Thursday, January 28, 2010

"What You See Is What You Get" NOT!

The featured snaps to this post tell a tale.  A tale that might have been true at one point in time, but is not a true tale now.  "What you see, is what you get" is a direct quote told to this old geezer in the past by management of the Linda Villa.  Having the time, energy and cash to correct deficiencies in unit moved in, I was able to right many of the sins contained there-in.  I knew what I was getting into and did so as it enabled MOI to become a community activist.  Unfortunately, many of tenants at the Linda Villa were not able to correct conditions, and expect that the anger of being had caused many to plot from day one to get back at the landlord.  Lucky for me, my situation changed and was allowed to become part of the salvation of the Linda Villa.

Mis-guided management took the view that allowing 'poor' to move-in on a 'wink' did them a favour.  Siding with tenants allowed many sins to accumulate, guaranteeing ruin to follow in short order.  Hash it may sound, but there is no other way to explain how so much could have gone wrong at the Linda Villa.  Mind, it was not just management that carries blame, it passes onto owner as well.

Much effort has been made to correct the sins of the past.  The snaps above are from one unit.  One of 5 that are to be moved into on February 1.  Tenants are already signed up and ready to join the community of neighbours at the Linda Villa.  In doing a walk-thru, I discovered that these things were not done.  Gobsmacked I was to see that folks who had been paid to paint and clean had not performed brilliantly.

I had cause to be concerned as this unit had been turned down by two different families and was knackered as to why.  On inspection, it was quite plain why.

My dears,  past management and maintainance of the Linda Villa, would have signed off on the condition of this flat in a tick.  No matter that floors in kitchen and bath are covered by over-spray, heating unit in living room is horrid looking and the cooling unit in the unit clearly shows filth.  With the unit rented, it would have been easy to tell owner that unit was not as horrid as is, allowing conditions to get even more horrid.

I will tell you true, Murray Kay might have dropped the ball a bit, but he has recovered nicely and has stood up and taking knocks for his sins of omission.  Wrongs are being right and it is very clear that what was passed off as acceptable in the past is no longer the policy of the here and now.

All of the things featured  in the flat are corrected or will be corrected before the new tenant moves in on February 1.  If they are not, monies received for the flat will be returned.  I partnered up with Murray Kay because I know him to be an honourable man.   Too many folks trusted in the past did a bend over on the poor chap and he lost way.   That was then.

Dear readers, never fear that this old geezer will fail to tell a true tale.  The truth is not always easy to take, but in the end it never killed anyone.  I will tell on self as I will on others.  Wrong is wrong and one must never assume that two wrongs will make a right.  They never do.

The Linda Villa is NOT the "Taj Mahal".  It is what it is.  Having said that, it also is a business and not a charity.  Tenants moving in may not have buckets of cash, they do have rights and obligations.  Being treated well is most important.  Bending the rules, showing favour, 'winking' at non-payment of rent is not helping tenants and most assuredly not the landlord who pays the bills.   Have always been of the opinion that most know when all are not being treated equal.

The ABSOLUTE this old geezer will promise is that the sins of the past will not haunt the future.  However lovely or well liked personally some may be, there is no one who will be allowed to ruin progress here.  Bad behaviour, too many animals and non-payment of rent owed will be dealt with.  If the rules in place are too harsh for some to follow, they may vote with their feet and move.

Murray Kay has much on the line at the Linda Villa.  His best interests are served by righting what is wrong and going back to his dream when he bought the Linda Villa.  It was a valid dream and is still one that can work.  Where is it written that one can not make cash, along with being a community activist?

Right, anyone in need of a place to live??

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