On the last week-end of January, all is being made ready for a rush of new tenants to move into the Linda Villa. Getting to office early this morn, am sorting through papers, making up leases and checking the list of last minute "TO DO'S".
Renting to new tenants is always a chore. One has to check out, fill flat requests and wait for the move-in day. There are times when a tenant changes mind at last minute, no deal is ever complete until signature is got on the dotted line. This time round, am quite certain that all on move-in list are moving in. One has already paid all monies owed, even paying in advance on the rent. Another has given check for move-in cost and turned on the electric.
Lovely lady to move in cross from office has hired a van and labour to help move few sticks of furniture. No doubt she will come.
A lovely family, presently living in a hotel, has helped get new unit ready and am quite sure that their 5 children can not wait to have more space and a proper cook up.
Then there are the two who one hopes will live up to the faith placed in.
One is a woman of a certain age, who in the past was plagued by bad friends, leading her down the path of drugs and abusing her hospitality. There is a risk in renting to her, am very aware of. The trick is to make sure that; 'people, places and things' stay removed from her move here.
The young chap who suffers from serious illness is another risk. Will he take medications to keep the ghosts from visiting in new home. Make sure that visitors do no harm and bring no drama to Linda Villa.
"You never know someone until you live with them", old addage that applies here. Each and every new soul coming into the Linda Villa is a neighbour. A neighbour one is going to have to deal with and sort out if the promise of 'good' is not realized. Risk, is there any kind of life without risk?
Were it a perfect world, brilliant folks at the military base near, would be beating down the door to live here. They are not. Were it a perfect world, all who wanted flats here would make buckets of cash and go to work every day. All do not. Perfection would be to not see folks so down on luck. for watever reason. Economy has forced many to down-size living, making the flat at the Linda Villa the only place to go. Folks on benefits, with limited incomes, have few options. The Linda Villa is not a perfect world, just a complex seeking to be more brilliant and attract tenants who will add to the brilliance to come.
Having vetted all, am of opinion that new tenants will add to the mix nicely here. Mind, I am not GOD and there is always the possibility that lies have been told to. There may be problems. One has to have faith.
What I do know is this. All of the folks moving have been told what is expected of. Rules have been explained to in great detail. Flats have been made as good as possible, knowing that more might have been done, but realizing that price limits the benefits one can add to a unit. Nothing is broke, and every effort has been made to right all wrongs in units. No lies have been told and no false promises made.
What passed as acceptable in past, no longer flies here. Tenants are given every opportunity to enjoy flats in comfort, knowing that repairs will be made if needed. Make do with horrid is no longer an option. Folks who want more out of life than drugs and cheating the system are the goal. The landlord does care and management listens.
Will always remember being told by management of past; "You must allow poor folks grace, give special treatment to, they have nothing and are owed that." Rubbish. Am not scraping the bottom of the barrel anymore, am determined to siphon off the Crème de la Crème of poor but honourable folks looking to live in a safe, clean environment.