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James R Rhoads celebrates 35 years of living |
Dragging out the massive barbie, all things were made ready for a fun time. Chairs were cleaned, table set and all sort of treats to be had were made ready.
James thinks himself a bit like Gordon Ramsey, he wanted to be the one in charge of cooking up the meat. Mind, he does fire up a mean weenie and the steak was quite tender. Neat trick when you consider that James was making sure that libations found way to to ward off thirst created by the heat of the barbie... I doubt that anything could have prevented 'himself' from basking in all of the attention being paid to.
James actually turns 35 on Monday, but like The Queen, feels the need to have a 'public' celebration and a most 'private' celebration.
Some 20 adults attended as well as equal number of children.
Along with the meat, there were snacks, candy, soda and the aforementioned libations. The wee ones were in glory with the soda, candy, ice cream & cake. Older folks needed no prompt from this old geezer to enjoy the wine, beer and scotch. So many libations were had that 7 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of scotch and case of beer went empty. Never let it be said that MOI does not know how to makes folks 'happy'.
Murray Kay attended, after hosting a cook-up at the caravan park. Having contributed one bottle of scotch, he was not about to miss out on. Discovered in Hawaii that Murray never met a bottle of scotch he did not like. Truth be told he also made sure that he has a large piece of cake and huge serving of ice cream.
Paul, me long suffering flatmate was also at party. Paul had a long hose attached to for air and made sure he had a ring side seat to the gathering. Paul also made sure that he got his share of drink. So much so that James and MOI had to pour him into bed at end of party.
Taking it all in, this old geezer missed nothing. Beth was a giggle after a bottle of wine, Donna held wine glass tight and never missed a drop as she tried to follow all of the chat round her. Ila, who never drink, had a wine and was very 'happy'. Victoria also got her cake and ice cream and made sure Larry enjoyed a bit of it as well. William and Jan held up the patio wall, a neat trick when you consider that they kept glasses charged throughout. Never would have guessed that William liked wine, would have thought "Jack Daniels", goes to show the trouble one gets into assuming...
With the exception of one child, all at birthday party were well mannered. Noise was controlled and all drinking of alcohol was confined to patio area. Taking neighbours into consideration, the party was over and all gone by half 7 in the evening.
I discovered as I cleaning up that me new watch, just purchased in Hawaii, had gone missing. Was gutted that someone had abused me hospitality and left with a souvenir. Oddly enough, when out on patio this morn, the missing time piece was found tucked in a chair. The gods must have told whomever to be nice and return it.
James is a massive chap. When he bear hugs one it is very hard to get away. During the party, James got me in such a hold and told that the party was second best ever had. James loved it all, even the classical music playing. It is so very easy to be nice to one liked. James is one of the treasures found and kept close during earlier walk down path of life. James and his lovely wife are much loved by this old geezer.
...and the resident witch wasn't invited.