lawyer." When doing the right thing becoming a suable offense?
Just yesterday a scrounger came by looking for evil. He headed up stairs to knock on doors. Asked who he be visiting, he replied; 'I do not know their name, but they will remember me.' When told to get on bike and leave, the wasted individual stammered for words and came up with this precious quote; "you can not ask me to leave......that is tenant harassment"...
The obtuse lady who refuses to deminish her animal population is going to get a shocker. The cages are coming out again, and once the animals are in the cage they are not coming out. Like the good folks at Animal Control told the whole world; "The safest place for a cat is in the owner's home". The water bowls and food will be picked up that hurled into the rubbish bin.
My dears, how very sad that folks known to be lovely have taken to showing their arses to one and all at the complex. How sad that one who fancies self a bit like Mother Teresa is proving to have a right mean and nasty streak that makes it hard to remember how lovely she has been in the past.
I will continue to tell the folks on road and at the complex that good things are headed our way. We, that be ALL, need to prove to community that past sins are being washed away, not to be replaced by new ones.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
That's What Friends Are For
Remember that a true 'friend' is more than a 'fair weather' friend.
That is the way of it my dears.

What a lot of tosh the 'adult children' of the Linda Villa say on a daily basis. Ranging from the tarradiddle to the right wicked, hardly a day goes by without someone making a path to door to tell the latest rumours or quotes from the road.
Yesterday was an exceptionally good day for verbal rubbish, the silly and the mean spirited.
Child Protective Service had to come out on a complaint sent in on the maintainance man. He be James Rhoads, the chap who was part of the "Linda Christmas Miracle". That may well be why he and his lovely wife are subjected to so many horrid comments. Truth be told, it be the lazy layabout scroungers who feel cheated that life did not give them more for doing nothing. Linda is chock-full of folks who feel entitled to a FREE ride, one that requires nothing of them but to take and take and take.
Reports to "CPS" must be considered serious and they have to come out and check out the story told.
"CPS" was told that James was beating up his children, they had no food to eat and that James and his lovely wife were just 'smoking pot' and drinking alcohol. The cries of the children coming from flat had 'someone' concerned for their safety.
Rubbish, complete rubbish. Waste of time that could have been spent on a 'real case' of child abuse. The story was told, in part, to pay back James for being a part of the change that is going on daily at the complex and on the road. Nasty, evil creatures OUT to get James to quit, making the efforts of this old geezer to clean up things more difficult.
My dears, the evil folks do not know MOI, were they 'au fait' with, they would know that MOI will not stop until goal is reached.
Like so many 'adult children', the lazy scroungers need a 'parent' to make them follow the rules. I be that parent, by default. Tenants who will never fit in at the NEW Linda Villa are right angry that they no longer hold sway here. Nary a day goes by that one hears of another tenant who is seeking a better place to live. One where they can do drugs, rip off the system and have a massive number of animals about the place. A place where they can string out wash on fence, load patios with massive motorbikes and unwanted rubbish. Where horrid folks can slurp alcohol out of a coffee cup. A place where the sun never shines, if one believes all of the tales they tell of constant storms in life. Such a place the Linda Villa is no longer.
To tell true, there be some who want desperately to believe that this old geezer is concerned about their opinion of. That I must love to be told nasty stories of what folks say of. How odd. It goes in one ear and out the other. Mind I fill away for future reference, to remind how two-faced some be.
One scrounger told that what with all of the folks being asked to leave there would soon be no one left at the Linda Villa but the old geezer. NOT.
What a giggle it be to have folks dig through the rubbish bin to see if the rubbish cast in from me flat contains deep dark secrets that can be used against. Dig away, fortune seekers, there be no dirt.
With the departure of a few gossip mongers, life at the Linda Villa will become more calm. With the departure of a few scroungers who want to believe that drugs are not seen, neighbours round will stop coming round in search of a 'hook up'.
The coppers were at the Linda Villa yesterday. Searching for a wanted yob. They will get all of the help they require to do so. It is a whole new day at the Linda Villa and on the road lived.
Lazy layabout scroungers are no longer welcome here. Neither folks who have nothing better to do with day than to visit one another and talk rubbish all day.
IT IS A BRIGHT NEW DAY, this old geezer has no time for tarradiddle. The sooner the horrid tenants left pack sticks of furniture and depart, the better.
Monday, February 8, 2010
My dears, you be quite right, there was no post yesterday. I was away and did not turn on the machine all day, not even to check mail. Where I went off to, can now be revealed and to many it will not come as a shock.
What with the move-ins and the check-outs, sorting out what project needs to be done first, the past week could not have been more challenging. This old geezer as bone tired. So was James, Paul and Murray.
It was decided that a wee holiday was in order and just the place was known to. Gold Country Casino & Hotel. Have seen the advert for rooms cheao and knew that a bit of gaming might lift spirits. Not being one to drive, Murray acted as chauffer to the group. We piled into Murray's tin lizzy and off we went.
Being 'au fait' with MOI, most will know that I can be wickedly cheeky at times and that was the case at check-in at the casino hotel. The young chap at front desk was treated to my impression of how Wm. Shatner, of Priceline fame, would look for a good room rate.
James, the hotel clerk, started by telling the week-end rate was $109.00. I met this with telling that it was late afternoon and they had loads of empty rooms. "Go lower" said I. James made a production of working the numbers and came back with "$99.00", which was met by my saying; 'namy-pamby'. Not quite sure if James truly appreciatd the humour, he did however play along and when the price of the room fell to $79.00, tax included, we had a deal.
Casino visited was "Gold Country", one of the indian casinos that dot the country side of California. There is a bowling alley, along with the hotel.
Truth be told, the rooms were grand. Large, with two beds and a massive bath. Lovely.
We band of pleasure seekers did not miss anything. We dined at the restaurant, had a few cocktails and we went to play the fruit machines.
The economy must be more horrid than thought, as the casino was quite empty. Noticed first in the dining room, which was devoid of customers for a saturday night.
All went seperate ways in the casino. This old geezer adores the 'penney machines'.
It would be rude to tell how much cash was won. Will only say that it was lovely leaving with a 'full pocketbook!'
The wee holiday came about as Murray wanted to show this old geezer and James, his approbation for hard work performed.
The gesture was much appreciated.
The new week is chock-full and this holiday has re-charged spirits all round. Bring on the work, we are at the ready to perform miracles...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
"Je crois"
"Tout homme est coupable de tout le bien qu'il n'a pas fait." Voltaire
This old geezer heard; "You can not do that" so many times in the past few days it almost sounded as if a broken record was playing in the background. Not being known for eschewing the truth, MOI faced it full face and marched forward.
My dears, being 'au fait' with, you know that MOI is prone to use language some have a bit of a hard time dealing with. One almost gets the impression that no one is left that loves to enhance vocabulary anymore, how else to explain so many not understanding words used. Mind, I will accept making it harder by the use of Brit Speak. One has to start omewhere and have hit on trying to make all aware of the meaning 'partner'.
"A person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate"
That be what Murray Kay and I be. One would think that it was quite clear.
Kay Properties went off the rails local. There are many factors to consider in learning just went wrong. Murray got caught up in trying to right personal life, trusted folks to monitor conditions at properties, made mistakes, lost vision, whatever. Trying to right so many wrongs without the proper help can be almost impossible, unless, one is clever to reach out and ask for a helping hand. Murray woke up and smelled the coffee brewing and knew it was high time he sprang into action before all was lost.
I know many things, but what I know best is what went so horribly wrong at the Linda Villa and Park Complexes. I watched what went on and waited to see if Murray was going to try and right the wrongs. I was and still am a community activist. Getting into a relationship with Murray would enhance that position and make life at the Linda Villa improve more quickly. That answers the WHY of me being here. Not all see this old geezer in good light and try to find the rock crawled out from under. More's the pity, there is no rock.
Serving notice on folks who do not pay rent, who try to do evil and just plain will not follow rules that make life better is just the right thing to do. Doing the right thing comes at a high cost. Evictions cost cash, lost rent cost, repairs cost. Folks who have nothing to lose have no worries, they will just slither away to another rock to hide under. Trust me, there are many landlords out there who will not bet proper, they take one and all.
More than once yesterday, there was a tenant from a different property who came to office to pay rent with a sad tale to tell. Things were broken, promises of repair not met. More than one told that they believed Murray Kay to be a 'SUMLORD'. However poor they be, they are not daft these tenants. They also know that a 'SLUMLORD' can always tell them; "If you do not like it, MOVE." Truth be told, it is right hard for poor folks to pick up and move, and the SLUMLORD knows it.
Do I believe that Murray Kay is or was a SLUMLORD? I do indeed.
That was then, this is now.
This old geezer values honour, so much so that is prepared to work endless hours to make sure that all tenants get what they deserve. I will not ignore valid complaints. Just yesterday, had to get icebox working proper for a new move in, make sure that heater was working for another, check on another to see if all was well. Kept long office hours to collect rents from folks who were running late and did not want to get a late fee. Make a consideration for another caught short due to no fault of own.
I also had to sit in office and have a most horrid tenant who was moving take parting shots at. How rude to throw keys to flat on floor and try to make one feel bad when the person who is being wicked is one departing. Another tenant coming to office and all but telling that they knew what they had to do to dodge the 30 day vacate notice. Just like the not so lovely lady who owes over $,2000.00 in unpaid rents and will dig in until the sheriff throws out. Truth be told, all of the clever clogs who know so much fail to see the simple truth. However long it takes, however much it costs, their days are numbered. Sooner than later, they will be gone with a black mark on record that will make renting another flat almost impossible.
There be folks at Linda Villa and Park, who loathe this old geezer, some voted with feet and left. One more is to depart on Monday. Yet another is searching for a house to move into. My dears, there are no chains on legs of tenants here, they are free to move at anytime. That is the way of it.
Truth be told, the real reasons of move are not what is put out for folks to hear. There are simple rules to follow at the Linda Villa and Park. Rules that make for a better life at the complexes. Rules that some will not follow, never have followed, or ignored to show favours to some.
Kicking and screaming, Murray Kay is being brought out of the SLUMLORD mode. He is making repairs and trying to right many wrongs. I push very hard. Be there a day that I feel that Murray Kay will not do right, I will break off relationship. There is no future in being a partner to a SLUMLORD. Much as I like Murray, there would be no guilt associated with making sure all of the brilliant folks known local, went after him to correct his ways.
Mind, I wear rose-coloured glasses, I still believe that one can change, that there are second chances.
"Dieu nous a donné le don de la vie, c'est à nous de nous donner le don de bien vivre" Voltaire.
This old geezer heard; "You can not do that" so many times in the past few days it almost sounded as if a broken record was playing in the background. Not being known for eschewing the truth, MOI faced it full face and marched forward.
My dears, being 'au fait' with, you know that MOI is prone to use language some have a bit of a hard time dealing with. One almost gets the impression that no one is left that loves to enhance vocabulary anymore, how else to explain so many not understanding words used. Mind, I will accept making it harder by the use of Brit Speak. One has to start omewhere and have hit on trying to make all aware of the meaning 'partner'.
"A person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate"
That be what Murray Kay and I be. One would think that it was quite clear.
Kay Properties went off the rails local. There are many factors to consider in learning just went wrong. Murray got caught up in trying to right personal life, trusted folks to monitor conditions at properties, made mistakes, lost vision, whatever. Trying to right so many wrongs without the proper help can be almost impossible, unless, one is clever to reach out and ask for a helping hand. Murray woke up and smelled the coffee brewing and knew it was high time he sprang into action before all was lost.
I know many things, but what I know best is what went so horribly wrong at the Linda Villa and Park Complexes. I watched what went on and waited to see if Murray was going to try and right the wrongs. I was and still am a community activist. Getting into a relationship with Murray would enhance that position and make life at the Linda Villa improve more quickly. That answers the WHY of me being here. Not all see this old geezer in good light and try to find the rock crawled out from under. More's the pity, there is no rock.
Serving notice on folks who do not pay rent, who try to do evil and just plain will not follow rules that make life better is just the right thing to do. Doing the right thing comes at a high cost. Evictions cost cash, lost rent cost, repairs cost. Folks who have nothing to lose have no worries, they will just slither away to another rock to hide under. Trust me, there are many landlords out there who will not bet proper, they take one and all.
More than once yesterday, there was a tenant from a different property who came to office to pay rent with a sad tale to tell. Things were broken, promises of repair not met. More than one told that they believed Murray Kay to be a 'SUMLORD'. However poor they be, they are not daft these tenants. They also know that a 'SLUMLORD' can always tell them; "If you do not like it, MOVE." Truth be told, it is right hard for poor folks to pick up and move, and the SLUMLORD knows it.
Do I believe that Murray Kay is or was a SLUMLORD? I do indeed.
That was then, this is now.
This old geezer values honour, so much so that is prepared to work endless hours to make sure that all tenants get what they deserve. I will not ignore valid complaints. Just yesterday, had to get icebox working proper for a new move in, make sure that heater was working for another, check on another to see if all was well. Kept long office hours to collect rents from folks who were running late and did not want to get a late fee. Make a consideration for another caught short due to no fault of own.
I also had to sit in office and have a most horrid tenant who was moving take parting shots at. How rude to throw keys to flat on floor and try to make one feel bad when the person who is being wicked is one departing. Another tenant coming to office and all but telling that they knew what they had to do to dodge the 30 day vacate notice. Just like the not so lovely lady who owes over $,2000.00 in unpaid rents and will dig in until the sheriff throws out. Truth be told, all of the clever clogs who know so much fail to see the simple truth. However long it takes, however much it costs, their days are numbered. Sooner than later, they will be gone with a black mark on record that will make renting another flat almost impossible.
There be folks at Linda Villa and Park, who loathe this old geezer, some voted with feet and left. One more is to depart on Monday. Yet another is searching for a house to move into. My dears, there are no chains on legs of tenants here, they are free to move at anytime. That is the way of it.
Truth be told, the real reasons of move are not what is put out for folks to hear. There are simple rules to follow at the Linda Villa and Park. Rules that make for a better life at the complexes. Rules that some will not follow, never have followed, or ignored to show favours to some.
Kicking and screaming, Murray Kay is being brought out of the SLUMLORD mode. He is making repairs and trying to right many wrongs. I push very hard. Be there a day that I feel that Murray Kay will not do right, I will break off relationship. There is no future in being a partner to a SLUMLORD. Much as I like Murray, there would be no guilt associated with making sure all of the brilliant folks known local, went after him to correct his ways.
Mind, I wear rose-coloured glasses, I still believe that one can change, that there are second chances.
"Dieu nous a donné le don de la vie, c'est à nous de nous donner le don de bien vivre" Voltaire.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Today's post features Myrna, the lovely lady who was the focus of attention yesterday. She being the very same one who PG&E wanted to cast into darkness.
Firstly, many wanted to know what could be done to help Myrna and made this old geezer promise that the outcome to her plight would be told. That is why am doing another story, to share what came to past and how things are going with Myrna.
All will be pleased to know that a brother to Myrna came forward and paid the amount owed to PG&E. This be a different one met the other day. Myrna has quite a few brothers, and am told she be the younger sister to them. If nothing else, it is quite plain to MOI that much love is there, even if Myrna does not entirely grasp it. Mind there are reasons for that and will share them with you.
Also wanted to let one and all know that Linda is blessed to have an elected official who truly cares about the folks who live here, as he does all of the folks in Yuba County. Supervisor Andy Vasquez got in touch with almost as soon the the story about Myrna appeared and asked what could he do to help. So willing to help was he that he got in touch with the County Administrator, Robert Bendorf, and brought the matter to his attention as well. Fancy that!
Myrna tells all she meets, that she wants to be completely independent. Does not want any to deal with her affairs. Sadly, the lovely lady's ability to focus on the important is not as it should be. Why else would the electric not be paid. I expect that there are other things that are not being dealt with proper as well.
Myrna has a grandson staying with. Correct that, did have. Have met the young chap in the past and was not impressed. So clever he is not that once in office he kept going at a visiting copper about how he should remember him. When his ability to jog memory of the copper failed, he told of having been arrested by the copper, on more than one ocassion. I knew that he was dodgy and filed it away. Yesterday, I told the grandson that he had to find another sofa to surf. Myrna was no longer going to be put upon. He did not like being told that his comfy ride at the expense of his grandmum's purse was over and glared at MOI and told he could stay as he willed. What did I think of that?
Truth be told, have more information on him than he knew and with a little reminder of how horrid his not helping his grandmum looked to world, he started to re-think his position. Told him straight off that he would be best served if he had the good grace to depart NOW or wait until I rounded up enough info to go the legal route and get him truly well. Hint was got and was told later that he was packing to departure for another squat.
Myrna worked hard in life. Retired with a pension, it should be her time to enjoy life, free of care. Money should not be an issue, and there appears to be enough to meet her needs. IF she is protected from greedy buggers. Myrna does not see how much she is loved by her brothers, only thinks that there is a plot to take her independance away. Feels that they look down on her and that she herself sees as 'an old hag'. How sad.
Myrna is lonely. Give her the opportunity and she will tell you many tales of younger years. She will tell of being a 'line girl' for Sunsweet, worked there for 17 years, checking to make sure that passing fruit was perfect. Regale you with stories of working in hotels. She will also tell of her husbands! There were 3.
I truly believe that Myrna is in need of some help. Mentioned this to Mr. Robert Bendorff and he is looking into how best to serve this lovely lady. Mr. Bendorff and I were made aware of certain conditions that might be of concern and only want to make sure that Myrna is protected to point that she enjoys her retirement in peace. That might mean that some effort will be made to be certain that ability to care for self is there.
I will tell you true, having been in Myrna's flat, she is a perfect housekeeper. Neat as a pin it is. Almost spartan in furnishings, there is not even a telly. Myrna loves to come out onto patio and chat with folks who wander by. That is where I met up with her late afternoon and we chatted. She is a wee bit of a lady and has much pride in her figure. There is a twinkle to her eye and a laugh comes quickly to mouth.
Spend a little time and you quickly learn that however 'independent' Myrna wants to be, she is much in need of looking after. Biggest fear of her life is to be locked up. As if society did that anymore.
What is quite grand for MOI is to know that there are folks who care. Her family. Now the family is joined by members of the community who will not let harm come to. Is that not how it should be?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
GREED for lack of a better word in NOT good. Read on and see where this post is going...
Late morn had an older lady come to office with a complaint. She was brought to the office by her brother. In a tick, MOI could see that what was to be told was not good. The look on the brother's face told that he thought this old geezer or Kay Properties was not looking after his relative. Having been round block a few times, it is very clear what the 'SLUMLORD' look is.
The lovely lady lives in a small flat and it seems that she has been without heat. Taken to using stove to heat her flat she has. How horrid and dangerous.
I rang up a repair man and had an emergency call placed for repairs. Was so concerned for health of tenant that I pleaded with the repairman to allow my call to jump the queue and be seen soonest. Have been told that I know how to cry HELP, and in this case it worked quite well.
The repairman came to check wall heater and soon discovered that the gas had been turned off. Turned off by PG&E! There was nothing wrong with the heater that gas flowing to would not fix. So much for being prompt, and having to pay $60.00 for a wasted service call.
The tenant came to the office to pay rent. Mind, the lovely is quite old and not entirely aware. When asked why she had gas turned off, she giggled and told that she had not paid the bill. Ignored it. Placing a call to PG&E confirmed that she had indeed not paid, not paid for so long that she owed a bill close to $500.00.
A Mr. Tom Track, out of the Stockton office, told this old geezer that so serious was PG&E to collect for bill that they planned to turn off the electric as well. So close was this to happening that as we spoke, it might well happen.
Mr. Track told this old geezer that short of paying the bill, there was nothing to be done. PG&E did not care if the lady was 70 and not of right mind and that it was right cold. PG&E wanted the cash owed.
How very odd. This coming from a company so daft that it would continue to ignore meters using massive amount of electric, so long as their records showed the flat as vacant. Sending a meter reader out failed to show that the meter was in constant use. How many thousands were lost to that fraud before this old geezer brought it to light? Or the scroungers with wee ones who do not get shut off due the 'public image' of PG&E not wanting to appear heartless in making children suffer.
Truth be told, the old lady has much to answer for. She should have paid the bill. She should have told true about why the heater did not work. She should have more attention paid to. Sadly, it falls to management to play a role above landlord.
How this will sort self out is not clear. Not clear if there is anyone who can help pay the bill, cash is tight and most programmes that offer help have none left in the purse. The brother to this lady is going to see if another relative can get this sorted out.
Meanwhile, the lovely old lady will be in a very cold flat. No heat and no lights. How very sad.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oliver! - Consider Yourself
Quite fond of this tune. Me way of saying HELLO to all of the lovely new neighbours that have moved into the community.
Neighbours, what a lovely word...
The Linda Villa is not the sort of place posh removal vans pull into with the sticks of furniture that be the wordly goods of new tenants. Folks who come to the Linda Villa are budget minded, the sort that gets 'friends' to help move, using trucks, trailers and vehicles. Yesterday being the 1st, saw the arrival of 7 new neighbours to the family that be The Linda Villa.
Weather co-operated and did not rain upon the lovely folks as they tried to remember what box went to what room. The move-ins were spaced apart enough to allow the car park to not be congested with too many trying to go back and forth with heavy items. The parade of new tenants began at just past 8 and did not let up until the sun had set. It was quite dark when the last truck returned with the last load of the last tenant to move in.
Some of the new neighbours came from not far away, others came from a distance. One family told of driving from Red Bluff at 65MPH with a heavy truck full of furniture, praying all the way that all would go well. Another came from near by, but had not moved in ages and was gobsmacked at the number of boxes to be sorted through in new flat. Mind, this lovely lady had much help to carry up the stairs.
Have you ever noticed that the arrival of a removal van brings out the neighbours? The patios filled up with curious and dare I say it "nosey" neighbours who want to see what sort of furniture is coming in. To get a peek at the new neighbour and see if there will be an invite to tea.
As well as the move-ins went, there were a few surprises. One of the flats had a bad icebox. That meant getting a new one for. Another had a small problem with the electric switch. There was some rubbish left by cleaners in another and there were other bits and bobs that came to light as James, the maintainance man, jumped from one flat to another, sorting out keys and such. Have no doubt that past never had so much attention paid to comfort of new tenants. Right, a little pat on back there for MOI and James.
My dears, have come to know that the world of Yuba County be a small one. So many of the folks who moved in know someone connected with management. It helps to have staff that has lived here since they planted dirt...
The rental agreements have all been signed, monies collect, judgment made as to how lovely the new neighbours will be in the future. Now comes the real test. Will the new neighbours live up to expectations? Will some dark secret come to light to sour the goodwill that exists between landlord and tenant?
Whatever comes to light will be due to how neighbours reveal their true nature to one another. No neat trick to be on best behaviour during the vetting process. It is almost impossible to keep up a charade for very long and one will revert back to true self in short order.
Went to bed last night with a smile on face. Knew that all new tenants had been treated grandly and were made to feel most welcome. Lovely...
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